Man Posts Photos ‘So Everyone Can See Nightmare’ Inside Wife’s Coffin

“Man posts photos so everyone can see nightmare inside wife’s coffin. Careless driving spells tragedy and misfortune. What seems like an obvious thought turns into a nightmare when you live in your own flesh.

Zach Kincaid made life the protagonist of an event that changed his world forever. His eight-month pregnant wife was hit by a drunk driver while driving his van, according to the Daily Mail. 29-year-old Crystal Kincaid and the baby in her womb died after the accident of boxing champion Marcos Forrestal, who hit the pregnant woman with his BMW when he accelerated through the opposite canal. Discretion is advised as the images below may be very strong for our more sensitive readers.
The grieving father and widower decided to publish the photos of his wife and daughter’s funeral after reviewing the images and realizing that his youngest son had approached the attitude to see again his mother for the last time.
“I put these pictures up so everyone can see the nightmare that my children and I live through every day,” Kincaid said in an interview. In the Facebook post, you can see Zach holding his daughter, who was named Evelyn according to people.
According to information from the Sun, the widower allowed his four children, 14, 11, 8, and 4 years old, to carry their unborn sister before gently placing them on the chest of Kristen’s body. How can I explain this injustice to my children? My children and I have never felt so disposable. Look at how devastated my family is and tell me it’s not time for change. Imagine if it was your family,” the 34-year-old man posted on his Facebook account.
Zach, who was married to Crystal for 12 years, said the goal of the post was to make sure his wife’s death was not in vain and her memory was honored. In turn, he did not agree with the punishment given to the person responsible for the unfortunate accident.
Marcos Forrestal was arrested for drunk driving and pleaded not guilty to aggravated vehicular homicide while intoxicated. He was forced to even broadcast the moments after the accident on Facebook live. But the state of California only sentenced him to 10 years in prison, which Kincaid believes is unconscionable.
“These people get away with it with a slap on the wrist and probation. We need to do it so people don’t want to risk driving around drunk in their car,” Zach said. This widower’s deep pain led him to use social media to try to solve a problem that ends with the lives of innocent people every day, like him.
Jessica Librand expressed her regrets and her mission through a message on Facebook in which she paid tribute to her husband and her 16-month-old daughter, who were burned to death by a truck driven by a drunk man. Let us hope that the efforts of these families, victims of reckless driving, will serve as a voice of conscience to all people who do not understand the consequences of their actions.
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a decision many people lose their lives to year after year due to the insensitivity of some people. A 29-year-old woman will miss the rest of her life and the lives of her two sons, her daughter, and step-daughter, and Evelyn will miss any opportunity at life.
Ten years would not be enough to bring justice to this family when the man walked away from this crash uninjured. He posted a video on Facebook live after the accident where he blamed Crystal, and never once did he go to check on her or see if he could help her.
The petition has received more than one hundred three thousand signatures so far, while a GoFundMe page for the family has raised fifty thousand dollars. Zach paid tribute to Crystal and said, twelve years ago, Crystal Kincaid and I said I do until death do us part.
She was the best thing that ever happened to me. The way she looked at me when she was making her promise to me still makes my heart melt. Twelve years ago was the best day of my life. Today, Crystal’s and Avalon’s ashes came home.”