The Daughter Told Her Mother Her Father’s Secret. The Woman Was Surprised At What She Said
Mother and daughter were sitting in the kitchen in the evening, drinking tea. It was a colleague’s birthday, and Diana had brought home a couple of cakes from the party. Bria, her five-year-old daughter, for some reason, was not eating and was picking at her cake with her spoon. Lately, the young woman had noticed that her daughter was eating fewer sweets and was happy about it.
Finally, she listened to her mother and is not throwing tantrums now. Diana thought to herself, “Oh, what a good girl it turned out to be! So easy to explain to her daughter that sweets are harmful because teeth will hurt, and the body will get fewer vitamins, and it worked. Bria really began to eat fewer sweets.”
“Why had her stupid mother tempted her with cakes and reminded her of sweets? If you don’t want to eat, don’t eat,” the mother smiled. “You’ll eat less sugar, and your teeth will be healthier.”
“And how much less sugar do I have to eat to make my teeth healthier?” Bria asked.
“You’d better replace them with fruit,” the mother advised. “Will chocolate cause bad teeth too?”
Bria was upset. “If you eat it every day and a lot of it, yes, but I don’t eat it every day,” said her daughter seriously. “I ate just a single one today. It’s not much.”
Diana was puzzled because she hadn’t bought her daughter any chocolate. Had Yasmin really bought it for her? But why did he do it in secret from her? Had they agreed to limit their daughter’s candy ration? “Did you have any chocolate today?” her mother inquired.
“Oh,” Bria covered her mouth. “I let it slip, and now she has come to her senses. So your father bought you chocolate after all,” Diana frowned.
“Don’t tell him,” said Bria. “I promised him I wouldn’t tell you anything. That’s how it is.”
Diana was indignant. “It’s not right when Mom says one thing and Dad says another. And if she hadn’t been treated to a cake at work, she wouldn’t have known that Yasmin was spoiling his daughter in secret.”
Diana began to ask Bria what this chocolate conspiracy between her and her father was all about. It turned out that it wasn’t a conspiracy at all but often the neighbor came to visit them. Bria admitted that this woman is boring because she doesn’t like cartoons. Dad turned on cartoons for Bria, but Mrs. Maria didn’t want to watch them. Then they locked themselves in their room. Perhaps it’s because she enjoys watching horror movies. The girl shrugged, “What makes you think that?”
Diana tensed up, and her daughter told her what the young woman feared hearing most of all. It turned out that a lot of moaning and groaning came from the room, and the little child took it in her own way. She thought that Daddy and Mrs. Maria were watching a horror movie, and it was silly, in Bria’s opinion, because cartoons are much more enjoyable. “Thank goodness,” thought Diana, “it’s too early for a child to get involved in adult things.”
The mother continued to question her daughter and promised not to say anything to her father. Unfortunately, it is very easy to manipulate little children. You can say that it will be your little secret and promise something to the child so she agrees to a deal.
First, Daddy bribed his daughter with a chocolate bar, now Mom promised to take her to the aqua park. Bria absolutely did not understand that she was doing anything wrong and even less understood that her Daddy was doing something wrong.
The aqua park had paid off more than Diana expected. She found out that her neighbor visits them on a regular basis. Poor Daddy, who earns next to nothing, has to bribe his daughter with chocolate so she wouldn’t say anything to her mother.
This Maria is a she changes men like a glove, and now she has decided to steal another man’s husband. It is very convenient, and everything is at her side. The husband periodically goes to night shifts, he goes to inventory, and during the day, he has an affair, and all this happens while his wife is working.
She endured it all because of after the birth of her daughter they decided so. The young woman had a well-paid job, and her husband worked only part-time jobs, and they did not want to give the daughter to the kindergarten, so neither of the spouses was offended that the wife would be the main breadwinner and the husband would babysit their child.
Diana was not going to tolerate cheating, but in order not to accuse her spouse without evidence, she decided to install a hidden camera. He will find a lot of excuses for her pretensions and will say that it was all her daughter’s fantasies, and then he will blame his wife, and she will feel sorry for him.
Diana has long understood that her husband is an abuser, but there have been no scandals yet. They lived no worse than anyone else, so there was no point in a divorce. Besides, they already have a daughter, and they live well. It was not worth destroying the family just because of the prejudice that the husband should earn more than the wife. It was their choice, so they let the people around them think what they wanted.
But the point is not in the work, but in the fact that Yasmin has always found an excuse to justify himself. He turned everything in such a light that even if his wife is not satisfied with something, then she will ask him for forgiveness. Diana installed a hidden camera in the bedroom and did not accuse or ask her husband about anything. She decided that it was better that he not know that she was guessing about anything.
Yasmin behaved as if nothing had happened. The young woman already thought that she was just upsetting herself. Maybe he was really innocent because Bria could imagine anything. But she remained cold to her husband and made excuses about her headaches and problems at work. Diana couldn’t let him near her until she’d checked everything out.
The next day, Diana came home from work, and Yasmin had another night shift. He galloped happily to work and kissed her farewell. The young woman looked at him suspiciously because her husband was too cheerful. He went to work as if he were going to a party. Diana asked her daughter if the neighbor had come today. Bria hesitated and said that she had and asked her mother if it was alright that she had another chocolate bar today.
“I asked Mrs. Maria to bring fruit next time,” Bria said, lowering her eyes guiltily.
“Maybe there won’t be the next time,” said her mother sternly, and she went to watch the camera footage. But still, she had a faint hope that it was some kind of mistake. Maybe they were learning to do embroidery, for instance. Diana smiled sadly as she watched the video to the end. Unfortunately, the husband was doing exactly what bad husbands do with their neighbors when their wives are not at home. Diana was disgusted because it was happening in their bedroom, and then she slept on the same bed where her husband was making love to someone.
“I wonder what kind of inventory he has to work,” thought Diana. For so many years, she had naively provided for the family so that her husband could cheat on her. He is at ease because he has chosen the tactics of attack, and in the event of anything, he claims against his wife.
He pretends to be a model family man who looks after his daughter and at the same time flirts with the neighbors. “I wonder how long this has been going on,” but Diana did not think about it because no matter how long it lasted, it was all over anyway.
She decided to leave him once and not to listen to Yasmin’s silly excuses. Surely, he will start accusing his neighbor of seducing him. That’s all he is capable of, except to make himself look like a victim. Once again, he had already said once that he almost never saw his wife at home. Diana suggested he find a well-paid job himself, and she didn’t mind staying with her daughter.
He wanted lots of money, nothing to do, and to have a wife at his side. “Mom, can I watch another cartoon?” Bria came into the room. “And can I skip dinner?”
“Let’s watch a cartoon in the car,” mom suggested. “And now we’ll pack up our things and go on a little trip together.”
“Hooray!” exclaimed her daughter, jumping up and down. Diana packed her things and her daughter’s things, and they left. She also left a surprise for her husband on the television set. She inserted a flash drive with an interesting video clip on it. The young woman was sure that the first thing he would do was take a bottle of beer and some chips and sit down to watch TV after a hard shift.
Bria did not even bother to ask why they were going alone. She didn’t like staying with her father despite the chocolates. But when her mother came home from work, her daughter would rush to her and wouldn’t let her go. Yasmin came home from work in the morning. No one was home, although his wife hadn’t told him she was going somewhere. He called Diana, but she didn’t answer the call.
Yasmin didn’t like such surprises. He thought that something might have happened to their daughter, and Diana took her to the hospital. Being angry that his wife left no explanation, he took a bottle of beer out of the fridge and sat down on the couch. Yasmin turned on the TV and sat there with his beer, and mouth open.
Diana wanted to get exactly that effect. The bed scene that was on the flash drive started on the screen at once. Yasmin immediately realized everything and remembered that Diana had behaved strangely the day before.
He did not touch the beer but was trying to decide what to do and how to justify himself to his wife. But the video was eloquent, and it was at that moment that he realized how precious his family, his wife, and his daughter were to him. He would have to ask for forgiveness because the young man could not lose them because of some stupid mistake.
He rushed outside and started calling Diana’s mother. His mother-in-law was surprised because her daughter had never told her anything, but Yasmin did not believe her and decided that she was just covering for her daughter.
And that his wife must have said some nasty things about him to her mother. Yasmin decided to go to his mother-in-law, and he got behind the wheel and drove. The road was slippery after the rain, and the man was driving at high speed when he failed to control his vehicle and drove into a ditch.
Yasmine covered, more or less, in the hospital. Thanks to kind people, someone even brought him a phone. He texted his wife, but there was no answer. The doctor came several hours later and asked if the man had children. When he heard that his daughter was about six, he said, “Okay, then get well,” and was going to leave.
“Wait a minute, why did you inquire about my children?” Yasmin was concerned.
“I won’t be able to have any more children,” the young man did not know whether to be happy or not. After all, it would be more convenient since he and his wife do not plan any more children. “Unless they’d reconcile, you should consult other specialists about that,” the doctor averted his gaze tactfully. “Now it is possible to make a baby without any participation.” He blushed, “Well, you know what I am talking about.”
Yasmin did not understand or rather hoped that he did not understand, but then the doctor explained everything clearly.
It was a shock. Yasmin is not yet 40 years old. He didn’t know how to live further; his mother was 100 sure that Diana was a prostitute. Yasmin complained and was left with nothing; now he can only keep his mother company. It is unlikely that any woman will agree to live with him.