My Mother Has Warned Me Not To Get Pregnant For My Husband Because

From the very beginning, my mother was determined for me to marry a certain man due to his wealth. I told her politely, “I can’t marry this man. I don’t love him and I can’t see myself marrying someone I don’t love.

Besides, he’s much older than I am. I can’t marry him.” She insisted and did everything in her power to make me settle with that man, but I resisted her pressure. When the time was right, I introduced the man I wanted to marry to her, and that’s when the issues began.
She refused to accept us, declaring that she wouldn’t agree to our marriage. My dad, however, was supportive. He was happy for me and encouraged me to go ahead with the marriage. My parents are divorced and have been living apart for a long time.
With encouragement from my dad, siblings, and our pastor, we decided to proceed with the wedding. Eventually, my mom came around and even offered to sew my wedding dress and other costumes. We set a date for the wedding, but delays from her end forced us to postpone it. We fixed another date, and as it approached, she claimed to……Read Full Story Here……………….