Couple Adopts These Triplets, Then the Doctors Discovered Something That Left Them in Shock

Andy and Sarah were over the moon when they adopted a pair of triplets, but just a week later, doctors discovered something that left them in shock. When Andy and Sarah met, it wasn’t a cliche love-at-first-sight kind of relationship. They were friends for a while before they transitioned into boyfriend and girlfriend.
For this reason, their relationship was amazing from the start since they had gotten to know each other well and knew they had many values in common. The trust, companionship, and wonderful communication they gained through their friendship were the pillar of their intimate, solid, and successful marriage. If you saw them, you could tell that Andy and Sarah were madly in love with each other even after several years of marriage.
But as much as they were in love and were happy, they also had their own problems. The couple loved and adored kids and had been trying to have one. They had waited a year after their marriage before trying for babies; this was a decision they both reached to give themselves room to love each other exclusively and settle into married life. Little did they know they’d be waiting for a long time. After a few months of trying to conceive, they decided to see a doctor.
But as they sat there in the doctor’s office and listened to what he had to say to them, it was clear they would have to wait a really long time before having their own babies. They had hoped that the doctor would have a solution to their problem, but instead, he diagnosed them with unexplained infertility, news that broke their hearts. The months that followed after their visit to the hospital were long and dreary.
Before, they used to talk endlessly about the babies they would have and how they would love them. They had even decided on how many babies they would have and the names they would give them. Now all they did was grieve about the absence of kids in their lives. They felt so hopeless that they didn’t even bother to honor subsequent appointments with the doctor. For a few months, they continued like that until they started reading inspirational stories about couples who finally had kids after waiting for a long time. Some of their friends had recommended this in a bid to comfort and inspire them, and it truly did.
They started visiting the hospital again, and they learned that unexplained infertility didn’t mean that they would never have children, only that the doctors couldn’t say why they couldn’t have them yet. They were told that they still had a great chance at having kids. Now filled with hope, the couple began trying again. They were more intentional than before, but no matter how much they tried, the outcome wasn’t forthcoming. Once again, they were caught in a seemingly endless cycle of struggle and perseverance. Intimacy between them that used to be so much fun and thrilling became a chore, so they finally decided to stop trying and they just accepted their fate.
“We finally gave up, yes we did. We decided to accept life the way it is, understanding that there are certain situations we cannot control, no matter how hard we try. We had been sad for so long over our inability to have a child, so we decided it was time to give happiness a try. It was a decision that changed our lives,” Sarah shared.
In the following weeks, the couple was much happier. They found strength in accepting that they may never have a child. “It’s much better to be happy than sad when you’re already in a bad situation. There’s so much closure and peace in accepting the situation you find yourself in. We’re not happy that we couldn’t have kids, but we stopped letting it affect who we were as individuals and as a couple,” Andy stated.
Although they accepted that they may never have biological kids, they didn’t rule out having kids, so they began considering other options. Since their doctor had still not found any cause to explain their infertility, the only options available to them were IVF and adoption. Unfortunately, tests carried out showed that the couple didn’t have a strong chance of conceiving through IVF, so they were left with adoption, which they happily accepted.
It wasn’t long before they were matched with a woman who wanted to give up her unborn baby for adoption. Her name was Lizzy. Lizzy was a lovely woman, and everything about her just felt right. Andy and Sarah were sure that they had made the best decision in choosing Lizzy.
“When you watch a movie or read a book about adoption, you would see all sorts of negative reviews. It made us scared and a little skeptical at first, but everything changed when we met Lizzy,” Andy shared. “Lizzy understood our situation and didn’t make us feel bad about it. She was warm and welcoming. There were times when I wondered if I would be a good mother to the baby as she would,” Sarah admitted her fears. Still, she pushed on despite it because she knew what she wanted.
The couple started going for antenatal appointments with Lizzy immediately after they were introduced. They showed great excitement and interest in the welfare of Lizzy and the baby she was carrying. For that reason, Lizzy felt confident that she had chosen the right people to raise her baby. It wasn’t even the second trimester yet, and the couple was already shopping for gender-neutral baby stuff like a crib, diapers, a diaper bag, and mittens. They had also started talking about what color the baby’s room would be and if it would be a girl or a boy.
But soon enough, they would realize that they should have waited longer before buying things or making some decisions. In the second trimester of Lizzy’s pregnancy, the couple went with her for her ultrasound appointment, and there they got a very big surprise.
“We thought we were adopting a baby, but the most shocking thing happened that afternoon when we went for the ultrasound,” Sarah said.
The ultrasound revealed that Lizzy was carrying triplets. No one had suspected it. Andy and Sarah, who were expecting a baby, now had three, and they were delighted. They had always wanted a big family. “The more, the merrier. More children just means more love to give, and I couldn’t be happier,” Andy said.
The pregnancy period progressed smoothly, but in the 36th week, Andy and Sarah received a frightening call. Lizzy had gone into labor a little earlier than expected, and she had been rushed to the hospital. Wasting no time, the couple hurried to the health center where the doctors assured them everything would be all right.
About 40 minutes later, the triplets were safely delivered. The doctor came out with the good news and ushered the couple in to see the babies. “They were so beautiful, all three of them, and we immediately fell in love with them,” Sarah recounted.
In the days that followed, the couple spent time looking after the babies. They did everything possible to ensure that they were comfortable. Andy and Sarah were in the best moods, and they were truly happy. But nothing at all could have prepared them for what they would learn a week later.
A few days after the birth of the triplets, Sarah suddenly fell sick. She was often exhausted and nauseous. At first, the couple thought it was fatigue from baby duties, but it got worse because she started to vomit. So they decided they’d visit the hospital for a checkup.
At the hospital, the doctors ran a couple of tests on Sarah. When the results were ready, they were called into the office. According to the couple, the conversation went like this:
“How long have you known, Mrs. Justice?” asked the doctor.
“No, what, Doctor?” Sarah replied.
“About your situation. It’s almost two months now,” the doctor answered.
At this point, the couple was scared and impatient. The doctor saw the look on their faces and broke the shocking news.
“You’re pregnant. Congratulations,” he said.
That surprise couple! The joy that filled the room in that instant was inexplicable. Sarah sat crying like a baby while Andy was on his feet, and his hands covered his mouth. They were happy and shocked at the same time.
“Life can be pretty funny. One day you’re looking for a baby, the next you have four. That’s just so amazing,” Andy shared.
A few weeks later, they went for an ultrasound and discovered that Sarah was with twins. It was impossible to contain their joy. At this point, they called their families and told them the good news. The barren couple were going to become a family of seven. Well-wishers flooded in from everywhere to help with whatever the couple needed.
“Being pregnant with twins while caring for the triplets wasn’t easy. I needed and appreciated all the help of God,” Sarah said.
When asked if they would have adopted the triplets if they had known they would have twins, Andy said yes. “Every child is a gift from God. Maybe the twins would never come if we didn’t adopt the triplets. We loved all our children equally.”
In due time, Sarah gave birth to their twins, but it didn’t even end there. Two years later, she got pregnant again and gave birth to a baby boy. Isn’t that just so amazing?
Andy and Sarah, who had started their story with tears and pain, eventually got the smile at last. “I am so happy for them,” you might say. What do you think about this story? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Thank you for watching, and see you next time.