How Primate Ayodele Prophesied The Sale Of Twitter To Elon Musk In 2022 Prophecies –
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How Primate Ayodele Prophesied The Sale Of Twitter To Elon Musk In 2022 Prophecies

In a surprising move, Twitter was sold to Elon Musk yesterday for a whooping amount of $44 Billion, and automatically, the billionaire becomes the new owner of the microblogging site.

Many wouldn’t have thought the former owner, Jack Dorsey would sell the social media platform considering how long he has managed it but the unexpected happened yesterday.

That twitter was sold isn’t the bone of contention here but the fact that a Nigeria-based man of God, Primate Elijah Ayodele prophesied the sudden change that happened in the affairs of twitter is very astonishing.

During the release of his 90-paged 2022 prophecies on Wednesday, 21st of December, 2021, the man of God spoke about what will happen to twitter in the coming year and his statement was that he foresees a change in the management board of twitter.

This could be found on page 69 of the prophecy booklet. These were his words

‘’The spirit of God said to me: Twitter will have changes in their Board of Management. I foresee that Twitter will face problems and will also lose money. The spirit of God says Twitter must be more careful, take things more seriously so as not to run into unexpected troubles’’.

Many didn’t pay cognizance to this prophecy because hardly do we see men of God prophecy on technology. Several people don’t even believe God is interested in that aspect of man’s life but the fulfillment of Primate Ayodele’s prophecy has confirmed that indeed, God is interested in all areas of man’s life.

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