Girl Sees Father Secretly Sneaking Out At Night – When She Looks, Burst Into Tears After Seeing –
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Girl Sees Father Secretly Sneaking Out At Night – When She Looks, Burst Into Tears After Seeing

Abby noticed her father going to the shed at a late hour something like he’d never done. She decided to go with him to ask what he was doing, but her father acted suspiciously in receiving her. As she was on her way to the shed, she clearly wasn’t allowed in, but why? This made her even more curious, and she decided to see for herself, something she later wished she never did. What was her father hiding from her? She had to find out.

Abby’s father had made it clear she wasn’t allowed to go inside the shed, which was weird, as she could always walk in freely whenever she needed something like a shovel or a rake. Because of this, she knew he was hiding something, and she wanted to know exactly what.

One night, Abby watched TV in the living room. She heard the back door closing with a bang. She didn’t think much of it at first, as her father went out to get more wood for the fire every now and then. But when no one returned, she got curious. She slowly got out of her seat and listened to the silence in her house. Her mother was having dinner at a friend’s house, so Abby knew she was home alone with her father. But now, it seemed he was gone too. This was very strange, as Abby knew she wasn’t supposed to be home by herself; she was only 12.

She walked into the kitchen while calling her father’s cell phone. She heard a buzz coming from his jacket and realized he couldn’t be far, as he wasn’t wearing anything other than jeans and a t-shirt. Then she heard a noise coming from the backyard. What was going on here? Her heart began to race as she approached the back door. What if her father wasn’t there? What if there was an intruder, and he was trying to fight him off?

She was quickly reassured that her father was, in fact, still home. He was just busy in the shed. Abby sighed in relief. But her relief was short-lived, as her father had never before worked in the shed at these hours. She wondered what he was doing there and quickly put on a pair of slippers. She stepped out into the yard and left the back door ajar behind her. Her father must have heard the door closing, as he suddenly appeared. “Darling, hi,” he said as he walked towards Abby. “What are you doing here in the cold? Let me get you inside. Shall we? Do you want a hot cocoa?”

But Abby wasn’t stupid. She knew her father wanted to divert her interest from the shed. But she was a sucker for a good cup of hot cocoa, so Abby followed her father inside. He made her the best hot cocoa she had ever had in a while. “What were you doing in the shed, Dad?” she eventually asked him.

Her father nervously shifted in his seat and eventually told her he was just organizing it. He probably thought that would be a boring enough reason so she wouldn’t be interested anymore. But what he didn’t know was that she had gone inside the shed a week ago, and it looked squeaky clean and well-organized. So his explanation only raised more doubts.

A short while later, Abby’s mother returned home, and her parents put her to bed together. Abby didn’t say a word about the shed, as she didn’t want to start a fight between her parents. She could see a bit of the shed from her room, so she walked to the window to look. She looked at her alarm clock first and saw it was past midnight. She didn’t expect the light to be on, but she wanted to check it anyway, and to her surprise, the light was on.

Abby could even see movement from inside the shed. Her father had clearly returned to the shed as her mother slept. Abby’s curiosity was piqued by this moment. Not only was her father lying to her, but to her mom as well. She sneaked out of her room again to see if her mother was indeed still there, and she was.

Abby quickly sneaked down the stairs and through the back door this time she had learned from her mistake and didn’t let the door fall shut. She gently closed it behind her so it made close to no sound at all. She paused for a second to really make sure her father hadn’t heard, and then proceeded towards the shed.

She heard her father being busy halfway across the yard, so he wasn’t being exactly selective about being in there. But when she arrived at the shed, she noticed he had hung trash bags in front of the windows. She could only see shadows, and there was no way she would be able to peek inside because of this.

She listened silently, hoping to hear what her father was doing, but it was all very chaotic, and he wasn’t using any tools. It actually sounded like he was talking to someone, but Abby heard no response. Could he be on the phone? Abby couldn’t hear what he was saying, only muffled sounds and sometimes laughter. Whatever he was doing, he seemed to be enjoying it. So why would he be so secretive about it to his wife and daughter?

Abby was about to knock on the door and confront her father when he suddenly stopped talking, and another sound echoed through the walls. The second sound was far from positive and actually made chills run down Abby’s spine. After hearing the sound, she didn’t want to stay near the shed any longer, so she ran back inside, not thinking about closing the door slowly. The door slammed shut behind her as she ran up the stairs and jumped into bed.

Abby held her breath as she listened to the sound of her father exiting the shed and slowly coming inside. She could hear the creaking sound of each step as he took on the stairs, and as he got closer, her heart raced faster. Soon after, he stood in her room in silence. Abby lay as still as she could, closed her eyes, and pretended to be asleep. She could feel the warmth of his breath on her cheek as he peeked over the side of her face to see if she was actually asleep. Then he slowly backed away and went into his own room for the night.

The following morning, there was tension between Abby and her father. It was obvious to her, but her mother had no clue. Why would she? She’d been asleep during the night and only Abby knew what she had heard coming out of the shed. For the rest of the day, she couldn’t stop thinking about the horrible sound. As soon as she arrived home from school, she decided to finally go inside the shed.

Her father wasn’t home yet, so it was the perfect time. Her mother was busy in the kitchen cooking dinner. She wouldn’t think twice about Abby playing in the garden, so she went to the backyard and played a bit as a decoy. When Abby figured her mother wasn’t listening anymore, she stopped playing and slowly walked over to the shed.

Her heart pounded as she brought her hand to the handle and pushed it down. The door was old and made of thick wood, so Abby knew that it was going to creak if she were to open it slowly. Because of that, she figured it wouldn’t make much noise if she were to open it fast, and she was right. She shifted along the door, opened it quickly, and stepped inside.

She had no phone or flashlight on her, so she just had to find the light switch. She saw all sorts of crazy shapes inside the shed, and suddenly she realized she wanted to leave. Abby felt her heart pounding in her chest, and she had trouble breathing. Silently, everywhere she looked, she saw something that scared her.

She desperately felt around the door in search of a light switch, but it wasn’t there. She felt a little to the side, but quickly pulled her hand back when she felt something sticky. Moments later, something crawled over her hand, and Abby could just hold back her scream. She had touched a spider web, and the spider had gotten on her hand.

Abby swung her hand from side to side until the little creature fell off. In frustration, Abby started to cry. She wanted to get out of here as much as she wanted to know what her father was hiding in the shed. This was just too much for this little girl. She was still a little girl, after all, and it had already taken a lot of courage for her to even come here. Normally, she would put the blankets over her head when she saw even the slightest shadow in her room.

She sat on the floor and cried for a while, too afraid to get up and find her way out of the shed in the dark but also afraid to go on and discover her father’s secret. Finally, when her eyes started prickling from all the tears, she sat up straight, dried her eyes, and took a deep breath. Abby realized nothing was going to happen if she didn’t do it herself. She had to push through the fear and find that damn light switch.

She slowly got up and felt around. She found a broom and used that to guide her through the darkness. Carefully, she felt the walls until finally, she found the switch. She flipped the switch, and a single light bulb in the middle of the shed jumped on. Abby had to shield her eyes from the light, and she was so adjusted to the darkness. But within a minute or so, she could look around and see a lot.

The shed was not so scary. There was something at the back of the shed with a white sheet over it, and Abby couldn’t make out what it was by the shape, but it looked terrifying. The sheet that covered the object was stained red, and it almost looked like blood. Abby’s heart started racing again, and she felt short of breath. Slowly, she made her way to the object, carefully stepping over all the clutter so she wouldn’t trip.

When she finally made it to the object, her hand was sweaty from her nerves. It felt like she had a little angel and a little devil on her shoulder, making her doubt if she should pull off the sheet or not. Abby slowly reached her hand towards the sheet and grabbed it tightly. She didn’t dare to grab it on the stained part, so she made sure to only touch the white part of the sheet.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, ready to pull off the sheet. But something stopped her. “No, I’m so close, I’m giving up,” a sudden thought shot through Abby’s mind. But she quickly pushed it away. She started counting down from 10, but when she reached number four, suddenly she heard someone calling her name. “Abby,” it was her dad.

Abby quickly let go of the sheet, hid behind the lawnmower, and listened as her father called her name again, getting closer and closer to the shed. “Abby,” he asked again, “Are you in here?” But Abby stayed quiet. She had no idea what her father would do next if he found her here next to his secret project.

“She’s not here!” Abby’s father yelled. “She’s not… where could she be?” Abby’s mother yelled back from inside the house. That’s when Abby realized that they were both looking for her, and judging by the sound of her mother’s frantic voice, they were very worried. She decided to wait it out and quickly go to her room when they weren’t watching. But first, she had to wait until her father was further away from the shed.

The door was slightly open, so she could see her father just standing there, unsure of what to do. Then he ran inside when Abby’s mother called him. Abby quickly ran to the object and grabbed the sheet. Abby’s father yelled, now standing at the door of the shed, “Abby!”

Abby toned, “What are you hiding here, Daddy? Why am I not allowed to see it?” By now, Abby’s mother stood by her husband’s side, confused.

Abby’s mother, with sweat dripping down his forehead as he tried to think of a good answer. Abby was still standing confidently next to the object with the sheet gripped tightly in her hand. When her father failed to answer, she had enough and pulled the sheet down. Abby’s mother gasped, and Abby stood frozen in place. Her eyes were widened in shock.

Suddenly, Abby screamed and ran up to her father with tears in her eyes. “Thank you, Daddy! Thank you!” Abby’s father sighed and hugged his daughter. “You ruined your own birthday surprise, you little monster!” Abby’s mother smiled at her husband. “I had no idea you were building her her first bike, and in her favorite color too!”

She put her arms around her husband and kissed him on the cheek. “Now, shall we go back to bed?” she said to Abby, and finally, they all went back home. Abby nodded, her cheek was flushed as she turned to her father and apologized for not listening to him. She had totally forgotten her birthday was in a week and didn’t think it would be a birthday surprise he was hiding. It looked so scary, so her imagination had run wild, only to find it was a bright red bike all along. “Thank you.”

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