While her son was living a rich life, his old mother was scrounging in garbage dumps, but one day – Legitpost.com.ng
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While her son was living a rich life, his old mother was scrounging in garbage dumps, but one day

An elderly woman shifting from foot to foot walked through the junkyard. She had no home, no place to be accepted and loved. Her only son, whom she had loved so much, had just put her out on the street. Now he was living in wealth, enjoying life and just being happy. He didn’t even consider the fact that while he was enjoying his wealth, his mother was asking passersby for money, unable to find a single piece of bread, often starving all day long.

An expensive car drove by. The elderly woman turned around and thought it might well have been her son. She looked around, but the car passed her too quickly. But her son, who is actually in the car at the time, was humming a song nonchalantly.

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, occasionally glancing at himself in the mirror, rejoicing at how well his life had turned out. After all this time, he had dreamed of being wealthy, happy, and now, finally, it had happened. He had money, a beautiful wife, and everything he wanted. During this time, he did not even think of his mother. As soon as he thought of her, he forbade himself to think of her further. She was too old for him, only the potential costs, nothing more, as he liked to put it.

“Here we go again,” Charles said grudgingly as he looked at the phone number that popped up on his screen. He put the phone to his ear and rolled his eyes. “Hello, I’m driving,” he spoke sharply, and it was immediately clear that the person who called him clearly did not like him.

It was the wife he loved. He had long wanted such a beauty to show off to his partners. But the longer he was with her, the more trouble he had with her. Lately, he had grown very tired of her pretensions, of her constant tantrums, of the endless conditions he had to agree to for her sake.

“Look, honey, you said we were going to buy a phone. Why do I have to wait? My friend posted a picture on social media today. She now has the phone I wanted. I’m embarrassed to even go with it today. Do you want me to embarrass myself?” Karen was indignant.

“If you’re going to make me nervous every day about this stupid phone, you’re definitely not going to get it,” the man said grudgingly. But it turned out she didn’t care at all about his reasoning.

“If you don’t give a damn about what I want, I’ll file for divorce. You think I’m going to sit and wait for you?” replied Karen sharply. She hung up, and Charles tossed the phone into the passenger’s backseat. The wonderful mood he’d been in just a few minutes ago was immediately ruined. He rolled his eyes, already anticipating another scandal waiting for him when he got home. More conditions, more talk about how embarrassing it was for her to show up in front of her friends.

He wanted her to stay with him, but the man was not at all opposed to her behaving a little more modestly. As soon as he appeared in the office, the smile reappeared on his face. “Here they are, new contracts, new income,” he smiled. “Well, that was it. He didn’t care about any more problems, only money and only profit.

The car that was backing up was just pulling into the landfill. Surely the man behind the wheel had to ask the local authorities several times to unload the garbage, but each time there was a reason. And now he just decided that he would take everything out himself, just so there would be no more junk piled up near his house.

Michael looked around as if trying to find someone to help him, but no one was around. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice the old lady and almost threw a big bag at her. “Oh, I’m sorry,” Michael said, and a goofy smile appeared on his face. But then he froze.

He saw the mother of his childhood friend, the same Susan who had treated him like her own son, even better than his own mother. He froze, staring at her. He didn’t know if he was right or wrong, but they were the same blue eyes that had faded with age. It was the same hair, the same pale skin, even a mole above her lip. “Susan, oh my God, that can’t be right,” he said immediately running up to her, realizing he hadn’t misidentified himself.

“Oh, Michael, honey, it’s so good to see you,” the older woman said with a smile. “Why aren’t you wearing your glasses? Did something happen to Charles? Why did you get here?” Michael asked in amazement. Susan was silent. She looked first at her feet, then she looked at her son’s childhood friend, and now Michael realized that this must have been an unpleasant subject for her. He couldn’t just leave her here.

He packed up her few belongings, throughout most of what she considered her only possessions. He feared that her health, which was not in the best of health as it was, was even worse out here.

Michael gently sat her down in the car, glancing at her as if he feared that at any moment she would refuse, that he would have to talk her down. But the old woman got into the car without complaint. She looked around strangely, as if she were afraid of getting her seat dirty. Michael immediately got in the driver’s seat and drove home, glancing at the old woman. She was crying, wiping her eyes, and he was afraid to even ask her what had really happened.

While Susan took a shower, he ran to a nearby store and bought some clothes. They turned out to be large, but they were clean clothes. The old woman was insanely grateful for his concern. “Tomorrow we’ll buy you something that fits you. I’m sorry I got confused,” he said, looking at her with pity. He could not understand how such a good, caring, kind woman suddenly found herself on the street. What had happened to her apartment? To her son? All this did not fit in his head.

He sat her down at the table, put on the dinner he had heated since yesterday, and now he waited for her to tell him at least a part of the whole story, to find out the details.

Charles said he wanted to start a business. He thought it through, he’d found people to help him. He needed the money. He talked me into selling the apartment, and I, an old fool, went along with it,” the old woman said, wiping away her tears. She still blamed herself for believing her son at the time.

As soon as he got my apartment, he kicked me out, and I followed him, begged him to at least give me to some nursing home. But my son threw me out of the car, to this dump like an unwanted kitten. That’s all, that’s pretty much the whole story,” said the older woman.

“That’s creepy. I remember him as a boy. He was so kind. I don’t even believe he’s capable of that,” said Michael, bewildered.

“And don’t worry, you have a home now. Everything will be all right now. Don’t worry, I’ll go and talk to him. Maybe he’s in some kind of trouble,” Michael suggested.

“He won’t listen to you,” said the older woman. “He’s doing fine. His elderly mother walks through the dumps looking for a piece of bread. He doesn’t care about me, and he probably never cared about me. Now he only wants money. He doesn’t want his own mother.”

Michael’s heart cringed when he saw her crying. He wanted to do whatever it took to keep her from being upset anymore, to not see her tears dripping on her clothes. Michael’s mother had always been an alcoholic. She drank a lot, and for weeks she couldn’t get out of her rather dubious states.

His fathers were constantly changing, so he could not count on their support, and only his neighbor Susan was always ready to take him in, to help him, to give him advice, and to feed him. She would do anything to keep the boy alive in this nightmare world. He remembered how she had treated him when he was a boy, and he would not abandon her now, even if her own son abandoned her.

Again, Michael arrived at his old friend’s house to discuss all that he had learned and what had happened. He wanted to hear from Charles that he had abandoned his own mother, to look him in the eye, because he could hardly believe that his childhood friend was capable of such a thing.

When Charles accepted Michael, he was all lit up with happiness. But he wasn’t happy to see his childhood friend; he was happy they had another chance to brag about what he had accomplished. “Here, look what a business, what an office, all mine, in all by myself. Well, maybe not all by myself, but it’s definitely all mine now,” the man said smugly.

“You better tell me why did you kick your mother out of her apartment?” asked Michael.

Charles was silent. He didn’t look happy. It was clear once again that his friend was not going to be jealous of him. He grimaced. “It’s her own fault,” he said firmly, except that his words didn’t sound like the truth. Michael waited for Charles to explain, but he didn’t. He showed with all his appearance that he had no regrets.

“Are you trying to teach me about life? Where did you find her? Is she still alive or what?” he asked grudgingly.

“I found her in a dump. Why do you live here in riches while your old mother searches for a piece of bread in the dumps? Can’t you pay for your mother to go to some nursing home? She gave all her years of her life to you, taking care of you. Look, fate will punish you severely for such a thing,” said Michael.

“I’m not afraid of any fate,” said Charles with a chuckle.

Michael knew at once that there was no use in explaining anything. He looked intently at his friend. He was already a different man, spiteful and mercenary. Before him stood a man who had thrown his own mother away and who did not care about her health or her life.

“Okay, let’s end this dialogue,” Charles said emphatically. A nasty smirk appeared on his face again. “Come on, join me. We’re going to the restaurant now, and I’ll ask my wife to bring a girlfriend. Then maybe I’ll take you into the business too.”

Charles held out his palm, but Michael didn’t shake his hand. The man turned around rather abruptly and walked out of the office. Michael was on his way home. He went over in his head not only the whole situation but also Charles’s words. He had no regrets about what had happened. He didn’t even ask how his mother was feeling. He was thinking about girls, fun, and money.

Michael could hardly recognize this man as someone he had once been friends with. Susan was sitting at home. She was holding the phone that Michael had given her. Susan didn’t believe Michael could change her son’s mind, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she hoped that her son would change his mind and call.

But her son didn’t call, not an hour or two. Susan wiped away her tears again. She did not understand what she had done to deserve such treatment. Of course, now she was insanely grateful to Michael that he had saved her, given her a home and food, and was not going to leave her. But she cried because her own son, the man for whom she was willing to do anything, had just kicked her out to sell an apartment. She cried because she missed her son so much.

Slowly, Susan came to terms with the fact that her son was never coming back to her. She wasn’t waiting for an apology; she expected at least a phone call. However, no call came. She had been living with Michael for months, and she thanked him every day that he had saved her from a horrible life in the dump.

She hoped she could repay his kindness by at least cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. She cared for him, and he cared for her as if she were his own mother. But not a day went by without Michael remembering the words of Charles.

One day, Susan became ill. They took her to the hospital, ran tests, conducted examinations. The doctors made a disappointing diagnosis: the woman didn’t have long to live. “Don’t get upset. Yes, my life was hard, but everything ends someday,” she said as she lay in her hospital bed. Michael sat beside her. He brought her the bouquet of flowers she loved so much. Beside her lay her favorite book. She looked at Michael lovingly.

“Thank you so much, Michael. I’m glad you spent the last months of my life with me,” she said affectionately. The older woman continued to speak without taking her eyes off Michael. “Look, you sound as if you were already saying goodbye. What’s the use of procrastination? I’m glad you were with me, but don’t torture yourself. Leave me here.”

“Well, no, you’ve been like a mother to me, and you think I’m going to leave you? No, you have a home, and you will be home,” Michael insisted. He wasn’t going to leave her in such a difficult time, and if she was destined to live only a few more months, he would want her to spend them in comfort, next to a man who was willing to take care of her.

Just a few days after Susan was home, Michael made another attempt to reason with her son. He made an appointment and arrived at the right time.

“I knew you’d change your mind. No one turns down that kind of money. Did you see the car I bought?” smirked Charles. He didn’t even ask about his mother. He was sure Michael had come here to get a job with him.

“Charles, your mother is dying,” Michael said, looking him straight in the eye. He hoped that these words would awaken something human in him, but his friend’s face turned angry.

“Whatever. She’s old now. Do you even know how much money she needed for treatment? I could have bought a car with that money,” Charles said sharply.

Now Michael was in shock. He looked at his childhood friend and couldn’t believe it was the same person. He just compared his mother’s life to an expensive car, making choices not in favor of his mother.

“Are you completely obsessed with your money? Your mother is dying. I’m Michael shouted, unable to contain his anger. “Michael, you and I have been friends for a very long time. I’m offering you the perfect thing right now. I’ll call good people, and they’ll help you like they helped me. This is the only time I’m offering you. If you don’t agree now, you don’t have to come to me anymore.”

“Stop talking about that old woman!” Charles said gruffly. “Faith doesn’t forgive such things.”

Michael walked out of the office. He couldn’t believe that his once loyal friend was so cruel and heartless. He looked at Charles and couldn’t recognize the person he had once trusted. Charles had become consumed by greed and selfishness, completely disregarding the love and care his mother had given him throughout his life.

Charles left but never went to his mother’s grave. He couldn’t bring himself to face the reality of his actions. Instead, he found himself alone, with nothing but debts and an impending divorce. His life had crumbled before him, and he had no one to blame but himself.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Charles struggled to come to terms with the consequences of his actions. He had lost everything that he had once held dear, and it was a harsh wake-up call. The material wealth he had pursued had left him empty and alone.

During this time, Michael continued to care for Susan. He provided her with comfort, love, and support in her final days. She passed away peacefully, knowing that someone had cared for her when her own son had turned his back on her.

Charles, now humbled and remorseful, woke up one morning with a newfound realization. He couldn’t change the past, but he could change his future. He made a decision to confront his guilt and seek redemption.

He reached out to Michael, expressing his desire to meet and apologize. Michael, hesitant at first, agreed to see him. They met at a local café, and Charles poured out his heart, sincerely apologizing for his actions and the pain he had caused his mother.

Michael listened attentively, observing the genuine remorse in Charles’ eyes. He saw a glimmer of the friend he had once known, buried beneath the layers of greed and selfishness. Charles admitted his mistakes and expressed his desire to make amends, not only to his mother but to everyone he had hurt along the way.

Moved by Charles’ sincerity, Michael decided to give him a chance for redemption. He understood that people could change, and Charles’ journey of self-reflection and remorse had convinced him of that possibility.

Over time, Charles worked hard to rebuild his life from scratch. He sought forgiveness from those he had wronged and committed himself to a path of humility, kindness, and compassion. He started volunteering at homeless shelters and elderly care facilities, driven by the desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

Though Charles could never undo the pain he had caused his mother, he vowed to honor her memory by dedicating his life to helping those in need. He understood the true value of family, love, and forgiveness, lessons he had learned through his own mistakes.

As years passed, Charles became a changed man. He found solace in serving others and discovered a deeper sense of fulfillment than he had ever experienced through material possessions. He lived his life with gratitude, cherishing every opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life.

In the end, Charles understood that true wealth lies not in material riches, but in the love and compassion we share with others. He hoped that by redeeming himself, he could honor his mother’s memory and inspire others to appreciate the importance of family, kindness, and forgiveness.

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