Internet Tech Walks into Blind 3-Year-Old Crying—45 Minutes Later, Mom Is Overwhelmed by His Response –
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Internet Tech Walks into Blind 3-Year-Old Crying—45 Minutes Later, Mom Is Overwhelmed by His Response

In a fast-paced society where time is money and everybody’s to-do lists are bursting at seams with neverending tasks, there’s hardly a more precious gift one can give than their time.

Well, one Internet technician named Robert is going viral for offering just that, along with a dose of compassion when one stressed-out mama needed it most.

With two toddlers in the house, Jessica Nash Donnahoo already has her hands full, but having a son with special needs presents another whole unique set of challenges. Her 3-year-old son Sailor, who is blind and has two rare brain defects, was having a particularly tough morning [when] Robert, a technician from Spectrum Internet, walked into their house last Saturday.

Sailor immediately took a liking to the friendly-faced technician and reached up to him with open arms.

Rather than making the Internet upgrade he was there for his priority, Robert saw a greater need before him and quickly attended to it — in the sweetest way possible.

While his act was simple, its effects have been far-reaching. Now over 600,00 people have liked and shared Jessica’s heartwarming post displaying “humanity at its best.”

Find out just what Robert did to go above and beyond his job description below, and be sure to SHARE this beautiful story with your friends and family on Facebook:

“Dear Spectrum Internet,

Today your technician Robert came to our home to upgrade our internet and help us start up TV streaming. He walked into a mess. My son, Sailor, is three years old. He was born with two rare brain defects and he is blind. He is unable to communicate his needs, and today has been rough for him. He has been crying all morning. I’ve been trying to soothe him while also meeting the needs of my two year old daughter, cleaning, washing dishes, and doing laundry while my husband works. It’s just been a tough day. When Robert walked in and started talking, Sailor ran to him and reached up. Robert didn’t seem bothered at all and, instead, held my son off and on for the whole 45 minutes he was in our home. He snuggled him close while I folded laundry. It was a huge relief to this tired momma. Robert could have walked in, rushed, and left but instead he saw a need greater than internet and met it. That’s beyond customer service- it’s humanity at its best. Robert deserves a raise… a promotion… something! He’s an asset to your company and I will never forget his kindness.



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