Gospel Songs
No One By Mr unity [Download]

No One By Mr unity [Download]
Fast Rising Gospel Minister, Mr Unity Mind blowing Crooner has allegedly dropped another spirit lifting Song, which defines God’s Sovereignty and his supremacy
The Song is titled (No One) which simply means there is no one Like Our God the maker of Heaven And Earth.
Stay blessed and inspired as you listen to the song.
Intro: (speaking in tongues)
power pass power, God’s power supreme there is nor compare to his, demons bow, tongue confess by the mention of his name.power pass power, God’s power supreme there is nor compare to his, demons bow, tongue confess by the mention of his name.
Chorus: Who is powerful like our God, No, No, one. No, No, one Who is Might like our God, No, No, one. No, No, one Who is Might like our God No, No, one. No, No, one.
Verse Two; Jesus you are the risen Christ, you are the beginning and the end, abba Father, the son of God, No one is like you from eternity to eternity.. (speaking in tongues)Who is Might like our God, No, No, one. No, No, one Who is Might like our God No, No, one. No, No, one.