I Caught My Mom With Her Lover and Told Dad, He Ended up Stabbing her Bcos of Me – Lady Shares – Legitpost.com.ng
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I Caught My Mom With Her Lover and Told Dad, He Ended up Stabbing her Bcos of Me – Lady Shares

An anonymous Nigerian lady has regretted exposing her mom as it has now scattered the entire family because her dad ended up stabbing the mom.

According to her:

I want to be anonymous because I really regret what I did. I feel terrible right now. I am 17.

About 6 months ago I caught my mom with a man, I have never seen her in such a way before so I was shocked as I didn’t expect such from my mom.

That day I was in my friend’s area and am so sure my mum did not know I was in that area, she came there with a man who was hugging, kissing and caressing her by his car in their compound. I saw her from her distance and knew she was the one. I tried to go close but there was no way.

I would have kept quiet but I am not the keeping quiet type so I rushed home that evening and told my dad. As soon as my mum came back home, we were only hearing shouts in the room. I think my Dad was asking her to show him her phone let him read all the messages and chats but she refused I think.

It lasted for about 1 hour and then there was silence. We were all in the parlour because their room door was locked. The next thing we saw was my dad carrying on out and rushing to his car. As they were arguing and dragging the phone, he stabbed her around the shoulder close to the chest and she was bleeding seriously.

I thank God she is alive but she has been in the hospital since then for about 6 months now. Everybody is blaming me and seriously I regret my life. As I speak now, I had to run away from home because some of my mum’s people came and threatened to kill me that I am a witch and an evil child. Me that I thought I was helping my mum and saving her home.

I really regret my actions but what she did was bad too and how was I supposed to help her if not by telling my dad to caution her

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