I Spent the Weekend with him. All of a Sudden Something Happened – Legitpost.com.ng
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I Spent the Weekend with him. All of a Sudden Something Happened

We met in school. Young love with the desire to grow into something great. He told me I was the best thing that happened to him. I told him he should hold my hand until we walked the aisle. We were in school so the expectations we had from each other were low. I didn’t expect him to take care of me but he did his best.

He would take me to programs and pay for it. When he had money, he took me out and had fun. On my part, I gave him gifts and the gifts of self. I celebrated him every day and showed him off to the world. He was an engineering student. His course was tough. He had to learn every day and had projects he was always doing but he never put me on the side. He made time for me and made time for our love.

During graduation when my parents came around, I introduced him to them as the man who helped me through it all. I didn’t say he was my boyfriend but after the introduction, my mom said, “This your husband is very calm. I hope he’s just as…….Read Full Story Here………………..

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