These Children Attended Their Mum’s Funeral, But She Suddenly Opened Her Eyes And The Unexpected Took Place

Lots of bizarre things happen, but only a few are as shocking as what the children of this woman experienced at her funeral. Their dead mother Susan suddenly opened her eyes.
Susan dreamed of a fairy tale life right from her teenage years. She dreamed of finding her prince charming and living in a gigantic home with him and their children. She wanted the kind of life meant for royalties, even though she came from an average background.

Now, for some, that would seem like a far-fetched dream, but it came true for Susan when she met Rick, a wealthy young man set to take over his family’s business. The two fell in love at first sight, and their beautiful love story was one for the movies.
Within a year of dating, Rick proposed to Susan, and they got married. Two months later, they moved into a beautiful mansion that had everything Susan wanted. Susan got pregnant soon after, and they were elated. In due time, the couple had a beautiful boy, and to them, life couldn’t be more perfect.
In the following years, they had two more boys. Rick continued to grow the family business, and it was more successful than ever. He provided for his family, and they never lacked anything. The children went to the best schools, had all the best stories, and went on vacations frequently. Their lives seemed too good to be true, and like the statement says, it was.
Because a few years later, Rick was in a car accident, and he died. This was a terrible blow to the family, and they were completely distraught. Susan, in particular, nearly lost her mind. She refused to come out of her room for weeks and went on days taking nothing but water.
Eventually, though, she summoned the strength to move on for the sake of her voice. Luckily for them, Rick bequeathed his entire possessions to his wife and sons, so they never had to lack anything. He gave control of the entire estate and business to his wife until the children clocked 30.
Susan tried her best to take care of the children and raise them the right way. She played not only the role of a mother but also that of a father, best friend, and sister. It was a Herculean task, and she was often overwhelmed. But despite all the training, love, and advice she gave out, the boys were obstinate and difficult to control. They would do exactly what Susan warned them against.
Susan made sure she gave them everything they needed, but they never appreciated it. When the boys came of age, they moved out of the house so they could have the privacy to do whatever they wanted. Despite their decision, Susan continued to provide for them, so they remained comfortable and never had to do much work.
Susan would often complain about how they all left her, especially now that she was getting older and needed extra help. But Jason, the first son, would reply, “We have our own lives to lead, and we cannot give it up because of you. You have lived your own life, so let us live ours.”
Years passed, and the boys hardly ever came to visit Susan. They only called when they needed something from her. Susan was sad and lonely. She couldn’t understand why the sons she cherished so much would treat her this way. With the constant worry about the boys, Susan aged faster, and she needed help around the house more than ever.
Years prior, she had laid off the house help after Ricky’s death because she wanted to take care of her children alone, without any external influence. Now, she was all alone again. She got a woman to come to help from time to time around the house and to keep her company.
Susan grew to love the lady and eventually asked if she would like to come in as a live-in help, and she accepted. Her name was Martha. Martha took Susan as her mother and friend. She made sure she was always comfortable. She knew Susan had children but had never seen them come around. She only spoke to them on the phone when they called to ask for money.
Martha didn’t understand why the boys acted the way they did because, so far, Susan was nothing but an amazing and sweet mother. One day, Susan gave Martha a scare when she had a heart attack. Martha rushed her to the hospital where she was stabilized. The doctors told Martha that this was one of the risk factors for her age, and it seemed like Susan had a lot on her mind, which Martha knew had to do with her children.
While Susan was still unconscious, Martha decided to reach out to the children on the phone. She figured that if she told them that their mother was sick, then they would have a change of heart. Sadly, only the third son, Roger, picked up the call, and he had nothing good to say.
When Martha told him about his mom’s condition in a high-pitched voice, he said, “Well, it seems you were smart enough to do the right thing by taking her to the hospital. I’m glad that she’s now stable. Next time you call me, let it be for something actually urgent,” and with this, he hung up. Martha was shocked and didn’t know how she would tell Susan that none of her children cared enough.
After this incident, Susan began to come to terms with the fact that she may not live much longer, especially if her sons continued to act this way. So, she started tidying up her affairs, which included calling her lawyer to draw up her will.
A few months later, Martha called the boys again. Roger picked up and immediately flared up, “Didn’t I tell you not to disturb me again if the situation isn’t grave?” he shouted. And Martha replied, “Well, I don’t know if this qualifies as grave enough, but her mom suffered a heart attack and she didn’t make it. She will be buried soon, so I thought to let you know. Also, since your brothers wouldn’t answer their phone, you should let them know too,” and with this, she got off the phone.
Of course, Roger was devastated to learn that his mother had passed away, but he was unwilling to travel that far for the burial. But on second thought, he decided to make the trip because he knew Susan would leave him a fortune in her will. He informed his brothers about their mother’s death, and they all agreed to go there so they could see her one last time and claim whatever she left for them.
The day of the funeral came, and all the Henderson boys were in the same room with their mother for the first time in years. But they were very surprised because they were the only ones in attendance. Martha explained that Susan wanted only her sons at her funeral.
Looking into the coffin, they saw Susan dressed in a gorgeous black dress and a beautiful diamond necklace. Anger filled the second son, “Why would you want to take these expensive pieces into the grave weather?” The first son then said, “Since no one else is coming for the funeral, why are we wasting time? Let’s get on with this and move on to the will-reading part.”
“No problem,” Martha replied. The three grumbled but decided to get on with it. Starting with Jason, Roger approached the coffin, and what happened next blew everyone away.
Roger believed it had to be jet lag because what he was seeing couldn’t be true. But he could swear he saw his mother’s eyes move. He moved closer, and alas, her eyes were open. He immediately shouted for his brothers to come closer, and they were all shocked.
This shock transformed into anger, and they all started shouting, “Why would you pull such a stunt all for attention? What did you hope to gain from this?” As they continued shouting, Susan finally answered with a scream, “Will you all shut up? Do you know how sad it is that the only thing that could bring my sons to me after these years is my funeral, and they weren’t even here for me but for my money? Where did I go wrong with you boys? I tried my best to take care of you, but despite that, all I have received is spite and hatred.”
Her outburst sobered the boys up, and they started thinking how true her words were. They realized how self-centered they had been for no justifiable reason. They had let the fact that they had everything they wanted get into their heads, and they had forgotten the most important things in life: kindness, love, and humility.
They apologized to their mother and promised to do better henceforth. The boys stayed some extra days with their mother and also visited her regularly. Susan couldn’t have been happier, and she enjoyed the love the boys showed her.
Five years later, she died peacefully in her sleep with a content and happy heart. She left part of her possessions to her loving and ever-trusting caretaker Martha, who stayed with her till the end, and the rest of her children to be shared equally amongst themselves. Martha’s children visited her grave regularly to drop flowers on her. They eventually learned the value of love and selflessness.