I was Warned not to Marry him, Now his Side-Chick has Used a Charm on him that his Sucking my Blood Gradually – Woman Shares Touching story

I was Warned not to Marry him, Now his Side-Chick has Used a Charm on him that his Sucking my Blood Gradually – Woman Shares Touching story
A Nigerian Lady has this touching story to share. See her story:
My name is Mrs Olabanke (not same in picture) I am a gentle and respectable woman in my area. I am married to my husband and our marriage is just 5 years. Shocking as just after our honeymoon, my husband just changed suddenly from what I knew to what I dont know.
He would bring in series of women to our home and sleep with them on our matrimonial bed right in front of me. I kept receiving this insult just to keep my marriage. I never reported to any of our family members because we promised never to allow third party in our home.
After having the rubbish with the strange women he would come back to beat me black and blue. I will still cover the wounds with make up to avoid unnecessary questions from friends and colleagues. Last month my husband traveled to Benin for a job because he is a building contractor, before leaving the house he said he would spend up to 3 weeks before returning I agreed and kissed him as if we were the best couple.
My husband spent up to 2 months there and I was ever faithful to him. Not knowing that he was with another woman after the completion of the Job. I knew about this because the woman called to tell me that my husband has been speaking of me that I am a stubborn woman who won’t allow any woman share him. I later blacklisted her number then my husband came home after the whole charade and entered the house late and drunk, he pushed me on the chair and raped me because I wouldn’t call that consensual.
Ever since then, I have been so sick and getting Lean. After visiting hospitals, I went out for spiritual help and I was told one of his concubine has used a charm on him and that has affected my health. I have been adviced not to leave his house at all not to talk of sleeping outside his home for 3days because It could lead to my death.
Now that am sick I kept remembering the vision that I received that if I marry him I would have problems leading to death but out of love I ignored the prophet. Please I need advice some of my colleagues are saying I should visit prayer City for solution or redemption camp, but am scared because stay out for 3days could lead to my death please help me as I keep getting Lean daily.