Have Been Blessed With A Second Chance’: 651 LB Man Who Wore A Size 78 In Jeans Sheds More Than 450 LBS After Discovering A Love Of Running – And He’s Now Training For His First MARATHON – Legitpost.com.ng
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Have Been Blessed With A Second Chance’: 651 LB Man Who Wore A Size 78 In Jeans Sheds More Than 450 LBS After Discovering A Love Of Running – And He’s Now Training For His First MARATHON

The 651-LB, a man who is in jeans of 78-year-old said that, “I was given a second chance.” He discovered his love of running and has lost more than 250 kilos and now he trains for his first marathon.

He tipped the scale at 651 pounds, but after a doctor warned him he would not do it until he was 40, he developed a passion for running and lost more than half of his weight.

Carlos Orosco,who is 42 years old, of Saginaw, Mich explained how he changed his eating habits and the way weight loss surgery had allowed him to lose 466 kilograms in three years in Tuesday morning at the third hour of the day

This man has lost weight from £ 651 to £ 185 and he believes that he has a “second chance” to lead a satisfying life after a myriad of overweight problems. Now he’s training for his first marathon.

Carlos is six feet one, he said that he had “always been a taller man”, but that his weight had become uncontrollable after 20 years.

There was no one to take care about him, when he left his parents. Then he turned to food and alcohol to comfort him.

As he could still “work and exercise” he thought his weight gain was not a problem.

At the age of 38, Carlos reached his heaviest weight of 651 pounds after drinking roast meals, fast foods, bread, lemonade and alcohol for years.

He had to face a blood infection, which resulted in severe swelling and leg ulcers due to his obesity. He also had to face health issues such as extreme gout, sleep apnea and hypertension.

He has to meet a surgeon to discuss laparoscopic gastrectomy as his symptoms continued to worsen. About 75% of the stomach is removed during the procedure and it limits the amount of food that the patient can consume

Carlos said that, “He told me that if I did not change my lifestyle, I probably would not reach the age of 40. I was stunned by his prognosis.”

At that time, his sister and brother-in-law were expecting their first child. He planned the operation to be there for his niece. The doctor said that the contract would be canceled if he did not lose 100 pounds in six months.

Carlo got the support from a nutritionist. He helped him trade the junk food he had eaten for healthier options, such as fruits, vegetables and lean protein.

He became more active and walks three miles in his neighborhood each day.

He said, “The first few months were very difficult. I continued to fight against this desire and I cried for several nights to sleep.”

Carlos woke up the morning of his surgery and weighed £ 555, which is £ 5 less than his weight loss goal in December 2016.

He was able to lose his weight after the procedure, but reached a plateau when he reached 350 pounds. He was aided to get back on track with the help of unexpected introduction.

With the help of a recently deceased friend, Carlos traveled his first 5 kilometers. He was very happy with the race that he clung to it. He has participated in 36 races and now he is training for his first marathon in October

He teamed up with current hosts Dylan Dreyer, Craig Melvin, Sheinelle Jones and Al Roker, who also radically changed their lifestyle after gastric bypass surgery in 2002 after telling his story in a ready-made section.

He had thrown away all his old clothes – with the exception of a size 78 jeans he stretched out to the public.

Now he can put his whole body in one leg of his pants and still have room.

He said that, “I really feel like a new person, I was fortunate to have a second chance, another opportunity, I realize that not everyone has the chance to have this second opportunity, so it’s like having a chance to do it right this time.

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