Biological brother and sister, who were in incstual relationship, recorded themselves engaging in consensual acts in the presence of two children; the sister made verbal statements ‘that she often engages in this with her brother

Police officials said the 34-year-old man, Leonard, and the 32-year-old woman, Samantha, were taken into custody and later charged with multiple charges, including: inc-st and lewd or lascivi0us exhibition on a victim under the age of 16. The 32-year-old woman was also charged with capital se-ual battery on a child under the age of 12.
According to the statement, Leonard and Samantha, who authorities say are brother and sister, reportedly recorded themselves engaging in consensual se-ual acts in the presence of two children.
Per reports, several people called the authorities and said that the 32-year-old woman sent n-de images of a 7-year-old child and that she made verbal statements of se-ual abuse to the child, including that she often engages in se* with her brother.
During an interview with investigators, the woman reportedly gave them permission to search her phone.
During the search, they reportedly found n-de images. But, authorities determined the images to be er0tica, rather than child se-ual abuse material.
Shortly after, investigators reportedly found multiple videos of her engaging in consensual se* with her biological brother. Investigators later revealed that two child victims were present during the inc-stual acts.
Additional evidence was obtained that Samantha reportedly committed a se-ual crime on a child, L&C reported. The siblings are currently scheduled to appear before Judge Anthony at 9 a.m. on Sept. 26.