He Thought he Had Crumbled my Life not Knowing He was Helping me Live my dream – Lady Shares her Touching True Life Story

He thought he had crumbled my Life not knowing he was helping me Live my dream – Lady shares her Touching True Life Story
Quite a long and touching True life story of a Nigerian Lady.
My name is Kemi (Not same in Picture). After my four years in the university of Nigeria, I was posted to the northern part of the country, precisely Bauchi state, where I had my one year NYSC. I had always and sincerely prayed to God to do His WILL in the area of marriage, I was still a virgin, I wanted my husband to be the first to see my nakedness, I had promised God to sincerely serve him with my life. In my 5th month during my service I met brother Segun, he was a first class graduate from university of Lagos, i discovered he was a member of our corpers fellowship though serving in a distant village.
We kept on chatting just as friends, he never told me he wanted to marry me.
One day I had a call from the marriage committee chairman in the state I was serving, my mind travelled far and wide, but I never knew who took my name there. After filling the form, and i was interviewed, I was asked who I was led to, I said nobody for now, I need some time to seriously pray to know who God has for me.
I knew the kind of home I came from ,seriously I don’t want the kind of my parent marriage, it was not what I pray for and I don’t want any of my siblings to enter such marriage too. ever since we were young it has always been quarreling between dad and mum! I almost said to myself if this is how marriage is, I will rather remain single and get to heaven, you might not have ideas of what I and my siblings went through while growing up.
I took my time to fast and pray, so that God can speak to me, after four months of praying I started hearing from God, God told me it was brother Segun but I was surprised because brother Segun has concluded his service and had gone back to Lagos, I don’t really know brother Segun that much.
I kept asking God for confirmation, God showed me different confirmations that he was His will for me. I did the test the M.C asked me to do, after I told them I was lead to brother Segun, after some weeks i had a call from brother Segun, he said he was coming to Bauchi from Lagos to see me, I wonder why he would live Lagos just to come and see me, After one SUNDAY service he called me that he would like to have a chat with me, so we met at the back of the church where he gave his testimony of how God reveal to him that I am his wife to be, after which he proposed to me.
Then I ask him why he came all the way from Lagos just to propose, brother Segun! you would have just done this on the phone
He replied!
No!!! sister kemi it was necessary I came to see you face to face,
You deserve more than that!!!he smiled!!!
I told him I will give him answer later, actually there was peace in my heart but I decided to pray once again, but God kept saying he is the one, so I told the M.C and I was given the go ahead to give him my answer, I called him and told him I have my answer, he said I should please tell him fast!
Brother segun my answer to your proposal is YES!
The screaming of brother Segun on the phone almost blocked my ears, all he was saying was thank you Jesus!
I felt I was in a safe hand because brother Segun was one of our leaders in the corpers fellowship, he could pray heavens down to earth.
My love for him started growing, As time goes on we fell deeply in love with each other, we had our parents’ consent. He did everything to make me happy, I also loved and respected him in return. Brother Segun promised with his life to love and care for me, with the way we were courting you would think our home will be heaven-on-earth.
After four months of courting, brother Segun called me to give me the news of his new job with NNPC ,wowwwwww!!
We were happy together, because things were working well for us.
Our courtship was supposed to last nine months, in the 7th month his attitude changed toward me; He hardly called me, anytime I called him, he will reluctantly pick and he kept saying why I’m I always disturbing him, he kept complaining, things were not the same anymore, no show of love, our wedding was close, but he wasn’t even saying anything about it.
I didn’t know who to complain to.
I cried day and night like a baby, tears became my daily food.
I prayed my life out to God, but I didn’t hear anything from God.
I decided to see my pastor who arranged a meeting for me, bro Segun and himself. In the meeting, he declared his intention not to go on with the marriage plan as he was no longer interested in the relationship. It was a big blow on me.
Hummmm! the relationship has ended.
The marriage file closed.
I had rounded off of NYSC, brother Segun got engaged to another sister.
I have to move on with my life, after my youth service there was no job, I found myself selling bags, shoes and cloths .
It was already four years Segun left me,
No job, No husband, No place to call a peaceful home.
I was 32years already, All my friends were already married with children, some with good jobs,
I wondered why my case was different.
I had 6 younger ones to cater for, because my parents were not concerned about any of us.
Tears flowed down my chick as I thought about my life, I trusted God to take away this storm away from me, I made a vow to God to live for him and do his Will, my heart was shattered and battered, it was looking as if I won’t make it in life, I kept praying for God to intervene,
It was one SUNDAY after church service I received a call from the marriage committee.
I decided to go and see them, I did my test and I was told a brother will call me to propose, after a week I received a strange call, it was an international number, I was surprised, thinking this must be a wrong number, but the person kept calling me, I decided to pick!
It was a male voice,
Hello! Good after sister Kemi,
How are you today?
How are your siblings?
Well this is brother uchena from the campus fellowship Bauchi state where you served,
By God’s grace I have prayed and sought God’s face to know his will for me in the area of marriage, and God revealed you to me to be my wife, the mother of my children, my help meet, I really do love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I promise to be a father, a brother, and husband to you till we see God’s face in glory.
Actually God has spoken to me since about four years now, I remember when you came to serve in Bauchi state, then I was in 300level, that was when God spoke to me concerning you been my wife, I kept it to myself because I was not ready, I knew I still had three years to finish my schooling, I told God if truly you are my wife He should keep you for me till I am ready, and now I want to believe God has kept you for me.
I really love you, I want to ask you this question!
Will you marry me?
Will you be my wife?
Please take your time and pray, then call me to give me your answer when you are ready.
I asked!
Is this the same brother Uche I knew in campus fellowship when I was serving?
He answered yes ma!
I am the one! I remember vividly, we were friends then!
I took my time to pray, after six months God spoke to me, I gave him a yes, without wasting time, we had our parental consent through Skype, because he was not in Nigeria, we had our courtship for exactly six months, he came back to Nigeria and we got married, we were both 33 years at this time, at exactly 9month we had our twin babies girls, they had plenty names but I personally named them, Oluwajomiloju and Oluwapamilerinayo
My husband loved me, he always sing for me every morning after our devotion, and he never always forget to tell me he love me with the whole of his life. My mother in law was the best thing that ever happened to me, she loves me like her daughter, Ohhhh!
My husbands siblings were God sent, they were good to me and my children, we always received gifts from them, though my in-laws were far from us it was looking as if we were living together.
In fact i had the best in laws anyone will desire and pray for.
My husband and I preached to my parents, they surrendered their lives to Christ, What surprised me was that my father in law sent three of my siblings to Oxford university.
After two years of our marriage my husband opened one of the biggest super market for me ,we deal with wholesales and retails of household items, i had a school of my own, he bought a car for me, he kept treating me like a queen. My husband was working with NNPC as a medical doctor.
I noticed any time we have our morning and night devotion, we always pray for all the patients in the hospital, and he always mention some names, I decided to ask him one morning after our devotion,
My love! Who is this Mr. Segun you always pray for during our prayers?
He said he is one of the staff of NNPC that had accident with his wife, they have been married for five years now, but no child, on their way from an outing, they both had accident and the man had dislocation on both legs, for now he can’t walk,
My love please what of his wife?
Humm! Thank God his wife didn’t die, she was rescued, she had some burns on her face and she had a fracture on her right hand!!
Oh my God I shouted,
My love I think after church on Sunday we would go and see them.
Sunday evening my husband and I and our twins went to the hospital to visit, on getting there lo and behold it was the same brother Segun I saw!
Brother Segun was surprise to see me, is this not sister Kemi.
I answered, Yes sir I am the one! Are these your children? Yes sir, they are my twins
Is Doctor Uche your husband? Yes he is my God sent!
My husband looked at me and asked honey! Do you know him?
I drew close to my husband, yes my love! You remember the brother Segun I told you about during our courtship, Here is he!
My husband asked brother Segun why he did what he did?
Mr segun replied I was advised by some of my friends to leave her, that she is not beautiful and she very slim with dark face, They told me I’m too handsome to go for that kind of sister! I took their advice when I saw my present wife now! Sis Toyosi, who was like an angel, Toyosi was beauty personified! That was what happened that made me break the courtship!.
I replied! Oh I see! as he was talking my husband held me tightly!
Sweet baby! You have to forgive him and forget the past!
I replied My love! Sure I will Please let’s pray for him!
We left, on our way back I couldn’t hold my tears seeing the state of brother Segun and sis Toyosi,
I and my husband kept praying for them, after some weeks they were both discharge, we kept praying for them continuously for a great miracle, about six month later Mr segun was able to walk again, but he was relieved of his appointment with NNPC, my husband had a company that was into import and export of goods, he decided to make Mr Segun the manager, we became family friends, most weekend Mr. Segun and the wife will come to our house ,we had vigil upon vigil ,we prayed like never before, after a year Sis Toyosi took in and gave birth to a bouncing baby boy which he named Heaven’s Gift. today we are best of family friends, people always think we are related, but that how God wants it.
As I speak to you now my marriage is 15years old, we have 5kids,3boys and 2 girls(twins) my husband is a medical consultant and a renowned pastor with one of the campus fellowship, where students comes every time for counselling, he ensured I further my education, today I am a PhD holder,
Every day our marriage is like our wedding night,I mean like heaven on earth.
I share my life story with the permission of brother segun to Encourage others whose heart might have been broken or who is at the point of Giving up.