She Fed a Homeless Black Man. 1 Hour Later, He Gave Her a Very SHOCKING Note!

One ordinary afternoon, the restaurant Jackie worked at was thrown into disarray when a homeless man walked in, and she fed him instead of throwing him out. An hour later, the same homeless man gave her a shocking note that left her speechless.
On a pleasant afternoon at Pluto’s Haven, a bustling City restaurant, the atmosphere was calm and peaceful. The number of customers was still low as the busy lunchtime rush had yet to begin. Taking advantage of the wall, the restaurant staff eagerly embraced a moment of respite before the hectic hours ahead. Among them was Jackie, a friendly waitress who, like her colleagues, was enjoying a well-deserved break. Everyone relished the tranquility, wanting to savor it for as long as possible.
However, something quite unexpected happened suddenly. A faint jingle filled the air as the entrance door swung open, instantly capturing the attention of all present. A man named Duke walked in, dressed in shabby clothes that didn’t fit him properly. His dark skin looked dry, and his outfit had holes that revealed his bare stomach and thin ankles. His messy hair seemed like it hadn’t been combed in ages. With wide, bright eyes, he scanned the restaurant before approaching a table.
As Duke entered, murmurs spread among the customers and staff. A waiter stopped in front of him, wearing a puzzled expression and asking what he wanted. In such a fancy place, Duke simply asked to be seated. But his request was met with incredulous laughter from the waiter and some of the other people in the restaurant. Pluto’s Haven only catered to the top executives and highly paid employees that worked in the area. Before a patron could be served, their status would first be checked to be sure that they deserved to eat there. This homeless man was in no league to even set foot in the restaurant.
Just then, Joss, the manager, walked in and saw Duke still trying to get past the waiter who was blocking his path. At the sight of him, the manager’s face fell, and a look of revulsion filled it. “Who led a homeless man in here?” he barked. He wasn’t happy that the patrons had seen him. He needed Duke out before any of them got angry. The manager immediately turned to Jackie, who was still seated. He ordered her to get him out of the restaurant and stormed back into his office.
Duke looked down at his feet as he felt shame wash over him. Jackie walked over to him and was about to lead him out when their eyes met. His eyes were misty as they held her gaze, causing her to stop in her tracks. She remembered then how her mother had always taught her that all humans were meant to be treated equally, regardless of their social status. Now, as she looked at Duke, she couldn’t bring herself to kick him out. She took his hand and instead led him to one of the chairs and sat him down. Next, she asked him what he would like to eat, and he placed an order.
As she went to get the meal, her colleagues tried to talk her out of it. She was disobeying an order by serving the homeless man, but Jackie didn’t let any of that stop her. She got the food and served it to Duke in a tray. He ate hungrily, as if he had been starved for weeks. As she watched him, Jackie couldn’t help but feel compassion for the poor man. She couldn’t imagine what he could have gone through to get to this point, and she knew she had to help him out in the little way she could. She didn’t leave his side until he was done eating.
He made to bring out some money from his dirty and torn pockets, but Jackie stopped him. She assured him that she would pay for his meals, urging him to save the money instead and use it for something else. For the second time that day, she saw his eyes go misty as he looked at her. He thanked her profusely for her kindness. An hour later, he pushed himself to his feet and made to leave. However, before he turned, he pulled out a folded note and handed it to Jackie. “Do not read this until I’m gone,” he said to her before he hurried off.
Shocked, Jackie stared at his retreating figure just as Joss suddenly walked out of his office in time to see Duke leave. He realized then that his orders hadn’t been followed, and he immediately summoned Jackie to his office, demanding why she had disobeyed. As politely as she could, she told him that she couldn’t just send a hungry man out into the street. She assured Joss that the food was fully paid for, but he didn’t care about that. He was more concerned that Duke could have been seen by their rich customers, and that could affect their sales. Also, the fact that she disobeyed him got him even angrier. As punishment, he told her there would be a 30% slash of her salary for the next two months. He then ordered her out of the office.
Jackie was saddened about the turn of events, as she had no idea that her act of goodwill would cost her so much. However, she didn’t regret it. She knew she had done the right thing, and because of her, Duke wouldn’t spend the rest of the day hungry. As far as she was concerned, that was worth it. As she left the manager’s office, she realized that the paper Duke gave her was still squeezed into her palm. She took it out and unfolded it, using the tip of her fingers to straighten the creases all over the surface. She began to read the short note, and as her eyes moved over the neat handwriting, they widened in shock.
She read, “My name is Henry Duke, and I’m not a homeless man. In fact, I’m the owner of Pluto’s Haven. This act was to test my employees, and since this note is in your hand, you passed. Come to my office tomorrow by 10.”
Jackie couldn’t believe her eyes. She read through the note again and pinched herself to be sure she wasn’t dreaming. She knew Henry Duke; he was a rich business tycoon who indeed owned the restaurant. She immediately went on social media and searched his profile. His picture matched the face of the homeless man she had risked her job for. She had actually met him once before but hadn’t recognized him from his dirty clothes and unkempt hair. As she stood there, Jackie wondered what he would tell her the next day. She didn’t think she could handle another slash to her salary.
The next morning, at 10 on the dot, she knocked on Duke’s door and walked in. She found him at his desk, and this time she began to wonder how she couldn’t recognize him as the homeless man. Jackie was shocked, however, to find Joss there as well. From the angry stare he gave her, it was clear he was still pissed at her. She felt a trickle of fear crawl up her spine as she lowered herself into the chair. Duke gestured for her to sit once she was seated.
Duke started talking about how he wanted to revamp the policies of his restaurant. He didn’t like the way the manager was handling it, segregating the rich from the poor and kicking out people regardless if they could afford to eat or not. He wanted Pluto’s Haven to cater to every customer, not just a select few. He then told Joss about the previous day and how he had disguised himself as a homeless man to trick them. The manager was shocked to his bones as he realized that the man he had tried to kick out of the restaurant was indeed the owner of the establishment. He tried begging for forgiveness, but Duke told him that Joss had deeply disappointed him and fired him on the spot.
Turning to Jackie, he let her know that she had done a great job of seeing every human as equal, even at the risk of losing her job. She had cared for a homeless man; her act showed compassion, and that was the kind of manager he was looking for. After that, Jackie felt her heart thud heavily in her chest. Duke was offering her the role of the manager. She couldn’t believe her ears, but with the smile the businessman was sending her way, she knew it was all real. She assured him that she would try her best in making Pluto’s Haven the restaurant he envisioned.
So, Jackie took up the role. At first, it was challenging, but she found that she was up to it and gave everything she had. Under her management, the restaurant grew so much that they opened branches all over the state in less than three years. Segregation and prejudice became a thing of the past.
What a beautiful story! Who knew the tables could turn so quickly for Jackie? What would you have done if you had been in her shoes? Let us know in the comments.

Wakube Ronald Maurice
August 10, 2023 at 5:45 am
I would do what Jackie did regardless of the consequences!
Francis Crabbe
August 10, 2023 at 6:44 am
What goes around comes around in this world one may not know. It pays to be nice to people on your way up it’s the same people you will meet on your way down. Kindness even to animals is Godly
Viola Williamson
August 10, 2023 at 10:57 am
I would have done the same never know who God senting to you for help.