Fews Months To Our Wedding, He Invited Me to Spend Nights In His House, But I Refused Not Knowing That

Biodun had confidence that she had her man right where she wanted him to be: in her total control. ‘At this point, no one can take him from me, not even Jezebel herself ’, she must have thought to herself. The wedding bell was already ringing very loud, it just remained two months or more for her to become his legal wife.
The wedding preparations were already in full gear. Their pre-wedding pictures were already well displayed for all to see who had been taken, oh! Not forgetting the joy of both parents seeing their children making that right decision to walk down the aisle.
But suddenly the temptation came, the groom to be needed his fiancée and she was not available, so he decided to go for his ex. He probably wanted to…..Read Full Story Here.…..