He Was Called Little Monster Until a Military Officer Changed His Life

“From an early age, Stefan became aware that he had been born with a facial deformity. Because of this, his peers mocked him, comparing him to a monstrous creature. However, his situation took a positive turn when a British soldier named Enum Kualo decided to intervene and provide assistance.

Stefan had a congenital condition that caused a separation of over seven centimeters between his eyes, leaving his face deformed and affecting his breathing, in addition to causing him intense pain. The emotional suffering from his peers’ insults had an even deeper impact, undermining his self-confidence and causing him to question his purpose in life.
Fortunately, the help he longed for arrived when Enum Kualo, on a mission in Bosnia, crossed paths with Stefan. Moved by the boy’s story, Kualo decided to take action to help him and his family, despite facing financial limitations.
Kualo, who is a father of two children, used his personal savings and made donation appeals to fund the much-needed surgery for Stefan. Thanks to the donations received, Kualo managed to raise over 330,000 race, which allowed Stefan to undergo a series of surgical procedures over several years.
The result was a complete transformation in Stefan’s face, although some scars still remain. Now, Stefan can breathe without difficulty and is free from the pains that previously plagued him.
He expresses his eternal gratitude to Enum Kualo, who saw him as a compassionate human being in contrast to the cruel insults he suffered from others. Stefan’s life underwent a complete turnaround, all thanks to the compassion and generosity of an individual.