Infant Suddenly Looks Up At The Ceiling and Begins To Hysterically Cry! Dad Grab His Baby And RUN –
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Infant Suddenly Looks Up At The Ceiling and Begins To Hysterically Cry! Dad Grab His Baby And RUN

“If you have ever been in an earthquake and felt it, you know that it is something you will never forget. It is scary and very unsettling to feel the earth move beneath your feet. At first, it takes a few seconds to realize what’s going on, and then you have to move quickly to get to safety. That isn’t always simple.

Depending on how strong the earthquake is, it can easily make you lose your balance and make it very hard to walk. The raw power of an earthquake is hard to describe and very scary, even for babies who don’t understand what’s happening, and their only reaction is to cry.

Last year, Anchorage, Alaska experienced a significant earthquake at 8:30 in the morning. It measured 7.1 on the Richter Scale, making it the strongest earthquake in the area in recent memory. One family caught the moment it hit on their home video surveillance, illustrating the awesome power of nature.

In the video, Tony, a man with three young children, recalls that he was feeding his baby son in the kitchen when he heard a low, faint rumbling that typically precedes an earthquake. When the baby started crying, he knew danger was imminent. Tony swiftly picked up the baby and ran straight out of the front door, where they would be safer, away from falling furniture, broken glass, or a collapsing house.

Upon realizing that his other children were still inside, Tony rushed back in to help them and his wife to safety. Inside the house, things were rattling and shaking violently. Drawers were opening and closing, pictures fell off the walls, and lamps toppled over. As the quake intensified, even the lights began flickering on and off rapidly.

Outside, in the front yard, it was dark, cold, and snowing. A young family huddled together, hastily evacuated without shoes or warm clothes, trying to keep each other warm. In the background, the violent shaking triggered a car alarm, its lights flashing.

In the end, the house remained structurally sound, with most of the damage being broken glass and minor items. Fortunately, no one was physically injured, but the earthquake took a toll on people’s mental and emotional well-being. The children developed fears of being left alone in their rooms and associated loud noises with potential earthquakes.

Over time, these fears have slowly subsided. For now, Tony and his wife are focused on teaching their children what to do in case of another earthquake, ensuring their safety as much as possible.”

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