Woman Lets Her Children Decide If They Want to See Their Stepmother, But The Unexpected Took Place – Legitpost.com.ng
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Woman Lets Her Children Decide If They Want to See Their Stepmother, But The Unexpected Took Place

Betty is refusing to voluntarily allow her two kids, Phil and Tony, to see their stepmother, Helen, and she stated that she would only let them do so if they decide to

Betty was married to Josh, a military man, for 15 years before their marriage crashed due to irreconcilable differences. Following their separation, the former couple engaged in a long-drawn custody battle over their two sons, Phil, 12, and Tony, 9.

Finally, they settled on a custody agreement, with Betty getting 80% custody. The former couple moved on with their lives, with Josh marrying another woman, Helen, last year, while Betty stayed single and looked after the kids.

Josh was deployed to another city last month. His father, James, called Betty and told her of his intention to hang out with his grandkids. Betty had no issues with this. When she told the boys, they were excited about going to see their grandpa.

However, Betty was worried about where the boys would go and who they would be with. Her worries stemmed from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hence, she asked James if he was taking her sons anywhere and if they would see someone else. He told her that he was arranging to see Helen with the boys.

Betty was displeased at hearing this. She had previously told Josh that if Helen ever wanted to see the boys, all she had to do was text her, and she would try to arrange it.

Josh was displeased with Betty’s actions and called her jealous.

However, her ex-husband did not tell his new wife, making the latter think Betty was keeping Phil and Tony away from her. Being uncomfortable with James’ arrangement, Betty told Josh to tell Helen to ask her about seeing the boys.

Betty also asked her sons if they wanted to see their stepmom. Phil and Tony said they did not want to see Helen. Phil was vocal about his dislike for Helen, revealing that she yells at him when he does his homework.

Betty called Josh and told him the boys did not want to see Helen. She also told James about the development, suggesting that he could try again some other time.

However, Josh was displeased with Betty’s actions and called her jealous. He also accused her of turning their sons against his new wife. What do you think? Did Betty do anything wrong by asking her sons if they would like to see their stepmom?

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