White Family Adopts a Black Girl From Another Country 3 Days later They Return Her Right Away

Jessica and Adam Davis from Ohio thought they were ready to grow their family again. Despite already having four children, the Davises decided to adopt this time because they both wanted to help a child in need. Adam and Jessica soon adopted a Ugandan girl. The couple felt that they had to adopt Nemata the instant they saw her. Nemata was with them in America in a flash. But as time passed and Nemata learned English, things began to go wrong. Nemata eventually told her adoptive parents her tragic past.

Jessica and Adam Davis live happily in Saint Clairesville, Ohio. A few years after having their fourth biological child, they wanted to expand their family by one. Despite being able to conceive naturally, the couple chose to adopt an orphan kid. “I’ve always wanted to make a difference. Adopting seemed like a no-brainer. I felt this would help at least one child. We would welcome a youngster in need into our house and hearts,” Jessica said.
So, Adam and Jessica Davis decided to adopt a fifth child. “It wasn’t about having another child or growing our family,” Jessica explained. “We wanted to give our love and fortune to a child who might not otherwise have it.” Making a choice isn’t as simple as the pair anticipated. The children of America as well as children worldwide needed what Jessica and her team could provide. Jessica began exploring adoption services as the Davises pushed through with their plan. “I read that Uganda has over 3 million orphans,” Jessica added. No matter what Jessica looked into, these statistics kept coming up. The helpless youngsters kept her up at night. So, after much thought, the couple decided to adopt a Ugandan child. “We decided that many of the poorest countries had the greatest need,” Jessica recounted.
While everything seemed to be going well for Adam and Jessica Davis, their issues were just beginning. The devoted pair knew they could help an orphan in Uganda. As a result, in October 2013, Jessica and Adam contacted an adoption agency in Uganda. The pair filled out hundreds of documents and checks, handing out thousands of dollars. “We spent tens of thousands of dollars and many hours filling out paperwork. I was determined to get to the best part of this process – addressing the needs of a child,” Jessica said of the adoption process.
After a year of paperwork and waiting, Jessica and Adam were approved to adopt. The selecting procedure then commenced. But then a seemingly perfect prospect came along. The Davises met Nemata, a six-year-old Ugandan girl, in 2015. The family formed an immediate bond with Nemata. Despite her feelings, Jessica felt compelled to complete her homework completely. So, she asked Nemata’s adoption agency about her past. Nothing could have prepared her for the Ugandan agency’s workers’ revelations. Lessons from Nemata moved Jessica and Adam.
“We were told her father had died, she was severely abused at home, and her mother was abandoning her for days,” Jessica said to CNN. “It was an exciting file.” The Davis family had no idea there was more to her past than the agency file revealed. Despite this, Adam and Jessica were delighted to adopt the six-year-old Ugandan child. They knew they could help her and were proud to call her their daughter.
In just a few months, the complete Davis family was in court, ready to adopt Nemata. Naturally, the judge authorized Nemata’s adoption. The Ugandan girl had a new family in America. Nemata didn’t speak English when she arrived, but it improved rapidly after a few months. Nemata enjoyed discussing her birth mother with Jessica and Adam. Nemata would also tell her adoptive parents how close she was to her mother. She would talk about how they enjoyed cooking together and going to church together every Sunday.
The Davises soon realized that the adoption agency’s account of Nemata’s past was inaccurate. Nemata’s English improved with time. Nemata, like most six-year-olds, was quick to learn. Soon, the Ugandan girl could converse with her new family. But as Nemata learned to communicate, things seemed to get worse for Jessica and Adam. According to the adoption agency, Nemata had a difficult upbringing in Uganda. So, the family found it weird that Nemata had only good things to say about her family, especially her birth mother. Jessica and Adam were ready for the biggest surprise of their lives.
With time, the Davises found Nemata’s memories contradicted the adoption agency’s portrayal. Unsurprisingly, the family’s alarms went off. While the agency said her family ignored her, Nemata had a different narrative. “She came from a nice family,” she remarked. After months of hearing these stories, Jessica and Adam decided to look into the agency’s claims. They began by going over everything European Adoption Consultants said. What they found shocked them to the core.
“The adoption agency had labeled her mother as helpless in previous talks,” Jessica said, “in the nomadophile, that she couldn’t supply fundamental needs for the child’s healthier growth, which also mentioned in the paper.” But the Davises soon realized this wasn’t the case. “It took us about a year and a half to understand the things our child told us did not match the stories presented in the paperwork,” Jessica added.
That wasn’t the worst. After chatting with Nemata, Jessica and Adam learned more about Nemata’s adoption. “At first, I questioned if Nemata’s contradictory information was a result of her coping mechanisms for being abandoned and abused, but I realized she was telling me something far more important,” Jessica remembered. “The kid we had battled to adopt for years was not an orphan, and practically everything written in her documents and told to us about her background was not accurate. Someone had duped Nemata’s mother into giving her up.”
Jessica and Adam knew they had to act quickly when they discovered the truth about their adopted daughter. They also couldn’t fold their arms knowing a tiny child had been removed from their beloved family. They decided to try to contact Nemata’s birth mother. So, the Davises contacted Karen Riley, founder of Reunited Uganda. Riley was able to discover Nemata’s biological mother. Riley even arranged up a FaceTime session for the four of them to discuss. Now, the truth regarding Nemata’s adoption would be revealed.
Jessica and Adam found Nemata’s mother with Reunited Uganda’s support. “We discovered she had a wonderful family from which she had been stolen,” Jessica explained. Nemata’s mother had no idea she had been adopted. She thought her daughter had gone to America to study and would return home. “But no, Nemata’s mother was just informed Adam and I would look after her, we would educate her,” Jessica stated.
The Davises were stunned by the Ugandan woman’s claims. They all listened to Nemata’s mother narrate the story. An unknown man visited Nemata’s local church. In addition to Nemata, he persuaded at least seven other families to give up their children. Then he took the Ugandan children and her friends to a God’s Mercy Orphanage run by European Adoption Consultants. The Davises met Nemata for the first time there. Jessica and Adam fell in love with Nemata and decided to adopt her. Regrettably, they had no notion they were devastated to learn the reality, Jessica claimed.
“They couldn’t believe how Nemata had ended up in their
household. At the time, Nemata’s mother had just lost her husband. That’s when the con artist pounced. When the opportunity to be sponsored by a wealthy American couple was provided to her, she felt blessed,” Jessica said. Sadly, it was also too good to be true. Nemata’s mother testified in court that she never intentionally gave up her parental rights. That didn’t stop them from adopting Nemata.
Jessica and Adam soon adopted the Ugandan girl and returned to America. Jessica and Adam discovered the agency’s sinister nature after exchanging messages with Nemata’s mother. Apparently, when the Davises verbally confirmed they would adopt Nemata, Ugandan authorities tried to separate her from her mother. Suddenly, the Ugandan woman recognized that something was wrong. But it was too late. By the time Nemata’s mother knew what was occurring, she was unable to stop the wheels from turning, Jessica said.
Fortunately, Nemata learned English and corrected the record. Jessica and Adam were shocked to learn Nemata’s true origins. They couldn’t fathom how somebody could achieve it. They couldn’t comprehend how scared and distraught they would be if their child was kidnapped. The Davises understood they had to reconcile Nemata with her loving mother. Fortunately, Nemata, who was only seven, realized that both her mother and her adoptive parents had been duped.
It was time for Jessica and Adam to bring Nemata to her mother’s arms. Jessica and Adam were desperate to reconnect Nemata and her mother. So, they asked for support from the US government. Despite all the proof proving Nemata’s mother never relinquished her daughter, government officials indicated it was up to the couple to reunite Nemata with her mother. Nemata’s adoption was void, of course. After all, Nemata was never an orphan.
Even though they adored Nemata, they knew she belonged in America. To get them out of back home with her mother, they did everything possible. Jessica and Adam spent the following three days completing paperwork to return Nemata’s mother’s parental rights. The Davis family organized a farewell party for the Ugandan girl. After all, they had adored Nemata for two years. They were happy to see their daughter reunited with her mother despite their sadness.
Despite the Davis convictions, not everyone agreed. “I faced so much opposition trying to reconnect Nemata with her family,” Jessica added. “I’ve been asked, ‘Why don’t you just keep her?’ My Christian duty to keep her and raise her in the appropriate faith was even stated.” In trying to adopt an orphan child in need, Jessica and Adam now find themselves fighting to return her home. “Our adoption journey has become a war for families,” Jessica added.
The Davises also determined to aid other families who had been harmed by similar kidnapping scams. Families ripped apart by ignorance and lack of empathy for people who have no voice to speak out against daily injustices. “I can’t turn away,” Jessica said. Even though they didn’t get to raise Nemata, they want to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Adam and Nemata had returned to Uganda. Jessica stayed behind with their biological kids while Adam went to Nemata’s rural hamlet in Uganda.
After what had happened, Adam was also anxious for Nemata’s safety. So, he stayed by her side until she met her mother. Jessica and the Davis kids cried as they said farewell to Nemata at the airport. That left them waiting for Adam to tell them Nemata had found her mother. The Davis family tried to smile through their sadness as Adam and Nemata left for Uganda. After all, she was eager to see her mother again, and Jessica, Adam, and their kids didn’t want to spoil Nemato’s fun.
Nemata and Adam arrived in her village after a long journey. Nemata and her mother embraced and cried. After all, they both feared never seeing each other again. Jessica and the Davis kids saw the reunion on film and photos. Jessica later described the scene as painfully beautiful. Nemata’s biological mother re-embraced her child in September 2016. After nearly three years apart, since then, the mother and daughter have not been apart.
“Nemata has thrived since coming home,” Jessica said. “I’ve also witnessed the beauty of a family restored,” the former adoptive mother remarked. The pair says they know they chose well in reuniting Nemata with her birth mother. They want Nemata to be happy with or without them. The couple couldn’t believe Nemata had already departed their lives after spending $65,000 to adopt her. They were shocked to find that international adoption is more common than they thought.
European Adoption Consultants will not be able to offer adoption in the US due to Nemata’s relocation. The Ugandan girl’s mother said she was overjoyed to have her daughter back. “Love goes beyond anything I could have imagined,” Jessica said. Thanks for watching. Please like and share the video in social networks. We’ll be right back to you as fast as we can.