He Does Everything I Ask Him To Because Of The Leaf I Put In His Food

I was nineteen when he started wooing me. I didn’t know his age but he was already working and using his father’s car. I thought he was too old for me so I didn’t give him my mind. He would buy me gifts, give me money and ask me to be a good girl. I called him Uncle Lee. He didn’t like it.

Call me Lee, I’m not your uncle,” he demanded Later when I got to know he was only twenty-six, I did the maths; “Twenty-six minus nineteen is seven. Just seven years difference? What’s the age gap between dad and mom?” I said yes to him and he became my first love. He taught me how to kiss and how to be a girlfriend. I was so inexperienced I had to fall on my friend Matilda for tips.
I didn’t want to lose him so when he asked me to jump, I asked how high. He was loving and caring until a year later, he began to change. He didn’t call me as often as he used to. He said he was busy. I used to stay in his house even when he wasn’t around. I had his key but when things changed, he took the…….Read Full Story Here…………….