Lady Got The Beaten Of Her Life After Using Contribution Money To Buy iPhone 13 (Video) –
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Lady Got The Beaten Of Her Life After Using Contribution Money To Buy iPhone 13 (Video)

Lady Got The Beaten Of Her Life After Using Contribution Money To Buy iPhone 13 (Video)

A young woman faced serious consequences after she used her friends’ money, which was meant for a good cause, to buy the new iPhone 13. Her friends found out and went to her house to confront her, and things got heated, resulting in her getting hurt.

The whole incident was recorded in a video posted on TikTok by a user named @hisolagold1, and it spread quickly on the internet, catching the attention of people everywhere.

People on the internet had mixed reactions to the video. Some were very angry at the violence and said it’s better to solve problems in peaceful ways. They wanted to see compassion and understanding rather than hurting each other.

On the other hand, some felt sorry for the friends who got betrayed. They believed the woman should face consequences for her actions, but they didn’t support using violence to do it.

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