Cleaning Lady’s Life TURNED UPSIDE DOWN When She Found THIS In A Hotel Room

We usually pay no mind to people working in establishments, especially in the hotel service industry. Unfortunately, reality hits really hard when we realize that for most of their time working in the industry, they get the short end of the stick. They’re underappreciated for all their hard work cleaning up after other people.

Before we continue, please take some time to subscribe to Daily Dose, like, and share this video with your friends in this industry as well. We discover how some people can be really nasty towards these employees. It may either be just being plain rude or leaving nasty stuff in the hotel room and calling them to clean it up.
In this story, a housekeeping staff gets the surprise of a lifetime when she sees this on the bed in one of the rooms she was assigned to clean.
Most of the time when you look for a job, it’s always through posters along the streets and ads online, and then you schedule some type of interview with the HR or the owner. It’s something that has been done for many years. But yet, the woman in this story approached a job and dove in headfirst.
It was back in 2013 when she did not have any money and was struggling to pay the bills. She needed to get a job as soon as possible. One day, she just walked right up to the hotel front desk with a sense of unbreakable confidence. With nothing left to lose and a stack of bills waiting to be paid, she asked about possible employment at The Establishment.
The cleaning lady at the hotel had just quit, and the owner was desperate to find someone who would replace her immediately. A town event was going to be held in a few days’ time, and she needed the help, especially when laundry was piling up as fast as she could breathe. So, the owner put up a “now hiring” sign outside of the front desk window in hopes that someone would come along to apply for the job.
And someone did, thankfully, just in time before the festivity started. A lady came in with a smile on her face and asked the owner what kind of work was needed and that she was ready to do just about anything.
Of course, when the lady approached the owner at the front desk, she was skeptical. This woman just came in and asked for work without any resume or experience. However, when she spoke more with the lady, she could tell that she was confident about what she was going to bring to the table.
Though she may have been hesitant to give the woman the job, the owner knew she was in dire need of help, and she could not afford to waste any time, as guests would soon start to come through the door more often—guests who would usually leave the room in complete disarray. She was not about to turn down the person willing to work through that.
Because people can only take so much when they’re being taken for granted, and that’s the reason why the previous cleaning staff quit on the owner.
No matter how many times the owner has put up house rules, still, some people cannot contain their mess, and there’s always a tipping point. So when the previous housekeeping attendant quit, it was hard to find a replacement. You do not find a lot of people willing to put up with that kind of mess.
And even though the lady showed much enthusiasm when she applied and said she was willing to do anything, the owner thought that it was more than likely she’d quit in a matter of a few days. Of course, if we were to be honest, cleaning after people’s mess is a job that is not for everybody, and it requires mental training. It is taxing physically but can also take a toll on your mental well-being.
But to the owner’s surprise, the new hire just proved to her that she’s tougher than she looks. When she first got the job, there was a huge pile of dirty laundry waiting for her at the back, and the owner thought that this was going to be the pivotal point in her employment. But, lo and behold, in just a matter of weeks, the lady outdid her expectations and cleared all the laundry and even devised a brand new organization system for housekeeping at the hotel.
Everything was coming together in ways the owner had not expected. What she thought was only going to last a few days at most ended up being a long-term thing. The owner knew that she had to reward this lady because she deserves it for all her hard work.
However, there was only one thing. Because the business was only small-time and there was no room for other expenses, unfortunately, the owner did not have the resources to give this reward to the lady. She was only able to provide a paycheck to paycheck. However, she knew of some people that were keen to help her out.
These days we get a lot of people wanting to be social media influencers. Others create vlogs about lifestyle, their hobbies, and advocacy. Meanwhile, others create video blogs simply because they want their viewers to recognize other people who do good deeds. The owner of the hotel clearly had this goal. She wanted the right people to witness and give the lady some credit for all her hard work.
So, she contacted Kyle Orifice and Josh Gibson. These men were known for rewarding people who are deserving. They captured these moments and posted them on their YouTube channel called “Give Back Films.” Kyle and Josh genuinely loved what they were doing. The videos of them giving out large sums of money to homeless people went viral, as it was hard not to watch them. This gave them a head start into the kind of videos they wanted to do moving forward.
The duo decided that it was time to go bigger and do better. Since their viral videos, they received a lot of requests from fans to feature certain people like their friends or their colleagues. Naturally, it was a tough call having to choose from all these deserving individuals.
But something was about to catch their eye. It was sometime in 2014 when the duo read the story about this Park City, Utah housekeeping staff who was always happy to do her job right and go above and beyond for her employer. Among all the other stories they’ve read and heard, this one had especially caught their attention. There was just something about her that they knew they needed to reward her.
So, with the help of the hotel owner, they set out to visit the establishment and pose as unruly guests. They set up cameras all over the room and made sure that she was never going to see what was coming for her.
Kyle and Josh were so excited to surprise her, so when they checked in, they immediately went into action. They spent a few hours in the room and set up their equipment. They made sure to install cameras in every corner of the room, but they also had to do one thing.
It wouldn’t be believable if they had called in room service and the attendant would find the room all neat. They were posing as unruly guests, so it was only justifiable that they left the room in complete disarray. They moved some of the hotel furniture and messed up their beds in an attempt to make it look like they had been sleeping on it. They had to look the part and do the part.
Once the room was made unruly to the best of their abilities, it was now time to plant the very thing that they came for. It was going to be the highlight of their stay and of the
lady’s employment at the hotel. They were very eager to find out what her reaction would be. But before all of that, they had to carefully set the surprise down.
Josh wrote down a quick note on a white paper for the housekeeper to find. Meanwhile, Kyle was tasked to arrange the surprise on the bed and under the messy sheets. After doing so, they went to the front desk to ask for housekeeping and then sat back inside their van to hide and wait for the lady to do what she does best.
The room was super messy, and although they hated the idea of doing that to the cleaning lady, they needed to proceed with what was planned. This was going to be a simple surprise, and yet they knew that this would make a huge difference in her life, so it would all be worth it in the end.
Once everything was ready, they gave the room a last once-over and made sure all the cameras were working before they stepped out. They took the “do not disturb” sign off the door and hid in the car. The last thing that they wanted to do was to ruin the surprise meant for her.
The duo ran to their car as fast as their feet could take them. Their hearts were racing and felt like they were going to burst out of their chests. But it was the kind of nervousness that made them very happy, and they really needed this surprise to work for the lady’s sake.
They were seconds away from getting caught until she appeared out of the front door into their room. They knew very well that she was going to walk out of the room with fresh pair of eyes, and teary ones at that. The duo watched her eagerly. The lady unlocked the door and proceeded to gather some of the things she had picked up on the floor. With her laundry bags in tow and her cleaning cart, she started working on the mess inside the room.
It didn’t faze her, though, as she had gotten so used to the mess other people made over the weeks that she’s worked at the hotel. Quite a bit of time passed before she even made her way to the bed where the surprise was waiting for her.
Back in the car, Josh and Kyle had been bouncing out of their seats and silently squealing when they saw her pull back the sheets of the bed. As soon as she pulled the sheets back, she gasped and clasped one hand over her mouth. Tears immediately started rolling down her cheeks, and she was obviously left speechless.
The note on the bed said it all. She never expected to see this in her lifetime, nor did she expect this from complete strangers who knew nothing about her. On the mattress lay a fan of twenty-dollar notes that amounted to five hundred dollars. The note on the bed said, “This is a tip. Enjoy.”
It was her first time seeing this amount of money because she was so used to the dollar-by-dollar tips here and there, if she was lucky. When the lady saw the hundreds of dollars in front of her, understandably, she cried in shock. But after she had composed herself, she quickly turned to look at the window to see if this was some sort of prank.
It was at this time that both Kyle and Josh thought it was as good a time as any to finally introduce themselves to her. The duo stepped out of their car and approached the shocked cleaning lady. With just a look at both the boys, she knew that they had planned this all along. She gave the duo a quick hug and thanked them both for the pleasant surprise.
She had never expected to come across this much money in just one day, but she told Kyle and Josh that one thing that would shock them. The lady was beyond grateful at the fact that among the hundreds of other people, they had chosen her to give this tip to. However, she felt that there was no way she could accept the money, as she felt like she did not deserve it.
To her, all she did was just clean up the rooms and do the laundry. She did not think that her job was significant enough for her to be given this kind of reward. She was used to having close to nothing, and so an act of kindness such as this, though as bad as she might need it, was hard to accept.
Kyle and Josh had already seen this coming, and they weren’t about to give up. It was a reaction that they understood very well. These kinds of people live their day-to-day lives and not really see how much they make a difference in the lives of other people. Of course, when you give them a reward, they will think that they don’t deserve such a thing because their tasks don’t really mean much compared to other people.
So when the lady offered to give the money back to them, they explained to her carefully why they do what they do and that they’re happy to give it to someone who they think is deserving in all aspects. And she fit the bill perfectly.
After a little bit more convincing from both Kyle and Josh, they were able to get her to agree to keep the money. They had told her that if there was anybody that deserved the reward, it would be her because of all the hard work she put into her job and making sure that the guests were comfortable, even though she didn’t really need to.
At the end of the video, you would see just how much Kyle and Josh take pride in making other people’s day. They were ultimately happier than the lady about the money they just gave out. In the video, Josh explains, “There’s something really cool about someone being genuinely happy, and it’s exciting.”