While Burying the Beautiful Girl, the Priest Froze as He Noticed One Detail on Her Body

“This priest, Father Francisco, lived in guilt over a mistake he had made. Everyone thought he was happy and fulfilled, but at night he cried himself to sleep. Then one day, a young woman was brought in for burial. A few minutes before the end of the funeral rites, the priest noticed a detail on her body, and what happened next changed his life forever.

Father Francisco was a devoted priest who loved what he did. He liked kids, and whenever they visited the clergy house, he gave them plenty of food and drinks. He also enjoyed taking confessions because he could offer guidance to people in need and speak the words of absolution. His parishioners loved him for his kindness, humility, and generosity. They thought he led a perfect and fulfilling life. But that was far from the truth.
Although Francis liked his job, he didn’t feel like it was his calling. He felt imprisoned, and he knew he would be happier doing something else. He was depressed and cried himself to sleep most nights. None of the congregants knew that he was lonely and that guilt was slowly eating him up. Sadly, all this was because of a mistake Francisco had made in his past.
You see, Francis could never have imagined he would become a clergyman. Two decades prior, he was an atheist, and his name was Charlie. During his days as Charlie, he lived his life to the fullest. Charlie was a successful surgeon, and he was well-respected. He performed several surgeries and saved the lives of many people. Also, many women dated him because of his good looks and great achievements.
During Charlie’s college days, he never had a serious relationship. He always thought he would later find a decent girl whom he would love and marry. However, when he started working, he realized how wrong he had been. He didn’t have time for himself, and most girls only wanted him because of his money. Besides, his friends’ marital life didn’t make him want to settle down. Most of them always complained about their wives as endless nagging, and he didn’t like the way his friends cheated on their wives.
Besides, Charlie wasn’t the best person to be in a relationship with. Whenever girls visited him, some of them stayed longer than three days, overstaying their welcome. And whenever that happened, Charlie would start craving some space. It irked him to think that he would have to spend the rest of his life with just one person. Wouldn’t he get bored? How would he keep looking at the same face for, God knows how long?
So Charlie decided marriage wasn’t for him. He dated different girls, and whenever he got tired of one, he broke up with her and moved on to the next one. Charlie would have continued living his life this way, but one day everything changed after a tragic incident.
That day, Charlie was at work when he suddenly got called to the operating room. Rushing there, he saw his childhood friend Albert carrying his dying son Peter in his arms. The boy had been hit by a reckless driver on his way from school and needed surgery right away.
The little boy’s father asked Charlie to operate on his son, but Charlie told him he wasn’t in the right position to carry out the operation. ‘I cannot do it. I have never operated on a child. I am not a pediatric,’ Charlie said.
At that moment, Albert fell to his knees. ‘We have been friends for decades, and this is the only time I have ever asked you for help. How can you turn me down? You are the only one I can trust with my son’s life. I know you have saved many lives; please save my son too. I trust you,’ he said amidst tears.
Albert’s words touched Charlie’s heart, and he agreed to do the surgery. Unfortunately, things didn’t go well, and Peter died on the operating table. Right there in the surgery room, Charlie wept like a kid who has lost his way. This wasn’t the first time he lost a patient, but this one really broke his heart.
That night, he could barely sleep. When he eventually managed to sleep, he dreamt that a little boy was holding a card with the words ‘Please save me’ written on it. Charlie was haunted, and he couldn’t even bring himself to attend the boy’s funeral.
After the boy’s death, he stopped going to the hospital. Instead, he pulled down his window blinds and locked himself indoors. Three days after the funeral, Charlie heard a knock on the door and went to get it. As soon as he opened the door, someone pushed him, and he landed with a heavy thud on the floor.
He was dizzy for a few seconds, and when he finally opened his eyes, he saw his friend Albert pointing a gun at him. ‘I’m sorry,’ Charlie wept, but Albert screamed at him to shut up. ‘You took away my source of joy. I trusted you, but you couldn’t save my son. His blood is on your hands. My life is now meaningless, and there is no reason to live anymore. You didn’t do your best,’ Albert said, and at that point, he pointed the gun to his head and took his own life, putting an end to his misery.
Charlie screamed so loud before bursting into tears. He knew he could no longer live in his house. Without taking a single shirt with him, he ran into the wild. He stayed there for days and fed on fruits. Then the following week, he went to a monastery, and the priests welcomed him. Charlie felt serving the Lord would help him atone for his sins and overcome his guilt. ‘Here I am to do His will; please accept me,’ Charlie told the priest, and they accepted him.
After serving for years in the seminary, Charlie was ordained a priest and posted to a rural community. From that moment on, he lived his life as Father Francisco. Francisco’s good nature earned them many financial rewards “But he never used them for himself. Instead, he gave the money he could earn to the poor.
He sponsored many kids to school and footed the hospital bills of pregnant women and sick people. But deep down, he was lonely and unhappy. Was he going to continue living his life this way? Well, maybe not because what happened next changed this man’s life.
A family brought a young woman to his church to be buried. During the funeral mass, when the casket was opened so the family could see the woman’s body one last time, Francisco saw something that made him freeze. He noticed that the girl’s body looked healthy, and it didn’t match the information on her death certificate. The family also wrote that an autopsy had been done on her, but he saw no signs of one having been performed.
Just then, Francisco looked in the crowd and saw a familiar face. It was the dead girl’s father-in-law. This man was a pathologist, and years ago, he and Francisco worked in the same hospital. As soon as Francisco looked in his direction, the old man quickly looked away. His reaction was suspicious. Why was he trying not to be seen?
At that moment, Francisco was certain that something wasn’t right. Slowly, he reached into the coffin and held the girl’s hand and tried to feel her pulse. A few seconds later, he got a pause. ‘She is alive!’ Francisco screamed. Just then, the young woman’s husband and father-in-law fled the church.
Francisco called an ambulance, and the young woman was rushed to the hospital. He also called the police, and fortunately, they caught the men and arrested them. As it turned out, the woman’s husband faked her death, while her father-in-law made up a false death certificate. The men did this so they could inherit the young woman’s riches.
Later that weekend, Father Francisco visited the lady in the hospital. As soon as she saw him, she sat up on her bed and thanked him for saving her life. ‘What is your name?’ Francisco asked.
‘Rose,’ she responded with a coy smile. The two spoke for hours, and during the conversation, Rose looked deeply into Francisco’s eyes, like a girl falling in love. Each time she did this, she made the poor man’s heart flutter. The woman’s eyes not only bore appreciation but desire and love.
Francisco also felt drawn to the young and beautiful woman. He felt a strong desire to spend the rest of his life with her. He felt as if he had finally found the missing piece. When Francisco got up to leave, Rose grabbed his hands and kissed them. It was as if she knew what he was feeling, and the kiss was her way of saying, ‘If you come to me, I will follow you.’
That night, Francisco slept peacefully. Saving Rose made him feel as if he had atoned for his sins. He finally felt free and fulfilled. He knew it was time to live the life he had always wanted. The day Rose was discharged, Francisco went to the hospital. When she saw him, she was surprised because he wore different clothes, but she also knew what it meant.
He had chosen to be with her. Francisco didn’t wear his cassock; instead, he wore a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. ‘Father Francisco!’ the beautiful woman screamed and hugged him passionately, and Francisco chuckled. ‘It’s now Charlie,’ he said, and they laughed happily.
Six months later, they got married, and they had a son. Charlie named the boy Peter in honor of his friend’s dead son.