Boy Dies, Comes Back, Says Jesus Gave Him a Message for the World

When a young boy died in a car crash, he says he went to heaven. After being resuscitated, he came back with a message he says Jesus gave him to share with the world, and he wants everyone to hear it before it’s too late.

Landon Whitley was in the back seat riding home from church with his mom and dad on October 19th, 1997, when tragedy struck. “I didn’t see what he was yelling at, I didn’t see the ambulance coming, but I remember him yelling. That was the last thing I heard from him,” Julie Camp, Landon’s mom, recalled. According to Fox News, the ‘he’ she is referring to was her husband, Andy. The ambulance she speaks of broadsided their car in an intersection.
Landon was just eight years old when the ambulance, returning to its station, T-boned his family’s car in an intersection. His dad died instantly. Rescuers stabilized Julie, but didn’t realize Landon was also in the car. “They couldn’t see his body because of the damage that was done to the….TA P HER&_ NØW-TØ S&E THE