He Was Abandoned For Having Giant Jaw But His Wife Proved Love Is Blind

“Cancer is surely one of those medical cases that has been known to pose serious threats to human health. The fact that cancer can simply emerge from almost anywhere in the body, even in rare cases, goes further to show how serious it is.
Today’s story is about an Argentinian man who developed a tumor around his ear and cheek area, disfiguring and forming a huge lump on one part of his face. Also, if you haven’t done so already, please subscribe to our channel and click that notification bell to get inspired by these real-life stories every day. Now, back to the story.
Sebastian Alejandro Amuren D’Amico first discovered his growing tumor in 2014. Living in the city of Moreno in Argentina, Sebastian was in his teen years when he realized something was growing on his face.
In 2014, he started to feel a lump in his right jaw. He thought it was a pimple, but it kept growing, so he had a consultation at Ramos Mejia Hospital. There, they decided to do a biopsy. In January 2015, he received the results, and all the data conclusively confirmed that he had this cancer, Sebastian told the local media.
The results of the test carried out would confirm that the young man had a rare case of rhabdomyosarcoma or RMS. This is not only an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer but also one that only affects 0.5% of patients with a malignant lump.
For Sebastian, the news of this kind of cancer surely felt like a shock, especially since he only believed he had a pimple until it started getting bigger and bigger. The tumor would eventually fully develop and leave Sebastian with a huge lump around his ear area connecting to his cheek.
With the way things were looking, Sebastian immediately took to frequent doctor visits to try and understand what was happening to him and find a possible solution. However, because the case was so rare, most of the doctors he visited didn’t have the right plan for him or simply didn’t believe it was easy to remove the tumor.
Later, in 2018, Sebastian underwent surgery to remove the tumor and get his face back to normal. The surgery was successful in removing most of the tumor, and his face did go back to normal. However, something happened that Sebastian didn’t quite understand. It only took a while for the same part of his face to start growing again. At this point, it was clear that the cancer had returned.
Mostly, this was due to its aggressive nature, as well as the possibility of remnant tumors growing rapidly. Given his history with the cancer, which started almost like nothing was wrong with him until the lump came up, the possibility of regrowth could not be left out.
With this new development, Sebastian sought another doctor and proceeded to undergo radiotherapy. “I spoke to another doctor and started doing radiotherapy, but I had to leave because of a lot of toxicity. In the seventh session, I had to stop because of the pain,” Sebastian said. The radiotherapy treatment didn’t work as well as Sebastian had expected, and he had to stop after dealing with extreme pain resulting from the treatment.
The search for a solution didn’t stop there for Sebastian. He continued to go from hospital to hospital and reached out to several doctors regarding his case. However, even after undergoing surgery, the tumor returned, and most doctors couldn’t understand why. Sebastian also considered traveling outside of Argentina to the United States for specialist care, but the COVID-19 pandemic hampered his plans with widespread lockdowns and border closures.
In 2019, Sebastian took his story to Instagram, where he managed to amass over 19,000 followers to talk about his case and seek donations to help fund his bid for treatment overseas. The campaign successfully yielded results, with his followers generously donating almost three thousand dollars.
After several attempts to get his case taken up and the setback of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sebastian received a ray of hope when he was contacted by a doctor named Eduardo Souza. Dr. Souza expressed interest in his case and offered to examine him and develop an intervention plan to permanently remove the tumors and prevent further regrowth, all for free.
“I am very happy with this opportunity. I am proud to know that there are surgeons who dare to do the operation,” Sebastian said. Now, it remains to be seen if Dr. Souza can find a permanent solution to Sebastian’s case and prevent a recurrence, as with the previous surgery in 2018.
Throughout his journey in the search for treatment, Sebastian wasn’t alone and had a supportive wife helping him every step of the way. Sebastian is married, and his wife has expressed her love and support for him despite his facial disfigurement.
Sebastian has surely had his fair share of struggles with cancer, especially with doctors not willing to take a chance and look into his case, which he initially knew nothing about. Not to mention the false hope he must have had when he first went through surgery to remove the tumor and get rid of the cancerous cells, only to develop the lump all over again. He’ll surely be hoping that Dr. Eduardo Souza can come forward with a complete treatment plan that deals with the cancer and the lump without the ordeal of recurrence.
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a rare type of cancer that affects muscle tissue. It is found in children and adolescents and can occur anywhere in the body, but it usually affects the head and neck, arms and legs, and urinary and reproductive organs. It is very rare, with only 500 people diagnosed yearly in the United States. The cancer also comes in several types based on the organs or parts of the body affected, including embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma, alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma, and others.
There are no known causes of rhabdomyosarcoma, and symptoms can vary depending on the location of the tumor. One common symptom is the development of a lump that continues to grow. Other symptoms may include bleeding from various body parts, trouble urinating, and headaches. Diagnosis can be done through tests such as biopsy, X-rays, MRI, and CT scans.
Treatment options for rhabdomyosarcoma include chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. The choice of treatment depends on the type and stage of the cancer.
However, the aggressive nature of the cancer can sometimes make surgical removal challenging, as in Sebastian’s case.