He Always Gave Money to this Beggar. When he Met him again, he was Taken by Surprise

Casey and Chris: When this woman named Casey is drinking coffee in a cafe and looking across the street, she sees a beggar collecting coins from the ground that he has dropped. These are probably coins that passersby have given him.
Casey thinks, then the man enters the cafe and counts how many coins he has. He looks disappointed when he realizes that it isn’t enough for a cup of coffee. Casey decides to help him and offers the man a coffee and a sandwich. The man is hungry and accepts her offer.
Once the man has his sandwich and a coffee, he sits down. Casey, however, asks if he would like to sit with her at the table. After all, she’s alone, and there’s enough space at her table. The man looks surprised but accepts her offer and sits down with her.
He introduces himself; his name is Chris. He tells Casey the reason why he begs on the street: as a child, he was abused at home and he ran away at a young age. People never accepted him, and he wasn’t treated well on the street either.
Casey wishes to talk more, but her next lecture is about to begin. She’s impressed by the man’s story and feels guilty that she has to leave him. Chris reassures her and tells her that he will never forget this moment. He also picks up a note and writes a short message on it. He gives the note to Casey and says goodbye to her.
She opens the note as soon as she gets outside. It states that Chris had given up on life, but he has regained hope for a better future because of this conversation. Casey is touched and very happy that she had a chat with him.
She realizes all the more that you should never judge anyone by their looks. Old man, not words, but deeds reveal what kind of a person you are. It’s gratifying to do something for someone who needs help. This doesn’t have to be something big, and sometimes the slightest gesture is everything a person desires at that moment.
An old poor man decides one day to go for a walk in one of the most beautiful districts of a city, Washington. He puts on his most beautiful clothes and sets off. During his walk, he sees many beautiful things, including a large house with a beautiful garden. The gate of the garden is open, and he looks around the corner.
In the garden of the villa, he sees a young man; he is dressed nicely, and the old man decides to greet him and compliment him on his house. The young man laughs and thanks him and quickly turns around again, away from the old man.
But when the old man asked him if he has something for him, like something small to eat, the young man walks up to the old man. The old man indicates that he doesn’t need any money, but maybe the young man has some food left over or something else small he can spare.
The resident decides to go back inside; by now, his smile has disappeared from his face. He isn’t pleased with the old man’s question; after all, he works hard for his money and is paid for everything he owns. And now a poor man comes begging for food; if he could find a job, he wouldn’t have to ask for anything.
He decides to look for a present, something the old man will remember for a long time. The resident puts his bag of waste in a basket and covers it with a silk scarf. He writes a note that the old man shouldn’t come to beg again.
He puts the message in the basket. As soon as the resident arrives at the gate, he gives the basket to the old gentleman. He politely thanks him and goes back to his own house filled with hope. There he opens the basket and sees the rubbish and the note. Disappointed, he throws away the trash and the message.
Then he cuts the most beautiful flowers from his garden and puts those in the basket. He also fills the basket with fruit and even more treats. With the basket, he goes back to the rich man’s house. When he rings the doorbell and the resident opens the door, he notices that the resident isn’t happy.
The young man says that he doesn’t have anything for him and that he really must stop begging. When the old man says he has come back to return the basket, the resident is amazed. “What basket? What do you mean? I don’t need anything from you.” But as soon as he opens the basket and sees the flowers and food, he is stunned.
The old man says, “Everyone gave us what he carries in his heart. Sometimes a small gesture can make all the difference.” The old man returns home, feeling lucky that he could share something beautiful with someone else.
Saul and Frank: Some stories bring hope in tough times, and the story I’m about to tell you is one of those. Everyone has difficult moments, but for some people, life is just awful. They only see one way out, and that’s begging in the streets to make ends meet, waiting for the end to come. And sometimes the smallest gesture could provide a glimpse of hope.
Saul is a young man studying to be a lawyer. During the holiday months, he works extra to pay for his expensive studies. Close to work in a busy place in New York, he always likes to buy lunch during the breaks.
The sandwiches are delicious and not too expensive; it’s the perfect snack to continue working on afterwards. There are also many beggars along the road where the sandwich bar is located; this is, of course, due to the hustle and bustle.
They have a better chance of getting some money from people who walk around, and at the sandwich bar, you can only pay with cash, and that’s precisely what beggars like Frank need.
Frank is always seated in the same place on the edge of the road near the sandwich bar. This is where most people are, and where he prefers to be. Very few people ever give him anything except Saul.
He feels sorry for the begging man and thinks it’s a small effort to give his change to Frank. Saul also greets him kindly every day, something Frank doesn’t often experience. People often don’t like beggars; people think you’re pathetic and you should look for a job. People don’t realize that Frank is not doing well; he is not healthy, both physically and mentally, and because of this, he cannot work.
As a child, he was unwanted by his parents, and he never really recovered from this. He feels like he isn’t needed anywhere, and his only way out is begging. But people like Saul keep him alive. He and Frank start talking more often, and they decide to grab a bite together. It’s a pleasant experience, and the two of them become friends. Frank tells Saul all that is happening in his life and why he isn’t well. The two can spend hours together and share beautiful but also less pleasant stories.
One day during his lunch break, Saul realizes that he has forgotten his coins. He walks to the nearest ATM, but unfortunately, that one doesn’t work. To his disappointment, Saul is now unable to get a sandwich, nor can he provide his friend Frank with a few coins.
He decides to go back to work and skip lunch. But when he walks past the sandwich bar, the person working there approaches him. They recognize Saul and offer him a free hamburger. They like him very much and know that he is a regular visitor and that he is the only one who gives Frank some money. Saul decides to share the hamburger with Frank. This allows the two of them to enjoy lunch together and catch up.
The third month of work has now been completed, and Saul must return to Pennsylvania to continue his studies there.
On the day he says goodbye to Frank, both men are sad but hope to see each other again. Five years later, Saul has graduated and returned to New York. He now works full-time as a lawyer here, and one day he decides to sit down and work in a coffee shop. And then something unexpected happens…

July 19, 2023 at 9:46 pm
it is nice to help people in need and to put a smile on someone’s face.And knowing there will be someone out there praying for you