Everyone Laughed When She Married an Ugly Black Man. 3 Years Later, They Regretted it a Lot!

“When Michelle decided to marry Kenny despite the resistance from her friends and family, she was met with mockery and ridicule. The people she loved laughed at her for loving what they saw as an ugly black man. But only three years later, they deeply regretted their harsh comments.
As a seven-year-old girl, Michelle invited her friend Clarice to her home for a sleepover. Her parents agreed, but when Clarice turned up, they made extreme racial remarks and canceled the sleepover.
For the first time in her life, Michelle was confronted with the fact that some people are judged by the color of their skin. Because Michelle was still so small, she had to conform to her parents’ norms. Soon, her circle of friends was cleaned up to all being white, middle-class, and partaking in the same type of activities. Life was simpler this way, or so everybody thought.
Michelle was always a bit of a rebel, and during her teen years, this personality trait was exacerbated, turning the once shy girl into a young woman with opinions and secrets. She started going to parties and taking stances like most of her peers. If her parents had known what was brewing in their daughter’s mind, they would have locked her up in a cage.
At one of the wilder parties, a tall black boy started talking to Michelle. Initially, she was slightly appalled by his attention towards her, but as the evening progressed, she realized that this boy was quite intelligent.
The type of conversations they had made her realize that some of the things she had thought about black people were not true. Kenny was well-spoken, but even Michelle thought that he wasn’t very attractive at all. Breaking down her own prejudice might take some time. As she soon discovered, she wanted to get to know this boy, but she knew that their friendship would have to remain a secret, especially from her parents.
At the end of the party, Michelle surprised Kenny by slipping him her phone number. The weeks that followed were filled with emotional turmoil. The more Michelle got to know Kenny, the more intrigued she was by his character and her willingness to escape her parents’ grasp. Why did she have to follow their rules if she viewed life completely differently? If her parents could meet Kenny, they would surely change their minds. Despite him being black, he was just a normal boy.
It didn’t take long for Michelle to fall head over heels in love with Kenny. The first time he touched her hand, her heart skipped a few beats. But the first kiss sealed the deal. She decided to follow her heart despite what her parents were expecting of her. Love conquers all, or so she thought.
The two young ones met in secret, sharing stolen moments of passion, but parents have a way of uncovering their teenagers’ secrets. The moment Michelle’s parents realized what was going on, they forbade any contact with Kenny. When they realized that Michelle was not about to submit to their rules, they shipped her off to an all-white boarding school with strict rules and discipline. They were sure that the distance between Michelle and Kenny would force their daughter into submission.
With no way to see each other and limited money to communicate, the relationship died a slow death. Michelle’s parents had achieved their goal. This pretty young girl started dating white boys in her school, and Kenny became a distant memory. School had its own challenges, and Michelle now aspired to become a doctor. The rebellion of previous years made way for a hard-working, goal-oriented girl striving to make a success of her life. Her college years went by in a flash.
She dated, but there was never something serious. Between studies and her passion to work in disadvantaged communities, it was fate that brought Charles into Michelle’s life. He was a fellow medical student and perfectly fit the profile of an ideal husband for Michelle. Her parents were very much impressed when Charles approached them to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage. That was the easiest blessing they could deliver.
The couple planned a grand wedding ceremony just after their final graduation. The two doctors would spend the last six months apart while completing their practical training in distant locations. Michelle was assigned to a community hospital close to where she grew up. She would immerse herself in her work, the one thing that gave her complete satisfaction.
Shortly after starting to work at the hospital, she was manning the emergency ward one night when a black man was rushed in after being shot at close range. This was the type of event that was part of everyday life in this underprivileged community. There was no time to waste if she wanted to save this man’s life, and with precision, Michelle removed the bullet.
She felt a lot of compassion for these young men who had very few options to escape this violent lifestyle, and always did her best to help. The moment the operation was done, Michelle glanced at the black man’s face and her heart skipped a beat. Despite such a long time passing by, she immediately recognized that face. His features had matured, but this was clearly the bright young man she had loved once, a long time ago.
Her whole emotional world was turned upside down in a split second when she recognized Kenny. Michelle closely monitored her patient’s recovery and progress. What had become of Kenny in the years that had passed? Had he fallen victim to his circumstances and joined the wrong crowds? Why had he been shot? She had so many questions, but the hospital was instructed to inform the police.
The moment Kenny gained consciousness, the police came. They questioned him extensively, but as Michelle stood outside the door eavesdropping on the conversation, it was soon clear that Kenny had simply found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time and had been caught in the crossfire between two rival gangs. When the police left, Michelle mustered all her courage to enter the room.
The moment their eyes met, she knew that Kenny had never forgotten her either. They were still connected by a bond of love that could not be broken by distance or time. Michelle was at a crossroads. In the weeks of nursing Kenny back to health, she realized she loved this man and had to break off her engagement to Charles. She also realized that her parents had a racist mindset, and they would disown her if she chose Kenny.
This decision would cost her a lot, but she knew this was her destiny. She was responsible for creating her own future and happiness. Finally, Michelle made the bravest decision of her life. Kenny was back to health, and their studies were finished, so she had no time to dwell. She broke off the engagement with Charles, and she and Kenny eloped. He was a teacher, and the couple established themselves in an underprivileged area where they could both make a difference.
Michelle was truly happy for the first time in her life and wanted to share her happiness with the world. When her friends saw the wedding pictures of the couple on her social media accounts, however, most of the comments were shocking. In their eyes, Kenny was an ugly black man. Many could not understand how she could leave Charles, as they were the perfect power couple.
As expected, her parents broke off all bonds with Michelle. Her friends openly proclaimed that this relationship would not last and that Michelle would come crawling back to Charles the moment she realized her mistake. Despite all the hurt and rejection, Michelle and Kenny deeply loved each other. They had the same vision about their purpose in life and shared a deep spiritual connection. To them, it was okay to be ‘us against the world.’
To get rid of the mockery and the hurtful comments, Michelle stopped posting on her social media accounts. Their lives as community builders flourished, and two years later, a beautiful son was born to Michelle. Kenny was the most beautiful man she had ever known. She never focused on the color of his skin because she had fallen in love with the man he had always been on the inside.
Three years after the couple had eloped, Michelle decided to post pictures of their little family on social media and share some of the incredible things they were doing to help the community they served. It was only then that their friends realized that Michelle and Kenny were still happily married and truly in love. They started regretting their prejudice and the cruel comments they had made years earlier.
Kenny had never been ugly, but he was different, and the color of his skin made them judgmental. This time, the comments were ones of praise and astonishment about what this couple achieved together. Although this story is fictional, it bears testimony to some of the racial prejudice that still exists today. Have you ever been subjected to racist remarks? How would you react if a friend of yours chose to marry someone so different? Tell us in the comments below.

Matthew Agbeko Novor
August 27, 2023 at 11:38 am
Wow, very powerful, inspiring and educative. Piece. God bless you
Noah Mbewe
August 30, 2023 at 7:27 am
Very educative story..I remember when I was given a name of being a satanist by some of my wife’s family because of the nature of the job I was doing. Fortunately she did not give up neither did I. She could even visit me at the same place of work and spend sometime together.
Many are the times that we do not share perceptions with people around us..what they see as negative, to others it’s positive and thats life. Very important to stand your ground and persue your destiny..