Boy Notices Dad Spend Evenings At Neighbor’s House – Shocked When He Sneaks In And See

Tommy was an eight-year-old boy who lived with his parents in a small suburban town. He loved spending time with his family, like eating together in the evening. But lately, something strange was happening.
His father, who usually came home right after work, had started coming home later and later each day. At first, Tommy didn’t think much of it, but when it kept happening, he decided to ask his father about it. His father had a new excuse each time. He had to work later, there was a lot of traffic. But after a while, Tommy’s trust faded away. He knew there was something else going on. He could see his mother’s confusion and worrying. She knew just as much as Tommy, which was nothing. His father kept them in the dark.
Tommy decided he’d had enough. He wanted to know the truth. He waited for his father to come home and watched from the window. His father’s car pulled up the driveway, but instead of walking over to their own front door, his father walked to their neighbor’s house. Tommy was puzzled.
After finding out where his father went in the evening, Tommy wanted to tell his mother. But seeing her alone on the couch watching TV, he decided to investigate further.
He crossed the street, hid behind a tree, and observed his father’s car parked further down the street. Tommy cautiously approached the neighbor’s house, which was dark. He considered finding a way inside and remembered the spare key the neighbor had given his parents.
Tommy ran back to his house, found the key, and returned to the neighbor’s house. He inserted the key, unlocked the door, and entered the dark house. He crawled through, reached the staircase, and began crawling up. A wooden board creaked, startling him. He froze as his neighbor’s voice echoed, asking if someone was there.
Panicking, he hid behind the stairs. His neighbor left the front door open, thinking someone had broken in. Tommy’s father came downstairs with a baseball bat. Tommy explained everything to his father, who understood his suspicion.
Tommy’s parents had a big fight, and his mother had kicked his father out. Not wanting to leave his son behind, Tommy’s father stayed at their neighbor’s house until everything was sorted out. After a few more days, Tommy’s parents made up, and everything got back to normal