After We Did It, I Hugged Him Again, But I Was Not Expecting What Happened Next –
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After We Did It, I Hugged Him Again, But I Was Not Expecting What Happened Next

My husband has been like this since we started dating. I thought becoming his wife would change things a little bit but nothing has changed. If anything, it’s gotten worse than I thought it would be.

He’s a great guy in bed. I would give him that. He knows where to touch and where to wander and where to tread.

My problem with him is after-care after we’ve had great intimacy. To me, intimacy is not all about sxx. There should be more. There should be something we do to feel connected, to celebrate our oneness.

These things are very cheap but my husband finds it very difficult to give. Right after intimacy, I want him to continue touching me, cuddle or say something to me. We can lay in bed for several minutes talking about everything but nothing—you know, those sweet nothings. We can be in each other’s embrace until we……Read Full Story Here………….

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