Devastated Parents Kissed Their Dying Daughter Goodbye. What Happened Next is Very Hard To Believe

When all hope was lost, Lee and Francesca felt ready to say goodbye forever. One final kiss on their daughter Bella’s forehead was supposed to release her into eternity. But what happened in the next half hour in the lives of the Moore Williams family was so remarkable and unbelievable that it left even doctors in awe and shock.
Francesca and Lee Moore Williams were a happy family living in Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, England, with a boy of five years and a baby girl of 18 months. Both children were developing at a normal pace, and their life was nothing out of the ordinary. Little did any of them expect to be standing next to their dying daughter Bella before she would even turn two.
Things started to unfold at a rapid pace. In April 2015, Francesca noticed something alarming in her daughter’s crib. For the first year of her life, Bella was a healthy little girl. However, without notice or any identifiable reason, soon after her birthday, her body started shutting down. Each morning, when Francesca picked up her little girl, she saw clumps of hair on the bedding that weren’t there the previous day. At that time, Bella was only 14 months old. It was clear that there was something drastically wrong with her daughter.
Of course, the concerned parents immediately sought medical help. Although Bella previously sat independently in her high chair, she was now slumping and could not sit up properly anymore. Despite performing many tests, the hospital could not immediately come up with a diagnosis of what was causing this precious baby girl’s illness.
The next three months were a roller coaster of emotional ups and downs. It was emotionally draining for both parents to see their little daughter suffer. Bella was without energy, and with both mom and dad having to work, some days were just hard to cope with. Then there was also their young son Bobby, who had to be taken care of.
When doctors diagnosed asthma as the cause of all the problems and prescribed an inhaler to clear up the chest infections, it was time for the family to take a well-deserved break. They booked a vacation to Gran Canaria and were planning to have the time of their lives.
Unfortunately, this holiday turned into a nightmare when Bella’s health took a turn for the worse. She was completely depleted, and for the entire holiday, she clung onto her mother, as she had almost no energy to keep her eyes open.
The family had to cut the vacation short and immediately booked a return flight home. As soon as they landed, they took Bella to the family doctor. When he saw the condition she was in, he submitted her without hesitation to the Colchester Hospital in Essex.
Time was of the essence, and he ordered some tests that showed that her legs were severely weakened and were unable to perform any natural movement. From that moment on, Bella was drifting in and out of consciousness; she simply did not have the energy to stay awake. If doctors had not put her on a ventilator, she might have died at that very moment.
She was then transferred to Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, where she would receive specialized care. These traumatic events were almost unbearable for the parents. Only four months earlier, they had been a happy and healthy family, but here they were now staring down the frightening tunnel with death steadily approaching.
Her recovery started in the hospital, where she was gradually taken off machines before starting to move around and then finally walking.
Due to her illness, her developmental progress was a little behind schedule by about eight months, but experts were confident that she would catch up easily. Months later, the little girl was finally allowed home, just in time to celebrate the Christmas holidays with her family. Shortly after leaving the hospital, she was learning to walk and talk, and her hair was growing back steadily.
Francesca knew that she would need some help to process the emotions caused by the ordeal her family went through. It feels as if she became stuck in her emotions the moment she was told that Bella would survive.
Since then, she has not been able to cry. What was supposed to be their last photograph together became only a milestone in the life of Bella Moore Williams. She is flourishing as she attends school now, and her energy has come back tenfold. She is expected to do great things in life, as after all, she has already conquered death once.
The recovery journey was not easy, but the family held onto hope beyond what their physical eyes were seeing.
The story raises questions about whether this was a divine miracle or simply the medicine that kicked in to save Bella’s life. Processing the trauma and emotions properly is a challenging task for Francesca, and seeking professional help or engaging in therapy could be beneficial for her.