Dog Looked into the Storm Drain Every Day, And when it was Opened PEOPLE were Shocked

In lots of countries, stray dogs are a common occurrence, but it was one dog in particular that fascinated people with his actions. In Turkey, formerly called Turkey (typo, presumably meant “formerly known as Turkey”), a shaggy and dirty stray pup would walk down the street every day, scavenging for any food or water he could find. Despite living on the streets, this dog was actually very friendly and loved to get pets from people passing by.

One day, as the dog was walking down a street in Turkey, he suddenly smelled something delicious. He followed his nose until he found himself standing in front of a butcher’s shop, looking through the window. The dog watched as customers bought large cuts of meat, and just looking at the food made him realize how hungry he was, causing his stomach to growl loudly.
Inside the shop, a young woman named Annie was finishing paying for a couple of large steaks. After she was done, she thanked the butcher and headed out of the shop. As she started walking down the street towards her home, she heard a loud growl and a whimper. Annie turned around to see the stray dog looking back at her with very sad eyes. Seeing the hungry dog, Annie immediately felt bad for him.
Annie looked down at the steaks she had just bought, then marched back into the butcher’s shop and asked for any cut-offs or bones that the man wouldn’t sell. The butcher happily gave her what she wanted. Annie exited the shop and looked around for the stray dog, who was watching her from a distance. She crouched down on the ground and carefully held out the bone she had gotten for him.
At first, the dog was cautious and didn’t want to get too close to Annie, but the longer she held the food out to him, the less the animal could resist, creeping closer to get the meal. Finally, Annie managed to gain enough of the dog’s trust that he started wagging his tail and accepted the large bone from her. However, instead of eating the food right then and there, the dog picked it up and began walking away as if he had somewhere to be. Annie was confused by the dog’s behavior but didn’t question it too much and simply made her way back home.
The next day, Annie was walking down the street and noticed the same stray dog from the previous day. The dog seemed to have noticed her as well and came bounding up to her with his tail wagging. Annie smiled at the dog’s enthusiasm and began to fuss over him. Unfortunately, she had places to be, so she couldn’t spend too much time with the animal. However, she made sure to buy the dog some sausages from a nearby shop. Once again, the dog didn’t eat them right away and instead walked off.
On the third day, Annie once again found the stray dog, and this time it looked like he was waiting for her. Annie had started carrying treats in her bag in the hope of giving them to the poor stray. The young woman smiled as she approached the dog and gave him the treats she had. This time, when the dog turned around and walked away, Annie became curious about his behavior. She decided to follow him.
They eventually came to a busy street, and Annie watched as the shaggy dog made his way over to a storm drain. The dog sat down next to the drain and looked down into it. He then dropped one of the treats that Annie had just given him into it before eating his own. Annie was very confused about the dog’s reaction but not wanting to question it too much. She made her way back home.
For the next few days, Annie would find the dog sitting and staring into the storm drain. Every time she brought the animal some treats, he would drop half of the food into the drain before eating his own share. Annie became so curious about the canine’s behavior that she decided to take a look for herself and see what was so interesting in the drain. She never expected what she found.
Annie crept over to the storm drain, wary of the dog who was standing guard next to it. However, the canine simply watched the young woman curiously. Once Annie was directly above the drain, she looked down into it and gasped at what she saw. Immediately, she reached for her phone and called the fire department. She would definitely be needing their help.
Roughly half an hour later, a couple of firefighters arrived and asked Annie what was wrong. She explained to them what she had seen, and the men quickly got to work. They walked over to the storm drain, but at that moment, the stray dog began to growl at them, causing the firefighters to stop. Annie, knowing the dog’s behavior, reassured him that the men were only there to help.
She then held a treat out to the canine, and when he finally approached her to take it, she grabbed hold of him to keep him away from the drain and the firefighters. With the stray dog out of the way, the firefighters were able to open the storm drain. At this point, a crowd had formed around the firefighters to see what they were doing.
After a few tense minutes, the firefighters finally revealed what the stray dog had been so focused on inside the drain. In one of the firefighter’s arms was a tiny kitten. All of the bystanders were shocked, but that wasn’t the end of it. The firefighters ducked back into the storm drain four more times, each time coming up with another kitten in their arms.
Annie was astounded at what she was witnessing. She knew that something was down there, as she had seen it when she peeked in, but she had no idea that five tiny and adorable kittens had been stuck there. At that moment, the stray dog managed to wriggle his way out of Annie’s arms and bounded over to the firefighters who had the kittens. As soon as the dog saw the small felines, he immediately began to wag his tail and sniff at them. The kittens mewed back at the canine.
Annie walked over to the firefighters and asked them how such young kittens ended up in such a predicament. The firefighters told her that it was likely they were swept into the drain during a heavy rain. Considering that they had been trapped, they weren’t starving. At this piece of information, Annie looked over at the stray dog. She knew that it was thanks to him sharing his food every day that the kittens had survived.
Seeing such a kind act of selflessness, Annie knew what she wanted to do next. She told the firefighters that she would take the kittens home with her to raise them until they were ready to be re-homed. The firefighters agreed and gave the kittens to Annie. The young woman then began to make her way back home but turned around and called out to the stray dog, “Come on, Benny,” she said. “It’s time to go home.”
The canine happily bounded up to her, and Annie looked after all of the kittens and found four of them loving homes when they were old enough to move. She kept one for herself, as she had grown to love them dearly. As for Benny, the shaggy dog, he finally had a home to call his own because Annie had fallen in love with him and couldn’t bear to leave him on the streets after what he had done for the tiny kittens.
The family lived happily together, with neither Fudge the cat nor Benny the slightest bit worried that they would end up on the streets again. Annie loved them too much, and they loved her just as much in return.