She Divorced Her Husband But Two Years Later, He Sent Her a Video That Shocked Her To The Core –
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She Divorced Her Husband But Two Years Later, He Sent Her a Video That Shocked Her To The Core

“Fiona divorced her husband, Roman, and tried to move on with her life, but when it seemed she could finally do that, he sent her a video that tore her heart to shreds. When Fiona got married to Roman, she was the happiest woman on the planet. The couple was so much in love, and every little thing they did together was memorable. Fiona worked remotely as a salesperson, and she was good at it.

Roman worked as a manager at a supermarket in the heart of the city. They dated for about a year before deciding to get married. After the wedding, they both moved to Roman’s apartment in the city. The duo enjoyed every bit of their lives as newlyweds. Fiona loved her husband with everything she had and would seize any opportunity she got to let him know how she felt. Roman, as well, adored Fiona as if his life depended on it.

Whenever Roman was away for work, they would spend lots of time texting and laughing on the phone. She would also wait at the doorstep to welcome him whenever he returned from work. She would wrap her arms around his neck, kiss his forehead, and tell him she missed him so much, and Roman would tell her he missed her more. The duo was really a sweet pair. A few days after their first wedding anniversary, Fiona told Roman it was time they started a family.

She had always looked forward to having kids of her own, and she felt she was finally ready to take that big step. Luckily, Roman was on the same page with her. The duo immediately started trying for a child, but it was all to no avail. After a year of trying, Fiona began to get worried that something was wrong with her, if not, why was it difficult to conceive? She told Roman that they needed to go to the hospital to run some fertility tests, but Roman was against it.

He assured her that there was nothing wrong with them, and all they had to do was keep trying. So Fiona relented; maybe she was just blowing things out of proportion, she wondered. She also concluded that there was nothing wrong with her, and it was only a matter of time. Soon enough, another year went by, yet Fiona was unable to conceive. Now she was certain that something was definitely wrong.

She pressured Roman to go with her to the hospital, and he eventually agreed, although reluctantly. One Friday, the couple went to the clinic for tests, and when the results came out, they were shocked. The results showed that there was nothing wrong with Fiona; however, the same couldn’t be said for Roman. He had a low sperm count and would never be able to impregnate a woman. Fiona was devastated and wouldn’t stop crying, but Roman refused to believe the results.

He was sure they were fake and that the clinic just wanted to ruin his marriage. There was no way he was infertile. He went to another clinic to run the same tests, and he got the same result. This fertility result came as a crushing blow. Roman’s life began spiraling out of control, and he turned to alcohol, which not only affected his work performance but also led to him being fired from his job at the supermarket. This left him feeling hopeless, angry, and lost. Fiona was on the receiving end of all this.

He would snap at her all the time, embarrass her publicly, and even get arrested by the police for unacceptable public behavior. Regardless of all this, Fiona loved her husband even more. She knew he was going through a rough phase, and the least she could do was to be there for him and help him understand that being infertile wasn’t the end of the world. With Roman out of the job, Fiona’s income wasn’t enough to cover their expenses, especially their pricey rent.

As a result, the couple had to move in with Roman’s parents, who welcomed them with open arms. Roman’s younger brother, Tom, also lived there, and soon after they arrived, he became a source of constant irritation for Fiona. Tom had no respect whatsoever for Fiona. He would walk into her room without even knocking. He took great pleasure in ordering Fiona around and being rude to her.

When she talked to her husband about it, he told her not to take Tom’s words or actions to heart because he had always been a jerk. Sometimes Roman got tired of his wife’s complaints; he just wanted to drink alcohol, sleep, and not be bothered with petty issues about his annoying brother.

Unfortunately for Fiona, the situation only got worse. Sometimes she would wake up in the middle of the night to find Tom standing at the door and watching her. One time she even saw him taking a picture of her while she slept. It became so frequent that she had to lock the door whenever she was in a room. And when she tried to talk to Roman or his parents about it, they simply brushed it off.

One day, while Fiona was in the bathroom, Tom picked the door lock. He managed to do so without making any sound, so she had no idea he was in there with her, hiding behind the curtain. When she was done and was about to take her towel, she finally saw him taking a picture of her, and she let out a piercing scream.

Anger flooded her veins. She immediately grabbed the phone from him before he could react. She smashed it on the floor, destroying it. This was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back. She was done enduring. After all, she had tried her best to be by her husband’s side during his trying moments, yet he and his family did nothing about the ugly situation she found herself in. That same evening, she left the house, promising Roman that he would hear from her lawyer soon.

She stayed at a friend’s house until she finally got a place of her own. While she was there, she served Roman divorce papers and tried to move on with her life. Six months later, the divorce was finalized, and Fiona moved to a different city, ready for a fresh start. She put everything she had into her work and focused more on referring products through her blog, social media, and website.

She tripled her marketing efforts, and soon she was earning lots of commission. She even bought a car and moved into a bigger apartment. A year after the divorce, Fiona met a young man named Evan at the mall and marketed one of her products to him. Evan was immediately attracted to Fiona. He loved that she was courageous, smart, and business-oriented. He wasted no time and asked her out to dinner, and Fiona agreed. The dinner was the start of a friendship that quickly blossomed into a committed relationship.

Evan was the CEO of a law firm he inherited from his father. It was a popular firm that had celebrities and billionaires as clients, so they were always in the news. When the media got to know that the CEO was in a relationship, they did their thing. Soon enough, Fiona and Evan’s pictures were all over the tabloids and TV.

Everyone was talking about Fiona. She didn’t mind, though, because the publicity helped her business. Six months later, Evan proposed to Fiona while they were vacationing in the Caribbean, and she said yes. Once again, the couple broke the internet with the proposal story, and people began looking forward to the wedding. But not everyone was happy for this couple, as you will soon find out.

One day, while surfing the internet for wedding dresses, Fiona got a message from Roman. They hadn’t spoken in two years, so what did he have to say to her now that she had moved on with her life? The message was a video file, and when she opened it, she saw a video of herself taking her bath. She was so shocked that the phone almost fell from her hand. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched it again and again.

She recognized the video; it was the one Tom had recorded when he sneaked into the bathroom two years ago. She knew Roman must have gotten the video from the memory card. Clearly, smashing the phone as she had done wasn’t enough to destroy the video. A few minutes later, Evan sent another message. He demanded five hundred thousand dollars and threatened to post the video if she failed to send the money. Fiona was shattered. How could Roman sink so low as to blackmail her? How could he do this to her after everything he had put her through? The good thing is she wasn’t ready to dance to his stupid tune.

Instead, she was determined to teach him a bitter lesson. When Evan returned from work that day, Fiona told him everything, and he assured her that he would take care of it. He reached out to his close friend, the chief of police, and explained their predicament. The police promptly arrested Roman and his brother, and their phones were confiscated.

Soon after, they were both sentenced to prison, and the shame got so much for their parents that they had to leave town. Fiona and her fiance got married, and as expected, their wedding was the talk of the town. To crown it all, four months after the wedding, Fiona got pregnant. This was what it felt like to live the dream, but she was certain it could only get better. It was only a matter of time.

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