This Woman Who was “Dead” Appeared at Her Own Funeral And The Unexpected Took Place –
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This Woman Who was “Dead” Appeared at Her Own Funeral And The Unexpected Took Place

In 2004, Noella Rucundo lost her husband, whom she had five kids with. The two had always dreamt of leaving their native hometown Burundi for a better future. So, even after her husband’s death, Noella didn’t go back on their plans. She moved with her kids to Australia, hoping for a breakthrough.

Luckily, Noella found the job with a resettlement agency. Things were going well for her, and she became hopeful about her children’s future. A few weeks after starting the job at the agency, Noella met Balinga Kalala, a widower. This man also worked as a translator at the agency. Soon enough, he and Noella fell in love with each other. Balinga was so sweet, kind, and caring that Noella revisited her decision to remain unmarried. She couldn’t imagine her life without him. Luckily, Balenga felt the same way.


After dating for a while, he asked Noella to marry him, and she accepted. They moved into a bigger home in Melbourne, and Balinga treated Noella’s kids as his own. Soon, she bore him three kids. But afterward, Noella noticed something frightening about her husband.

Since living together, Noella always thought her husband was easy-going and composed. But years later, she saw his violent side. Malinga started getting upset over trivial things. He took out his anger on Noella too. It even got worse, and he started hurting her physically. After hurting her, he would go on his knees, cry his eyes out, and promise it would never happen again.


Noella loved her husband so much, so she found herself forgiving him over and over. A few years later, Noella got a terrible piece of news that her stepmother in Burundi had passed away. This woman took good care of Noella and her kids. She sacrificed her time and money for them, so Noella felt indebted to her. Thus, she decided to travel home to pay her last respects.

During the trip from Melbourne to Burundi, Noella’s husband texted her frequently just to check on her. He told her that he missed her already and he couldn’t wait for her return. After the burial, Noella returned to the hotel room where she planned to spend the night. She was so tired, and the only thing she needed was to hear her husband’s voice. Perhaps it would help her feel better.


At that moment, Noella’s phone rang, and the call was from her husband. She told him she was feeling so tired, restless, and sad. Her husband then advised her to get some fresh air outside.

“You will feel better afterward, my love,” he said, without giving it a second thought. Noella heeded his advice. She wore her shoes, unlocked the door, and went out. Little did this woman know, she was about to experience her worst nightmare. Soon, she would be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.


Noella was only a few steps outside the hotel when she noticed some men approaching her. Before she could even think, one of them raised his shirt and showed her a gun.

“Don’t scream. If you start screaming, I will shoot you. They’re going to catch me, but you, you’ll already be dead,” the man said. Noella’s heart was pounding in her chest, but she did as she was told. She followed the man into a nearby car.

Immediately after she got inside the car, they put a blindfold on her and drove off. Noella noticed that they drove for about 30 minutes before the driver turned off the engine. One of the men dragged her out of the car and led her to a deserted building.


When they got inside, they tied Noella to a chair. Afterward, one man went to a corner and called someone. Noella heard them say, “We have her now.” After the call, the man walked up to Noella and brought his face very close to her. She could feel his breath on her skin. Noella was extremely terrified.

Then he took off the blindfold. The man looked so dangerous and scary. He lifted Noella’s face with a finger and said, “Why is this man after your life? What did you do to him?” Noella was confused. She couldn’t think of any reason why anyone would be after her life. Besides, she didn’t have any grudges with anyone.


“Which man?” Noella said amidst tears. And what she heard next shattered her soul.

“Your husband,” the man said and let out a wicked laugh. “No, impossible! Balinga would never do such a thing. He loves me so much. He would never hurt me this way,” Noella cried out. She didn’t believe the man’s words. So, she boldly told them that they were making things up.


The leader of the group got so angry that he slapped Noella and called her a blind fool. To prove he was telling the truth, he dialed someone on the phone. Then he told the person where they would dump Noella’s body after taking her life. After that, he placed the call on loudspeaker, and Noella immediately recognized the voice as her husband’s own.

The same man she was loyal to and loved wholeheartedly. The man she had three kids with. Why would he think of taking her life? The truth was so painful and shocking that Noella passed out right away. When she regained her consciousness, she saw the man staring at her. She thought about her kids. They didn’t deserve to have such a cruel father. Who would care for them after she was gone?


She knew nothing could save her, as Noella resigned to her fate. She noticed that the men were looking at her differently. They didn’t look as stern as they did some minutes ago. Just then, one of them said, “We don’t hurt women and children. You should thank your stars.”

Upon hearing this, Noella felt a glimmer of hope. At that moment, she realized God always makes a way out for his people. The men kept Noella in their custody for two days, and afterward, they released her, but with a warning.


“Your husband may have hired other people to harm you, and they may not spare your life. Leave Burundi within 80 hours or face the consequences.”

The men also did something very surprising. They gave Noella bank receipts and a memory card containing their conversation with her husband. With all these, Noella could bring her husband to justice.

When Noella got to a safe place, she called her pastor back in Melbourne. The man was so shocked when he heard everything that happened. He told Noella that her husband told everyone that she lost her life in a car accident.


What the pastor said next made Noella’s head spin. The man told her that her husband was already planning her funeral. On February

22, 2015, Noella returned safely to Melbourne. It was also her funeral day. She got to her house around 7:30 p.m. She hid in a corner and saw her husband attending to the last set of people who came to offer their condolences.


When everyone left, Noella came out of her hiding place and walked straight toward her husband.

“Hello,” she said. And when Balinga saw her, he let out a piercing scream. It was like he was seeing a ghost. Slowly, he approached his wife. And when they were inches apart, he touched her shoulder. And that was when he believed that she wasn’t a ghost. She was alive.

Balinga knew his plan had failed. So he fell to his knees and apologized while crying like a baby. But his apology fell on deaf ears. Minutes later, some policemen whom Noella had contacted earlier arrived, and they took Balinga away.


A few days later, Noella obtained the court order against her husband. She, too, followed the police order and only spoke to Balinga on the phone afterward. During the call, Balinga confessed that he ordered the man to take Noella’s life because he had a strong feeling that she was cheating on him and that she would someday run away with their kids.

Unknown to Balinga, this call was recorded. With all these pieces of evidence, Noella would soon get the justice she deserved. During the official questioning, Balinga denied that he was involved in what befell his wife. But when the judge played the recorded conversation between him and his wife, he burst into tears and blamed the devil for his actions.


In December 2015, the court of Melbourne sentenced Balinga to nine years in prison. He pleaded guilty, so that lessened the sentence the judge gave him after the conviction. Noella moved away from Melbourne to another city with her kids. Noella hasn’t healed from all she went through, but she is doing much better now. And she doesn’t let her past define her.

“I will do everything to take care of my kids. God gave me a second chance to live, and I will use it to the best of my ability,” Noella said. “I wish this woman and her kids a peaceful life. I hope you find our story inspiring. What was your favorite part? Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any videos. See you next time.”

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