Society News
I Don’t Want To Be Rejected In Heaven, I’m Done Teaching On Prosperity, Sowing Of Seed And Monetizing The Gospel- Pastor Benny Hinn (Video)

Benny” Hinn an Israeli Christian televangelist, best known for his regular “Miracle Crusades revival meeting or faith healing summits that are usually held in stadiums in major cities has allegedly made k know to his congregation that his way of emphasis on prosperity and monetization of the Gospel is not actually the way of the Gospel of Christ.
Minister Benny hinn, while preaching to his congregation beg for forgiveness that he does not want to be rejected in heaven just because of falsehood Gospel of prosperity and sowing of seed which have eaten dip in the Gospel and it become the Vital messages.
According to him his statement in a nutshell: The flesh must be out and dealt with for men to make heaven on the last day, teaching and focusing on prosperity is a feel and good message, but I’m sorry to say that prosperity has gone little beat crazier and I want to immediately correct my own theology about prosperity Gospel.
He went further to reveals that, some of the magazine that have been publishing in church all contains message of prosperity and sowing of seed and this is against the holy Spirit when we receive money from those materials, because the gospel is totally free.
I’m done with hence with anything prosperity preaching and monetization of the Gospel.
Watch Video below For more details;