Why Nigerian parents Need to start teaching their children about S€x — Rapper Eva Alordiah

Nigerian Rapper Eva Alordiah has advice parents to teach their children about $€xual urge and the danger of having premarital $€x at tender Age.
According to her:
I hope that more Nigerian parents will stop hiding behind the curtains of hyp#crisy & righteousness, and begin to have real conversations with their own children about S#x. We are s#xual beings by nature. Heal your own sh@me & tr@umas and teach your kids about their S#xual Nature In a world where Information is rampant and easily accessible, where most children today are gifted Ipads before they are gifted books, where S#x is on ever ready display at the click of a button, it is even more Urgent that we discuss St#x in an open, intuitive and respectful way Unfortunately most Nigerian parents fold their arms and hope their children learn about S#x at the right time. When? They hope the Pastors promising hell as penalty for sin will twat the ever raging curiosity of children. The fear of hell is not as great as the desire for S#x.
We seriously need to stop with the damn hypocrisy and learn and teach about our God-given S#xual nature as humans. Preaching “Suppression” is just as well as begging people to explode with reckless abandon. You cannot suppress nature. Nature will do what it wilt To think that children are “just” children is to set yourself up for a rude awakening. Children know so much more than you give them credit for.
It is Better to have real, intentional relationships with your children, founded on love & mutual respect. You give Children the most expensive schools, Ipads, Internet, Gadgets, Teachers, Pastors, but you don’t givve them your own counsel as parents. Dear Nigerian Parents, please, it is your responsibility to teach your Kids about S#x. If you don’t, they will learn anyways