3-Year-Old Strangely Passes While Being Babysat, Then Mom Has Figured It Out

“Three-year-old strangely passes while being babysat. Then Mom has figured it out. [Music]
There is nothing more painful than losing a loved one, no matter how much time passes or what things we do. We will never forget the person we have lost, and we will always feel a huge emptiness in our hearts.
However, although the pain does not stop, there are ways to use it and turn it into something useful for us and other people, to make our pain The Cure of others is complicated but possible, and in our story today, we’ll be lucky to be able to prove it.

She had to give up her design studies in college to focus on motherhood while John, who is three years her senior, was finishing his final months of a career as an industrial engineer.
Sierra Greenlee and her husband, John, lived a quiet family life in Oregon with their only daughter, Arya. Just three years old when Sierra became pregnant at the age of 21, her life changed completely.
John asked her to marry him two months after knowing they were going to become parents. Of course, Sierra accepted, and they planned a small wedding that would take place two months before the birth of little Arya. The ceremony was very simple, held outdoors, and only their closest family and friends attended.
Everything went very fast. Sierra and her husband’s life kept changing by the minute, and it would change even more with the arrival of their first daughter. But none of that seemed to affect them. The more they advanced in their relationship, the closer to the moment of becoming parents came, the more united they felt, and the more in love they were.
“You don’t know how happy you’ve made me, Sierra. I’ll be the best husband and father I can. I will strive every day not to let you down, I promise you my love,” John told his wife the day Arya was born.
“I know you’ll never leave me alone, John. This child will have the best father possible, I’m sure of it. I love you,” said an emotional Sierra, holding her baby in her arms.
Little Arya was born one hot August night, seemingly healthy and full of life. She was a beautiful white-skinned baby girl, weighing barely two kilos, with big green eyes that would light up her parents’ lives forever. Or at least that’s what everyone thought.
When Arya turned two years old, a major economic crisis caused hundreds of companies across the country to make massive layoffs of their employees at all levels. Leaving Sierra’s husband unemployed and with no expectation of finding a new job soon.
Months went by, and John still couldn’t find a job as an engineer, which ended up plunging him into deep depression. Given his situation and seeing that things were only getting worse, Sierra took the drastic decision to look for a job in order to be able to face their debts, which had been accumulating for months and threatened to endanger the safety of their family in the home in which they lived.
“If you don’t want to work, I will. Our daughter needs us, John. I don’t care if I have to work at a gas station, I’ll do what it takes to take care of our family. I know you’re having a hard time, but Arya can’t wait for you to recover, and neither can the household bills. I’m going to sacrifice for both of us,” Sierra told her husband the night she made the decision to start working.
A few weeks later, Sierra started working in a small warehouse dedicated to packing goods. It wasn’t her dream job, let alone what she had studied for, but it allowed them to pay all the bills and live a decent life. For his part, John started going to therapy to try to overcome the depression he was going through, and Arya started with a nanny while Sierra worked.
A year later, just as things were starting to look up for them, fate turned against them again, taking away the one thing they loved most: their daughter. Sierra and her husband received the worst news you can give a parent when, in the early morning hours of March 12, two years ago, their little Arya died suddenly at the age of three.
Arya’s death was completely devastating to the marriage and ended up causing their divorce, as they were unable to cope with the pain the loss of their daughter caused them. Sierra couldn’t believe her little angel was gone. Arya was the reason for her existence, and now she was not there. She watched her die before her eyes and could do nothing to save her. The pain, the memory of her daughter, caused her to be unable to move on with her life, and she fell into a deep and long depression from which no one was able to pull her out.
“My life has stopped making sense. If my Arya can’t be with me, why do I want to go on living?” Sierra said to all her family and friends who tried to encourage her and get her to leave the house to try to resume her life.
Since Arya’s death, Sierra Greenlee has spent the last months of her life wandering blindly in the dark. In fact, she’s arguably still living the worst nightmare of her life. Nothing and no one seemed to be able to get her out of that state of depression. It took a long time, but finally, something did get Sierra to snap out of it and want to live again. Her older sister found a support group where other parents shared their grief over losing their children. Sierra decided to attend one of their sessions, and it turned out to be the best decision of her life.
There, she found the comfort that none of her friends and family could give her because none of them had lost a child. Instead, everyone who attended those meetings had. There, she didn’t have to pretend she wasn’t suffering or hide her tears to appear stronger.
She found peace listening to the pain of others who, like her, still deeply missed their children. Listening to their stories gave her the strength to, for the first time, share the story of Arya’s death and share her feelings. There, she made new friends with whom she began to feel really comfortable, especially with another mother who was the same age as her and had also lost her son to childhood leukemia. Her name was Angeline.
With her, Sierra felt that the pain was lighter. It was a real blessing to meet her and the other members of the bereavement support group. And it was because of Angeline and the rest of the support group that Sierra made the important decision to start sharing the story of Arya’s death with the rest of the world. She understood that by sharing her story, she could also reach out to help others who were grieving and totally lost in the pain of losing a child. She was determined to help others and decided to do so through the use of social media, as this would ensure she would have a wide enough audience and get her message out as far as possible.
And so she did. Specifically, on the evening of September 17, 2022, that was the moment when Sierra Greenlee felt ready to share her daughter’s tragic story with the rest of the world. And she did so in hopes of saving other children’s lives and helping other parents on their journey to overcome such a painful loss. Sierra used Facebook to document the terrible tragedy that had befallen her and her family.
“I’ve avoided this post for a while. It is long, but I ask for your patience. I promise you that what I have to tell you is important. Today, I would like to share with you the worst night of my life. I want you to know that I’m writing this not because I want your pity, but because I would like to inform you about a topic that is very important and that nobody really thinks about. I didn’t either, and it’s logical because no one believes that your child can die suddenly at only three years old,” Sierra wrote at the beginning of her post.
In the post, she explained in great detail what happened the night little Arya left this world. She had never explained it before, let alone to thousands of strangers. But that day, she felt strong and needed to share with everyone. It all started when Sierra finished working at the warehouse and went to pick up her daughter from the nanny’s house.
Since she worked shifts and had to work all night that day, it was already early in the morning when she arrived to pick her up. Arya seemed to be sleeping while the nanny took her to the car. It wasn’t the first time this had happened, so Sierra was not surprised to see her sleeping soundly and didn’t want to disturb her. Sierra joked with the nanny at first as she asked whether or not Arya was breathing.
But quickly realized it wasn’t a joke. She went from laughter to fear in a matter of seconds and had a panic attack when she put her hand on Arya’s chest and felt no movement. Her daughter had stopped breathing, and she had no idea how long she might have been in that state. With her heart in her mouth, she rushed into the house to begin CPR. At the same time, the nanny called for an ambulance, screaming for them to get there as fast as they could.
Sierra didn’t stop for a moment. She kept trying to resuscitate her little girl for minutes until the emergency services arrived. But it was too late, as she explains: “They were the worst minutes of my life, and I’ll never forget them. In my head, I knew I had to stay calm, but I couldn’t. I was yelling at my sitter and trying to think about doing chest compressions and breathing, and I was freaking out the whole time,” she continued to explain in her post.
The next hour became a downward spiral that took Sierra to a place she didn’t even know existed. For the next hour, as they desperately tried to bring my baby back to me, I called my parents and my husband. I paced, cried, and prayed all at the same time. At times, I felt like an outsider watching this horrible event unfold. I’d always had these nightmares, but it wasn’t supposed to happen to me. It was the most surreal moment of my life,” Sierra explained in her emotional post.
Finally, Arya was transported to the hospital by ambulance, while Sierra followed in her own car. There, she received the news no mother should ever have to hear: “We did everything we could, but unfortunately, we couldn’t resuscitate her.” Sierra was in shock and unable to assimilate what the doctors had just told her. Later, she was taken to see her daughter’s lifeless body.
Arya looked so small in the hospital bed, and her mother could do nothing but curl up next to her. That warmth had left her small body. At that point, it was still unclear what had killed the three-year-old, and both the doctors and Sierra had to ponder the question: What had happened? After running tests, doctors discovered the cause: Arya had undiagnosed type 1 diabetes.
As Sierra explained in her post, detecting diabetes in young children can be very difficult, and often neither parents nor doctors are able to detect the symptoms early. The classic signs that a child has type 1 diabetes are fatigue, excessive thirst, urinating more than usual, and weight loss. Of course, it’s not always easy to detect these things in context. In Arya’s case, her parents never had any reason to suspect that something was wrong with their little girl’s body. And by the time they could do something for her, it was too late.
Precisely for that reason, Sierra wrote that post and shared the worst moment of her life: to warn others of the consequences of undiscovered type 1 diabetes and to explain what the main symptoms were that could alert a child suffering from it. Through her post, she wanted to make an appeal to all parents: “I urge you to ask your children’s pediatrician to test them for childhood diabetes. I ask you to be aware of the signs and symptoms of it.” Sierra ended by writing, “Sadly, little Arya’s life could not be saved, but that does not mean that her death had to be in vain.”
After publishing her first post, Sierra set out to raise awareness among parents about childhood diabetes and how they could detect it early to prevent their children from having to go through what her little Arya went through. The memory of her daughter gave her the strength to get up every day and save other children. And although she knew the pain she felt for her loss would never go away, she felt that by helping all those parents, her life had a new meaning again.