Medical Experts Warn: Avoid Washing This One Thing Every Time You Shower –
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Medical Experts Warn: Avoid Washing This One Thing Every Time You Shower

For many people, the daily shower is an established routine deeply ingrained in their lives. However, the simple act of stepping under the comforting flow of warm water doesn’t automatically dictate the same routine on every occasion.

This is especially pertinent when considering your hair, as medical experts recommend against washing it during every shower. Keep reading to learn about the recommended frequency for lathering up your locks, according to Bestlifeonline.

You could be damaging your hair and scalp by using shampoo too often.
Woman’s hand holding wet, blonde, tangled hair after washing on white background.

While certain daily hygiene practices like brushing your teeth are essential, medical experts caution against the habit of excessively washing your hair, as it can have adverse long-term effects.

They emphasize that shampooing your hair every day can strip it of the body’s natural defenses that protect against breakage and help maintain scalp moisture.

Dr. Angela Lamb, an assistant professor of dermatology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, explains, “Hair produces natural oil called sebum, and shampoo is an emulsifier that captures and traps excess oil, dirt, and product residue, which you then rinse out to clean the hair.” This insight underscores the importance of finding a balance in your hair care routine.

How often you wash your hair is specific to your personal needs.
man washing his hair

Medical experts stress that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all rule for how often you should wash your hair.

According to Dr. Carolyn Goh, an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the typical timeframe for most individuals falls within the range of shampooing every two to three days, as she explained to WebMD.

However, Dr. Goh also underscores certain indicators that signal it’s time to wash your hair, regardless of the elapsed time. These cues include visibly oily hair, an itchy scalp, or flaking due to dirt.

Keeping an eye on these signals can assist you in determining when your hair requires cleaning. For more insights on caring for your body, make sure to read “You’re Forgetting to Wash This Body Part Every Time You Shower.”

Some people may still need to wash their hair every day.
Woman shampooing her hair in the shower

While a universal guideline for the number of days between hair washes doesn’t exist, it’s crucial to acknowledge that exceptions do apply. Certain individuals may find it necessary to wash their hair daily.

This category includes people who engage in regular and intense physical activity leading to heavy sweating, individuals with very fine hair, and those residing in highly humid environments. These factors can require more frequent hair washing to maintain cleanliness and comfort.

Surprisingly, daily washing can also be beneficial for another issue. Dr. Carolyn Goh explains, “If you have an oily scalp, then daily washing is needed. Sometimes, people think they have a dry scalp because they have dandruff, but in those situations, more frequent washing is also helpful.” These insights underline the importance of tailoring your hair care routine to your specific needs.

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