Sad Boy Went to Say Goodbye to His Mum, Then He Saw Something Strange That Stopped the Funeral –
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Sad Boy Went to Say Goodbye to His Mum, Then He Saw Something Strange That Stopped the Funeral

Enveloped in grief, David walked towards his mom’s coffin. “Mom, life’s so hard without you. I’m so scared. Come back to me,” he cried, clinging to the coffin. Just then, he saw something that brought the funeral to a stop. What he saw would also determine the course of his life.

Olivia Scott was a powerful name in the media industry. She owned a successful digital agency and got lots of benefits from being a CEO. One such thing was that she had a best friend. She met Alice at an entrepreneurial event, and they clicked immediately. Alice was not an entrepreneur; she was a strategic research expert. Their relationship brought much-needed synergy for the business. Working together didn’t negatively affect their relationship; instead, it grew stronger day after day. In years, they had become like family.

A young lady, Olivia channeled all her energy into her work and neglected romantic relationships. However, when she got to her late 30s, she started to think that she needed to settle down and have a lasting relationship.

Sadly, most of the guys she met were leeches who just wanted to taste her wealth. Luckily, fortune smiled on her when Gary came into her life. Gary was a friend of Alice’s, and she had introduced them to each other. Gary was an eligible bachelor who had been waiting for his perfect match. Although not as wealthy as Olivia, he was doing well for himself and didn’t need Olivia’s money.

At first, Olivia was skeptical about the whole relationship thing, but she later gave Gary a chance since he was recommended by one of the people she trusted the most in the world. The first date was perfect, and it led to several others until they became a couple.

Olivia would always bask in the euphoria of the love she received from Gary; indeed, he was a perfect gentleman, and every day felt like a beautiful dream. Seven months into dating, Gary popped the question, and she gladly said yes.

Two months later, they walked down the aisle in the presence of friends and family. The couple looked like the perfect pair, and the wedding guests felt that Olivia was the luckiest girl who ever walked the Earth. She had done well for herself and had also found the best man.

The couple was soon blessed with a baby boy, and they named him David. Sadly, things quickly took a terrifying turn after the birth of their son. Olivia noticed Gary’s behavior changing. He was no longer as sweet and romantic as he used to be. “Perhaps it’s because of my postpartum body. Maybe I’m no longer attractive,” she said as she complained to Alice. Alice assured her that it was just her mind messing with her.

Some nights, Gary wouldn’t come home, and he always had one excuse or another. Then Olivia noticed a certain number that would often call him, but he never picked up those calls in her presence. Olivia was certain that Gary was seeing another woman, but she had no evidence.

She checked his phone, but there was nothing to confirm her suspicions. Olivia knew that nobody would believe her if she told them that Gary had changed; they would probably tell her to become more caring or work on her body. So, she decided to take action herself.

Olivia registered at a gym and eventually shed some weight. She also became more intentional about her looks, making sure that she looked ravishing most of the time. Unfortunately, Gary didn’t even seem to notice her new looks, nor did he make romantic gestures like he used to. Tired of the games, Olivia decided to confront Gary one night, and she got a piece of his mind that left her shocked and confused.

“I have been nothing but a dutiful wife to you. Regardless of my wealth, you suddenly became cold, and I’m dying to know why,” she said. “There you go again, playing the wealth card. You’re too proud; you make me feel less of a man!” Gary screamed.

Hearing those words, Olivia was confused. She had never rubbed Gary’s face that he was not as wealthy as she was. As the months passed by, it became clear to Olivia that the marriage wasn’t working, but she didn’t want David to grow up without a father.

So, she stayed with Gary for her son’s sake. Thankfully, she had Alice and her family members to turn to. She also focused her energy on her son and business. While Gary wasn’t a good husband, he was a great father to David, and that felt like enough.

As the years passed by, Olivia got used to Gary’s crazy behavior. In fact, she stopped complaining and even began to secretly file for a divorce. Sadly, something shocking happened one morning. Olivia suddenly slumped down during a meeting at work and was rushed to the hospital. The doctors thought it was stress and placed her on bed rest.

However, as days went by, her health deteriorated until she sadly passed away. Test results showed that she died a natural death, and everyone took pity on David. Luckily for him, Alice began to play the role of a mother in his life. “I will always be there for you. I love you,” Alice would often tell him.

In due time, everyone gathered for Olivia’s funeral. It was an emotional moment for everybody. During the funeral, David excused himself to the backyard. When he got there, he saw his father and Alice. It wasn’t unusual to see them together, as Alice often visited the house. However, he was startled by the way they spoke harshly to each other in low tones.

“Gary, I can take care of that silly boy. Perhaps we should get rid of him, like you did his mother,” Alice said.

David didn’t understand what “get rid of” meant, but he sensed that he was in danger, so he ran back to his mom’s coffin. “Mom, you need to wake up now. Please get me out of here!” he started crying bitterly. So, the priest had to stop the funeral, and the pallbearers tried to take him away, but he protested.

Suddenly, something caught his attention. He saw something that looked like a document in the coffin. “There’s something in the coffin!” he screamed and asked the pallbearers to take a look at it. When it became obvious that David would not budge, his aunt ordered that his wish be granted. Together, they checked the coffin, and they found two documents. One was a will, and the other was from the hospital.

When the will was read, it was in David’s favor. Olivia’s properties were to go to him and be managed by his aunt Patricia until he was 18. Everyone was shocked since an earlier will had been read, which favored Gary and Alice. The autopsy results showed that Olivia died of poison, and again, the whole congregation was shocked. Didn’t an earlier autopsy reveal that Olivia died a natural death?

All eyes turned to Alice and Gary. They were the closest to Olivia, and they had to have an explanation. But both of them just kept silent. Suddenly, a young lady stepped out, and everyone recognized her. She was one of Olivia’s staff.

“I’m so sorry for the role I played in all of this, but Alice made me do it,” she cried. She explained how Alice told her to put the original will, which Olivia wrote, into the coffin. Alice was already filled with shame and had no choice but to confess.

“I am sorry it had come to this. I have lived in Olivia’s shadow all this while. She always got everything she wanted. Why can’t I be like her?” Alice said.

You see, Alice and Gary were lovers long before she introduced him to Olivia. The plan was for Gary to marry Olivia, and that way, he would have access to her property, and then divorce her. However, Olivia was a very smart woman. She came up with a prenuptial agreement that stated that all properties were solely hers until her death. With this, Gary didn’t stand a chance of getting anything if they got divorced.

Hence, the only way out was to have Olivia dead. So, Gary and Alice came up with an evil plan. For months, Alice was poisoning her best friend; she put a substance into her cup of black coffee every morning. Since it was slow poison, Olivia didn’t show any symptoms until she suddenly slumped down at work. Gary and Alice also connected with the doctor to change the autopsy results. They hired a lawyer to change Olivia’s will to just favor them.

When Alice was done confessing, the whole room fell silent. Everybody was shocked; it felt like they had just seen a movie. Someone alerted the police, and all the culprits were arrested. Olivia was laid to rest, and David, now very wealthy, lived with his mother’s family.

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