They All Said The Waiter Stole it, Then They Check Security Cameras And Can’t Believe Who It Was –
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They All Said The Waiter Stole it, Then They Check Security Cameras And Can’t Believe Who It Was

He did it, he’s a thief! That’s what people from poor backgrounds do. The restaurant manager screamed at the top of his voice while facing Logan. Logan was too shocked to even say a thing. He began trembling from head to toe, unable to prove his innocence. Everyone indeed believed that Logan was the culprit.

But when they later checked the security camera footage, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Logan’s most favorite person in the world was his twin sister, Luna. The two were the only children of their parents. They weren’t born with a silver spoon, they didn’t wear the best clothes, and sometimes went to bed without food. But regardless of all these, Logan and Luna were happy because they had each other.

“What would I do without you? The world would be so lonely without you, twinny,” Luna, then 14, told her twin brother on one of the nights when they had to go to bed without food.

Amongst all the things the siblings loved doing together, they enjoyed cooking the most. The duo would often help out their widowed mother in the kitchen, but Luna couldn’t do a lot of kitchen work because she was asthmatic. Still, she knew how to create new recipes even with the cheapest ingredients, and Logan was a fantastic cook. They planned to own a restaurant someday. Luna would create the recipes, and Logan would be the head chef. Beautiful, right?

Well, sadly, something tragic would happen that would cut their dreams short. One night, the siblings went to bed after Logan promised Luna that he would try out her new recipes the next day. However, the next morning, Logan, wondering why his sister was still in bed by 10 AM, decided to wake her up. He was shell-shocked when he noticed that his sister’s lips were blue. He called her name several times, but she wouldn’t answer. Just then, he took her pulse but felt nothing.

“Hey, Luna sis, if you can hear me, then answer! You can’t leave me, don’t do this, please! Who will create our recipes? What about our restaurant? I can’t do it alone, Luna! Luna!” Logan screamed, but there was no response. Sadly, she suffered an asthma attack at night and died in her sleep.

After Luna passed away, Logan became a shadow of his former self. There were times when he even contemplated ending it all. But time, as they say, heals all wounds, and even though Logan would never fully heal from the loss of his sister, he gradually began to come out of his shell.

When he turned 17, he went to his sister’s grave and promised to make her proud. Logan knew to pursue his dreams of becoming a renowned chef and successful businessman, he needed to go to a reputable culinary school. However, he needed a job to sponsor himself through school. Sadly, as he began to apply for jobs, he realized that it was quite hard to get one. No one wanted to hire him because he was under 18. Sometimes he got very mean responses from his would-be employers.

“You see, this company stopped employing people from poor backgrounds some months ago. They just come here to steal, and they don’t really work hard. Maybe you can try some other time.”

After trying for several months, Logan began to give up. One morning, though, he woke up, took his shower, and decided he would apply at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. However, when he got there, he started to think that he was silly for coming out there. Who would hire someone like him? Logan was so deep in thought that it took a while before he realized that a car had been honking at him.

Looking sideways, he saw a sophisticated-looking man in the car. The man signaled Logan to come over, and he did. The man, Gerald, introduced himself as the owner of the restaurant. The elderly man could tell that Logan was going through some hardships and he wanted to know if he could help in any way.

Although shy, Logan narrated his ordeal, the loss of his sister, and how he had been trying hard to get a job so he could sponsor his schooling. Gerald, who had a tough childhood himself, took pity on Logan and immediately employed him as a waiter. He even gave him his six-month salary in advance so he could pay his tuition fee.

Logan found favor with Gerald, and he was even invited to ride with the elderly man in his car. Logan never took his seemingly father-son relationship with Gerald for granted. He performed his duties diligently at work; he also excelled in his studies at school.

Logan seized every opportunity he got to learn new recipes. Even though he worked as a waiter, he would often visit the kitchen in his free time just to learn some cooking tricks. He even made friends with some of the chefs, and they sometimes let him assist with preparing the meals.

Logan was so good at prepping the dishes that the other chefs would often compliment him, and they allowed him to join them in the kitchen most of the time. For the time being, everything seemed to go well. Logan was happy; he was excelling at school.

But sadly, things would soon begin to go south. You see, not everyone was pleased to have Logan in the restaurant. His colleagues began to get jealous of him, but it was Scott, the manager of the restaurant, that was really a thorn in his flesh.

The sight of Logan disgusted the middle-aged man. He felt Logan was unworthy of working at such a prestigious restaurant, and he didn’t even try to hide his resentment. He openly castigated Logan in front of the customers, and he seized every opportunity he got to make Logan look incompetent.

“You shouldn’t be here serving billionaires and royals. Just look at yourself in the mirror. Just quit and get a job as a housekeeper. That’s what suits you!” he screamed at Logan at some point when they ran into each other in the restroom.

Logan didn’t let Scott’s attitude get to him. He remained a dutiful and loyal employee. Seeing how committed Logan was to the restaurant, Gerald decided to do something kind for him. He decided to teach Logan some of his secret recipes, and what a good student Logan was. He learned at a very fast pace.

Surprisingly, though, Scott started getting close to Logan just a few weeks after he became Gerald’s student. At one point, he even apologized to him for the way he treated him in the past, and Logan, who had a meek heart, forgave him wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, Scott secretly resented Logan. Even though he pretended to be a friend, he felt Logan didn’t deserve to be Gerald’s student. One bright morning, Logan arrived at the restaurant as usual. After taking a few orders that morning, Scott called him into his office. Once there, he handed Gerald’s secret recipe book to Logan.

He told Logan that Gerald would be hosting an event in a few weeks, and he wanted Logan to study all his secret recipes ahead of the event so he could prepare the meals. Logan couldn’t believe his ears. He knew how much Gerald adored his secret recipes and that he only shared them on rare occasions. So how could he just share all his secret recipes with him?

Seeing that Logan had doubts about the whole recipe thing, Scott grabbed his hands and said, “The boss really loves you. You deserve this, and I think he wants you to be his second hand. So learn the recipes on time.”

With this, Scott could convince Logan to accept the book. Filled with joy, he took the book, rushed out of Scott’s office, and kept the book in his bag. About 30 minutes later, Logan suddenly heard a loud yell coming from Gerald’s office. All the staff members, including Logan, were confused. The manager then walked down the stairs and asked everyone to gather in the hall for an urgent meeting.

Within a few minutes, everyone had gathered there. The whole room was silent, and there was fear written on everyone’s faces. Seconds later, Gerald walked into the room, shooting daggers with his eyes.

“Who did it?” he asked angrily, without looking directly at anyone. The staff was confused. “Who did what?” they whispered into each other’s ears. Just then, Gerald hit the wall and screamed, “Who stole my secret recipes?”

Hearing those words, Logan began to tremble. The situation made no sense to him. Hadn’t Scott given him the book, saying Gerald wanted him to have it? Just as Logan stepped forward to explain what had transpired between him and Scott, Scott suddenly said, “I know who did it!” And then he pointed at Logan, who was too shocked to even utter a word.

Swinging into action, Scott rushed down the stairs and returned to the hall with Logan’s bag. He emptied its contents, and much to everyone’s surprise, Gerald’s recipe book fell out of the bag. Filled with disappointment, Gerald approached Logan.

“I took you for a son, and you stabbed me in the back,” he said, still yet to recover from the shock. All Logan could do was tremble and whisper, “I am innocent.”

At that moment, Scott asked security to throw Logan out of the restaurant. Toward the evening, Gerald, who was no longer as angry as he was earlier that day, began to reflect on the whole situation. He knew Logan had no reason to steal his book. Perhaps Logan was right when he claimed he was innocent.

Just then, he remembered that he could check his security camera footage to see who had been in his office. Gerald set up the footage on his laptop, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. The camera showed Scott walking into the office and stealing Gerald’s book.

Wasting no time, Gerald called Logan and asked him to return to the restaurant right away. Once there, Logan explained the whole situation, and Gerald believed him. Another secret camera also showed Scott giving the recipe book to Logan.

With the truth out, Gerald fired Scott right on the spot. Then he told Logan he could have his job back, and he could continue being his student.

Six years later, Logan graduated from his culinary college. Upon graduation, Gerald hired him as the head chef and manager of his restaurant. He also promised Logan that he would be of assistance whenever he was ready to have his own restaurant.

“We did it, twinnie. We will have our restaurant soon,” Logan said as he laid flo

wers on Luna’s grave a few days after he started work as a manager at Gerald’s restaurant.

What do you think of this story? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

He did it, he’s a thief! That’s what people from poor backgrounds do. The restaurant manager screamed at the top of his voice while facing Logan. Logan was too shocked to even say a thing. He began trembling from head to toe, unable to prove his innocence. Everyone indeed believed that Logan was the culprit.

But when they later checked the security camera footage, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Logan’s most favorite person in the world was his twin sister, Luna. The two were the only children of their parents. They weren’t born with a silver spoon, they didn’t wear the best clothes, and sometimes went to bed without food. But regardless of all these, Logan and Luna were happy because they had each other.

“What would I do without you? The world would be so lonely without you, twinny,” Luna, then 14, told her twin brother on one of the nights when they had to go to bed without food.

Amongst all the things the siblings loved doing together, they enjoyed cooking the most. The duo would often help out their widowed mother in the kitchen, but Luna couldn’t do a lot of kitchen work because she was asthmatic. Still, she knew how to create new recipes even with the cheapest ingredients, and Logan was a fantastic cook. They planned to own a restaurant someday. Luna would create the recipes, and Logan would be the head chef. Beautiful, right?

Well, sadly, something tragic would happen that would cut their dreams short. One night, the siblings went to bed after Logan promised Luna that he would try out her new recipes the next day. However, the next morning, Logan, wondering why his sister was still in bed by 10 AM, decided to wake her up. He was shell-shocked when he noticed that his sister’s lips were blue. He called her name several times, but she wouldn’t answer. Just then, he took her pulse but felt nothing.

“Hey, Luna sis, if you can hear me, then answer! You can’t leave me, don’t do this, please! Who will create our recipes? What about our restaurant? I can’t do it alone, Luna! Luna!” Logan screamed, but there was no response. Sadly, she suffered an asthma attack at night and died in her sleep.

After Luna passed away, Logan became a shadow of his former self. There were times when he even contemplated ending it all. But time, as they say, heals all wounds, and even though Logan would never fully heal from the loss of his sister, he gradually began to come out of his shell.

When he turned 17, he went to his sister’s grave and promised to make her proud. Logan knew to pursue his dreams of becoming a renowned chef and successful businessman, he needed to go to a reputable culinary school. However, he needed a job to sponsor himself through school. Sadly, as he began to apply for jobs, he realized that it was quite hard to get one. No one wanted to hire him because he was under 18. Sometimes he got very mean responses from his would-be employers.

“You see, this company stopped employing people from poor backgrounds some months ago. They just come here to steal, and they don’t really work hard. Maybe you can try some other time.”

After trying for several months, Logan began to give up. One morning, though, he woke up, took his shower, and decided he would apply at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. However, when he got there, he started to think that he was silly for coming out there. Who would hire someone like him? Logan was so deep in thought that it took a while before he realized that a car had been honking at him.

Looking sideways, he saw a sophisticated-looking man in the car. The man signaled Logan to come over, and he did. The man, Gerald, introduced himself as the owner of the restaurant. The elderly man could tell that Logan was going through some hardships and he wanted to know if he could help in any way.

Although shy, Logan narrated his ordeal, the loss of his sister, and how he had been trying hard to get a job so he could sponsor his schooling. Gerald, who had a tough childhood himself, took pity on Logan and immediately employed him as a waiter. He even gave him his six-month salary in advance so he could pay his tuition fee.

Logan found favor with Gerald, and he was even invited to ride with the elderly man in his car. Logan never took his seemingly father-son relationship with Gerald for granted. He performed his duties diligently at work; he also excelled in his studies at school.

Logan seized every opportunity he got to learn new recipes. Even though he worked as a waiter, he would often visit the kitchen in his free time just to learn some cooking tricks. He even made friends with some of the chefs, and they sometimes let him assist with preparing the meals.

Logan was so good at prepping the dishes that the other chefs would often compliment him, and they allowed him to join them in the kitchen most of the time. For the time being, everything seemed to go well. Logan was happy; he was excelling at school.

But sadly, things would soon begin to go south. You see, not everyone was pleased to have Logan in the restaurant. His colleagues began to get jealous of him, but it was Scott, the manager of the restaurant, that was really a thorn in his flesh.

The sight of Logan disgusted the middle-aged man. He felt Logan was unworthy of working at such a prestigious restaurant, and he didn’t even try to hide his resentment. He openly castigated Logan in front of the customers, and he seized every opportunity he got to make Logan look incompetent.

“You shouldn’t be here serving billionaires and royals. Just look at yourself in the mirror. Just quit and get a job as a housekeeper. That’s what suits you!” he screamed at Logan at some point when they ran into each other in the restroom.

Logan didn’t let Scott’s attitude get to him. He remained a dutiful and loyal employee. Seeing how committed Logan was to the restaurant, Gerald decided to do something kind for him. He decided to teach Logan some of his secret recipes, and what a good student Logan was. He learned at a very fast pace.

Surprisingly, though, Scott started getting close to Logan just a few weeks after he became Gerald’s student. At one point, he even apologized to him for the way he treated him in the past, and Logan, who had a meek heart, forgave him wholeheartedly.

Unfortunately, Scott secretly resented Logan. Even though he pretended to be a friend, he felt Logan didn’t deserve to be Gerald’s student. One bright morning, Logan arrived at the restaurant as usual. After taking a few orders that morning, Scott called him into his office. Once there, he handed Gerald’s secret recipe book to Logan.

He told Logan that Gerald would be hosting an event in a few weeks, and he wanted Logan to study all his secret recipes ahead of the event so he could prepare the meals. Logan couldn’t believe his ears. He knew how much Gerald adored his secret recipes and that he only shared them on rare occasions. So how could he just share all his secret recipes with him?

Seeing that Logan had doubts about the whole recipe thing, Scott grabbed his hands and said, “The boss really loves you. You deserve this, and I think he wants you to be his second hand. So learn the recipes on time.”

With this, Scott could convince Logan to accept the book. Filled with joy, he took the book, rushed out of Scott’s office, and kept the book in his bag. About 30 minutes later, Logan suddenly heard a loud yell coming from Gerald’s office. All the staff members, including Logan, were confused. The manager then walked down the stairs and asked everyone to gather in the hall for an urgent meeting.

Within a few minutes, everyone had gathered there. The whole room was silent, and there was fear written on everyone’s faces. Seconds later, Gerald walked into the room, shooting daggers with his eyes.

“Who did it?” he asked angrily, without looking directly at anyone. The staff was confused. “Who did what?” they whispered into each other’s ears. Just then, Gerald hit the wall and screamed, “Who stole my secret recipes?”

Hearing those words, Logan began to tremble. The situation made no sense to him. Hadn’t Scott given him the book, saying Gerald wanted him to have it? Just as Logan stepped forward to explain what had transpired between him and Scott, Scott suddenly said, “I know who did it!” And then he pointed at Logan, who was too shocked to even utter a word.

Swinging into action, Scott rushed down the stairs and returned to the hall with Logan’s bag. He emptied its contents, and much to everyone’s surprise, Gerald’s recipe book fell out of the bag. Filled with disappointment, Gerald approached Logan.

“I took you for a son, and you stabbed me in the back,” he said, still yet to recover from the shock. All Logan could do was tremble and whisper, “I am innocent.”

At that moment, Scott asked security to throw Logan out of the restaurant. Toward the evening, Gerald, who was no longer as angry as he was earlier that day, began to reflect on the whole situation. He knew Logan had no reason to steal his book. Perhaps Logan was right when he claimed he was innocent.

Just then, he remembered that he could check his security camera footage to see who had been in his office. Gerald set up the footage on his laptop, and he couldn’t believe his eyes. The camera showed Scott walking into the office and stealing Gerald’s book.

Wasting no time, Gerald called Logan and asked him to return to the restaurant right away. Once there, Logan explained the whole situation, and Gerald believed him. Another secret camera also showed Scott giving the recipe book to Logan.

With the truth out, Gerald fired Scott right on the spot. Then he told Logan he could have his job back, and he could continue being his student.

Six years later, Logan graduated from his culinary college. Upon graduation, Gerald hired him as the head chef and manager of his restaurant. He also promised Logan that he would be of assistance whenever he was ready to have his own restaurant.

“We did it, twinnie. We will have our restaurant soon,” Logan said as he laid flowers on Luna’s grave a few days after he started work as a manager at Gerald’s restaurant.

What do you think of this story? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

1 Comment

1 Comment

  1. Dr Uduak Utibe

    July 18, 2023 at 5:10 am

    It’s very sad, human being are noted for evil from the days of Cain and Abel. Thank God for technology that save the situation. Am in the shoe of Logan

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