77 per cent of Nigerian women bleach their skins because of men – Beverly Naya – Legitpost.com.ng
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77 per cent of Nigerian women bleach their skins because of men – Beverly Naya

Actress, Beverly Naya while shedding light on what inspired her documentary, ‘Skin’, the movie star said because most black women don’t appreciate their colour.

“I was very passionate about the topic and I am still passionate about it. Many women in our society ‘bleach’ their skin because they want to be seen as more desirable.

They feel like having dark skin is not beautiful. According to the World Health Organisation, 77 per cent of Nigerian women bleach their skin. Understanding the facts and realising that a lot of people in our society do not have a clear understanding of what colourism is inspired the documentary. It was about creating awareness and allowing people to learn about colourism,” she said during nkblot’s ‘Meet and Greet’ podcast.

The actress also said people usually love it when she plays bitchy roles in movies.
“Wedding Party’ was influential. It did a lot of things for my career. But then, what came of that was a typecast thing and the idea that that’s the only kind of role I can play. I know my range as an actor. The audience loves it when I play bitchy roles but they also appreciate it when I play the role of a downtrodden person, especially if it’s done well.”

Asked about the kind of films she would love to make, she said, “I want to make films that have the capacity to go worldwide; great movies that are challenging and innovative.”

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