Husband of The Year: Nigerian man Cook Pounded Yam and soup for his Wife who just put to birth (Video)

Heartwarming video of a Nigerian man preparing a delectable meal for his pregnant wife has gone viral on Tiktok, stirring the emotions of many.
In the video, the young man is shown sitting on a stool and placing yam pieces into a mortar. He pounds the yam gently until he finishes the entire batch.

Afterwards, he went to the kitchen in excitement to prepare soup. He congratulate his wife for delivering a baby girl.

In his video, titled “Cooking for my wife after safe delivery,” he received praise from many people for taking care of his wife. They acknowledged that not all men are capable of doing what he did, showing that he truly cares for his wife.

@priscilla: That’s sweet of you. Now tell me how Prayer nor go work for your head if your woman lays her hand on your head to pray for you? 😊
To all the supportive and responsible husbands and fathers, God bless una oooo. May God prosper y’all in every aspect of your lives.👏❤️
As you may be aware, ladies joined the men in praising the young man after watching the video. They acknowledged that all women deserve the kind of caring man he displayed.
@tia: This is beautiful 😍😍. Every woman deserve this treat everyday! Every minute! Every second!. We love to be loved.
Watch Video Below: