How our Adopted Son Planned to Kill Us so he could Inherit our Wealth and Properties alone – Aggrieved Woman shares –
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How our Adopted Son Planned to Kill Us so he could Inherit our Wealth and Properties alone – Aggrieved Woman shares

How our Adopted Son Planned to Kill Us so he could Inherit our Wealth and Properties alone – Aggrieved Woman shares

An aggrieved, sorrowful and angry woman in the eastern part of Nigeria is currently regretting her adoption choice done more than 20 years ago.

Here is her story:

I want to be anonymous but still share my story. I am married to a wonderful man in eastern Nigeria. We were married for about 15 years with no child and all medical indications showed that my husband could not impregnate a woman and me too was said to have an Issue in my Fallopian tube.

We had prayed and prayed but nothing happened so we decided to adopt a little boy from a motherless home, he was just 1 year old but we took him in as our own son, signed all necessary documents and paid the amount due. They did come once a while to check up on him to be sure we are not maltreating him and they discovered we were the best of parents so they stopped coming.

He grew with us to about 22 years old. We never told him he was adopted so I don’t know who did. He came home that day from campus due to covid 19 and has been acting somehow. I didn’t know what the Issue was so I asked him but he said its just school Issues.

That morning of the incidence, he opted to prepare breakfast for us all and that was how he poisoned I and my husband…. We didn’t know but as one happy family we ate on the dinning table together, only for us to start having severe Tommy pain in less than 5 minute of eating. We looked at him and he wasn’t in pain. Infact at this time I and my husband had falling to the ground and were rolling in pain, we were begging him to call the doctor when he started explaining that he poisoned us that he is sorry but he wants to be a big boy, that we adopted him na and so he has the right to his parents wealth and property.

It was at this point my husband who use to be a Boxer many many years ago summoned his last strength and knocked him off with a stool by the dinning. He fell and fainted and then we both crawled to our phone and called the doctor and a neighbor who rushed us quickly first giving us milk and lots of oil.

We spent about 2 weeks plus in the hospital but that evil son has been sent back to where he belongs, we didn’t want to arrest him as he may end up staying in prison forever but we had to throw him out to go wherever he wants to…. We gave him some money to get lost.

It was a touching experience and regretful one but at this time we are childless and already in our 50’s… maybe we will adopt again or just stay like this I am not sure of what to do

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