Andy Ross was picking up a few things after work from a grocery store in Washington State, where he lives. After a minute, he noticed a...
“A young Albanian couple struggled to cope with a devastating loss, but little did they know they were in for a life-changing surprise. Aisha and Ibrahim...
Police officers have their work cut out for them. Sometimes, their work can make them feel like they’re living in a horror movie as they find...
After delivering her first litter, Alina the dog started acting secretive towards her human parents. When her owner looked under her belly, he discovered the shocking...
Jairo and Marcella, a young and enthusiastic couple, had recently tied the knot and were now embarking on a new journey together in Bogota, Colombia. As...
The woman, Avery, said that her lips turned black and yellow and doctors diagnosed her with impetigo, a skin infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria, and sent...
Lauren Perkins had always dreamed of becoming a mom. After spending a difficult year trying and failing to fall pregnant, the idea of fertility treatment didn’t...
“Life is always full of surprises. Today, I will tell you a story that happened in Eastern Europe some years ago, in faraway Romania. It was...
Nobody at the police believed that they would ever find this old Volkswagen van again. The owner had been coming in nearly weekly, begging for them...
When Alex was only a little boy, his parents abandoned him because of his disability. However, he got adopted by a caring doctor. What he did...
Homelessness is a problem all over the world. There are homeless people everywhere, even in your own community, whether you know it or not. Being homeless...
Laws and rules are what keeps our society functioning the way it’s supposed to. As some of you may know, the law isn’t always foolproof, and...
On May 5th, 2019, Aeroflot Flight 1492 is scheduled to fly from Sheremetyevo Airport, Moscow to Murmansk Airport, in Russia. With 73 passengers and five crew...
“Ryan had seen all kinds of weird customers at his new job as a cashier at a gas station. However, he would never forget about that...
Little boy came to say goodbye to his father. He noticed something strange and stopped the funeral. At the front of the grand church stood a...
“For 30 years, Mick Myers lived alone on the streets. Sadly, his way of life was full of loneliness and despair. His pitiful condition didn’t even...