My Husband Was In The Mood But I Denied Him Access To My Body –
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My Husband Was In The Mood But I Denied Him Access To My Body

I was nineteen when Yuri came to the village to ask for my hand in marriage. My parents had arranged everything but they did not force him on me. I knew about him but I did not get the chance to know him properly before the marriage ceremony.

When he came to talk to me he asked if I had any reservations about our impending nuptials. All I said was, “I don’t want to marry a man who takes snuff. The smell puts me off.” He smiled and said, “Then I am your man. You don’t have to worry about me doing snuff because I don’t like it.

That was all I required so it was fine with me that he did not have that problem. Immediately after we got married, I discovered that my husband had scammed me into the marriage. This man was just sniffing snuff all over the house.

I couldn’t stand the smell, nor could I stand him. I felt deceived and cheated somehow. Out of disappointment I packed my bags and tried to return to my family in the village but my mother objected to it. “This is your…..Read Full Story Here…………………..

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