Doctors See Something Coming Out Of Baby’s Mouth,When They Find Out What It Was, It Left Them In Awe

Doctors saw something coming out of a baby’s mouth, and when they found out what it was, it left them in awe. A mother of a handsome and healthy 10-month-old baby noticed something very strange when she was changing his diaper one morning. A large red hole at the top of his mouth. Harvey had never shown signs of having this problem before, and you won’t believe what it actually was, and the surprise it gave the nurses at the hospital.

This happened to Becky Styles about six years ago. Becky Styles was a 24-year-old mother who was a native of Essex, born and raised in the county located in southeast England near London. It’s described as a fast-paced place to live but suits both families and professionals. Essex is well known as a Party City and currently has a large population of 1.8 million people.
Becky was a mother of three boys and had recently gotten married after being with her boyfriend Stephen for six years. The two had met through mutual friends and always knew they wanted to be together for the rest of their lives. How sweet is that? The boys’ names were Tom, James, and Harvey. Tom and James were twins and had been the couple’s first children. Harvey was their third child and the baby of the bunch, being exactly five years younger than his older brothers.
The married couple and their sons lived in a charming house in a gated community. Becky’s husband owned a construction business, and she’d originally had her clothing boutique. But after Harvey was born, Becky made the move to being a full-time mom. Tom and James were a definite handful, and at five and a half years old, they were enough to get up to mischief all the time. But they were also two very caring boys. Tom and James made friends easily and loved sports, just like their dad did.
Harvey, in general, was a dream. He’d been a bit sick when he was born and had gotten some fluid into his lungs. But after a short stay in the neonatal unit, he was allowed home. The three certainly kept Becky busy, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Like I mentioned at the beginning of the video, Becky had seen what she believed to be a hole at the top of her 10-month-old Harvey’s mouth while she’d been changing him one morning. Harvey had opened his mouth to yawn, and that’s when this red circular shape caught Becky’s eye. She immediately panicked. What on Earth was that? Harvey had a hole in his mouth that she’d never noticed before. Feelings of guilt started rushing over her, and she yelled for her husband to come over and see what was going on with their son.
Becky’s husband came to see what all the fuss was about, and after Becky told him what she thought she’d seen, he ran to go fetch a flashlight. Becky had already tried to look and feel into Harvey’s mouth a second time, but he just screamed at her. The first thought that came to Becky’s mind was that he was in pain, and that’s why he was protesting like that.
When her husband shone a light inside Harvey’s mouth, he too noticed a red spot inside on his palate. When Becky had first told him that Harvey had a hole in his mouth, he hadn’t believed her. But now looking at this, it definitely seemed like Harvey did, in fact, have a hole at the top of his mouth. Becky hadn’t seen wrong, or so they both thought. They both thought it was bizarre, and he too questioned how he could have missed the hole.
Becky would later recount this whole story to a local newspaper in a column for stories of the year. Back to the events with Harvey and Becky, her husband both decided it would be best to rush him to the emergency room. They didn’t know what could have caused such an injury to their son, but they were seriously concerned about the health effects it would have on him. They couldn’t leave their other children alone, and bringing them with them would have added stress.
So, the couple bundled their children into the car and dropped the two older boys off at their grandparents’ house. While they were there, Becky explained what was happening, and the grandparents were very concerned for their youngest grandson. “Let us know any news as soon as you have any,” they told Becky. Grandpa and Grandma loved having Tom and James over. The boys were certainly rambunctious and full of energy, but they had converted a special toy room for them that kept them busy for hours while they enjoyed spending time with the boys.
They anxiously waited for news from Becky about what was going on with little Harvey. The closest emergency room was a long 30-minute drive away. Becky later recalled that the drive honestly felt like two hours long, and every worst-case scenario was running through her head in those 30 long minutes. Finally, they got there, and upon hearing what the parents were saying, one of the nurses went straight to call a specialist to come and assist in the case.
A hole in the mouth was, of course, very serious, and it would have been a cleft palate, which would require surgery. Upon hearing the whole story (pun intended), the head nurse decided to take a closer look.
She could see that the parents absolutely doted on Harvey, and missing something like a cleft palate would be incredibly unlikely. Firstly, that would have been picked up at birth when the baby tried to drink. And secondly, any trauma that caused a hole in the mouth would have been noticed immediately. No one goes days without noticing something like that happening, and certainly not a mother who’s freaking out so much.
The nurse then pulled out her flashlight, and the parents watched as she spent a good 25 seconds gazing into Harvey’s mouth. She then looked straight up and said, “I’ve got good news for you. Harvey doesn’t have a hole in his mouth; that’s a sticker stuck to the roof of his mouth.” The staff in the room chuckled at this. Becky didn’t believe it at first and was determined to have a specialist check her son’s mouth. But the nurse assured her, and she was easily convinced.
The nurse popped her finger into Harvey’s mouth and scraped out the sticker. She then handed the wet, red round sticker to Becky and said, “Just in case you want to make a scrapbook about your first emergency room visit.” At first, a huge wave of relief washed over Becky. Her son didn’t have a hole in the top of his mouth. Thank goodness. She wasn’t a bad mother who had neglected to see this massive hole in his mouth from when it had first happened.
But then a second wave washed over her, one of pure embarrassment. She even told the newspaper that she felt like a complete idiot. Poor Becky. The staff was, of course, not mad at all about her bringing her son in; they’d rather have someone be safe than sorry. But they couldn’t help giggling. Looking at the sticker added Harvey, imagine being in Becky’s shoes. Comment below what you would have done.
Becky and her husband then scooped Harvey up and whisked him back into the car. But they first apologized and thanked the staff profusely. Both of them were told that they should never apologize for worrying about their son and that they were being good, caring parents
. Becky and Stephen fastened him into the car seat and decided that they deserved to grab a delicious takeaway on the way home. It had been a long day, after all. They picked up some pizza and then drove past Becky’s parents’ home and picked up their older boys.
It was great that they didn’t have to explain to them that something was seriously wrong with their little brother. Tom and James were very protective over Harvey, so they would have been worried about him being sick. Becky then needed to call her family members and tell them that Harvey didn’t have a hole in his mouth and that it had been a sticker all along. They too found the story to be very amusing.
At that stage, Becky still did not know what a naughty boy Harvey was, causing his parents all this stress and embarrassment. But the boy was only 10 months old, so he hardly did it on purpose. Let’s just hope that Harvey keeps any more stickers out of his mouth and doesn’t have any more visits to the emergency room.
Becky and Stephen racked their brains for years afterwards trying to figure out where on Earth Harvey got that sticker from. It didn’t seem to be from one of his toys; he mostly preferred stuffed animals, anyway. They searched his room high and low for a match, but they couldn’t find one. This certainly isn’t something that the family will forget anytime soon, and it will probably be a story that Becky and her husband tell Harvey one day. Hey, maybe it’ll even be a story at his wedding.
Five years after the story was published in the local paper, they did a follow-up on Becky, Stephen, James, Tom, and most importantly, Harvey. It was great to hear that there was only good news to report. James and Tom were now 10 years old, and Harvey was already five. Becky couldn’t believe where the time had gone. She did confirm that Harvey had no more emergency room visits, though Tom had been rushed in for breaking his arm after falling out of a tree, something that his brother had dared him to do.
Becky said that her older two were up to mischief as always but doing well in school and sports. She said that Harvey was turning into the most lovely little boy who enjoyed art (in this case, at five years old, that meant just finger painting at the moment) and animals. The family had moved out of Essex, which was a big change for Becky, out of the countryside after Stephen had made the decision to relocate his business.
Becky was happy to report that the boys all loved the farm life, and she said it was such a great way for them to get all that excess energy out. We’re so glad to hear that things are going well for the family. May they have many good years to come. Oh, and the other great thing is that Becky and Stephen’s marriage is still doing amazing. I guess they were right when they said they would spend forever together.
The confinement caused the dogs to become the main protagonists since they became a kind of safe conduit to be able to leave the house. On the other hand, they were also the first to be abandoned while in some areas mass adoptions began to occur. In several shelters, in others, these sites are collapsed as they no longer have the capacity to attend to more abandoned canines. For some animalists and organizations, the sudden adoptions will later bring massive abandonment, although the population has already been reminded that it is a crime and cruelty.
In the midst of this complex reality, a particular case was presented at a Bartlett Police Station in the state of Illinois. A man arrived with a puppy in his arms, begging for help to save his life after picking him up from a cart where he was wandering aimlessly.
Officers Mikado and Cervera were patrolling the streets of Los Angeles when they spotted an abandoned puppy stumbling alongside Hobart Boulevard. The wee little thing was mercilessly dumped and had nowhere to go. The scared puppy noticed the officers and somehow sensed that they could help him. He trotted with his tiny paws and approached officer Mercado with hopeful eyes.
The kind officer immediately scooped him up and brought him to the safety of their patrol vehicle. The officers named the puppy Hobart and introduced him to the staff at LAPD Hollywood division. The cops were also thrilled to meet this adorable puppy, and they instantly proposed to train him for their K-9 unit.
When they came across a homeless puppy wandering alone in the road during their patrol, they did what they believed was best for the pooch by recruiting him as the newest member of their K-9 unit. Officers Mercado and Tavera of the Los Angeles Police Department found the pup near Hobart Boulevard, roaming the streets alone.
So they scooped him up and put him in their patrol car to prevent him from being hit by any traffic. Hobart immediately bonded with his rescuers and followed them wherever they went. In a video shared by the LAPD Hollywood Station on their Instagram and Facebook, the small puppy can be seen following officer Mercado wherever he went, and it seems like the feeling was mutual as the two cops also couldn’t get enough of their new friend.
The newest member of our K-9 unit, officers Mercado and Rivera found a puppy while on patrol near Hobart Boulevard. They took him back to the station and have officially renamed him Hobart. Welcome to LAPD, Hobart. The department wrote that a tiny dog followed them everywhere. His attachment was so strong that the LAPD tweeted to welcome him as the newest member of the K-9 Squad.
But at the end of the day, he had his sights set on one special person, Mercado. Luckily for Hobart, Mercado decided to make him the happiest little puppy in the world and adopted him. Little Hobart is now living happily with his own personal hero and finally has the safe and loving home he always wanted and deserved.
The LAPD shared Hobart’s and Mercado’s sweet story on Twitter, and it has touched many hearts. They followed up and found that Hobart’s owner couldn’t care for him. He’s now being cared for by the Gettler Rescue Foundation (GRFF). This organization works with police, firefighters, and other responders to rescue stray and suffering dogs in the Los Angeles area.