Frank Edward Should Come Out And Tell Us If He Had Affair With Osinachi Or Not- Man –
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Frank Edward Should Come Out And Tell Us If He Had Affair With Osinachi Or Not- Man

While the Circumstances surrounding the death of Osinachi has become a controversy among social media users, Kemi Olunloyo then accused Frank Edward of having affairs with Osinach despite she was being maltreated by her husband.

However Frank Edward only react to the allegations by using laughing emoji with a caption “Oh dear Lord” , now this accusation is creating doubt in the mind of some people who are trying to believe what Kemi Olunloyo said, but however demand an explanation from Frank Edward to whether he had affair with Osinachi before he death.

According to a Twitter user:

While I condemn Kemi Olunloyo for alleging that Osinachi had an extramarital affair with Frank Edwards at this sensitive time, Frank Edwards should clear the air and save that good woman’s name. Don’t keep mute on us. Is it true or false?



  1. Amos

    April 10, 2022 at 7:26 pm

    Kemi olunkoyo is a mad woman and should not be taken serious. The best response is to laugh.

  2. Degreatrabbi

    April 11, 2022 at 8:29 am

    Kemi is an old Ho according to her son. Kemi is a disgrace to humanity and womanhood.

    The only thing Kemi could muster up was to drag the only person who was brave enough to expose the cover up of Osinachi’s death.

  3. Degreatrabbi

    April 11, 2022 at 8:32 am

    Shame on you Kemi you have no soul. I wonder what runs in your brain. How much did they pay you Kemi, how much that would warrant you to sell your soul.

    What about the pastor that encouraged her to go back to same house where she had been constantly ABUSED? Nobody is saying anything about it.

    Her producer said that anytime he advised her to leave the marriage, she will beg him to talk to her on her behalf. The producer said that he couldn’t because he didn’t have any direct relationship with her pastor.

    Let us know it today that OSINACHI’s abuse wasn’t only from her husband alone, but also from the church.

    The watched while the BEAST pounded!

  4. Degreatrabbi

    April 11, 2022 at 8:34 am

    Kemi is an old Ho according to her son. Kemi is a disgrace to humanity and womanhood.

    The only thing Kemi could muster up was to drag the only person who was brave enough to expose the cover up of Osinachi’s death.

    Shame on you Kemi you have no soul. I wonder what runs in your brain. How much did they pay you Kemi, how much that would warrant you to sell your soul.

    What about the pastor that encouraged her to go back to same house where she had been constantly ABUSED? Nobody is saying anything about it.

    Her producer said that anytime he advised her to leave the marriage, she will beg him to talk to her on her behalf. The producer said that he couldn’t because he didn’t have any direct relationship with her pastor.

    Let us know it today that OSINACHI’s abuse wasn’t only from her husband alone, but also from the church.

    The watched while the BEAST pounded!

  5. Degreatrabbi

    April 11, 2022 at 8:37 am

    Kemi is an old Ho according to her son. Kemi is a disgrace to humanity and womanhood.

    The only thing Kemi could muster up was to drag the only person who was brave enough to expose the cover up of Osinachi’s death.

    Shame on you Kemi you have no soul. I wonder what runs in your brain. How much did they pay you Kemi, how much that would warrant you to sell your soul.

    What about the pastor that encouraged her to go back to same house where she had been constantly ABUSED? Nobody is saying anything about it.

    Her producer said that anytime he advised her to leave the marriage, she will beg him to talk to her pastor on her behalf. The producer said that he couldn’t because he didn’t have any direct relationship with her pastor.

    Let us know it today that OSINACHI’s abuse wasn’t only from her husband alone, but also from the church.

    The watched while the BEAST pounded!

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