The Bandits Attacked the Old Man, but They Had No Idea He Wasn’t Alone!

One snowy evening, an elderly man named Stepan was riding his snowmobile to his hut deep in the taiga. Suddenly, he saw a small wolf cub. It was running right near the hut, but having noticed the man, rushed into the forest.

Stepan decided that the wolf cub must have gotten separated from the pack. Going into the house, he thought it would be good to feed the little predator. After he ate everything, the predator did not hurry to leave. It was as if he was asking the old man for some more treats. He opened a second jar and fed the animal.
The little wolf was no longer afraid and did not run away. Stepan took him to the hut to warm up. The old man gave the wolf the name Viun. The little wolf lay down near the stove. Later in the evening, when the snowstorm subsided, he went in search of his pack.
Now, when Stepan Romanovich came to his hunting lodge, he always came to visit Viun. One evening, the old man suddenly heard behind the door, which he never locked, a rough male voice. Several men entered the house. The elderly man immediately realized that they had arrived from the places of imprisonment. The bandits ordered the old man to listen to them, or else he would be in trouble.
One of the criminals, for more convincing, hit the grandfather. He, in response, threw himself at the offender, but what could he do. The enemy is much bigger and younger than him. The others came and began to bind the old man, but then a wolf cub suddenly ran into the hut. He growled menacingly and clawed at the leg of one of his assailants. The bandit drew his gun, and a shot rang out. The wolf cub whimpered and rushed away from the hut.
The criminal turned to his buddies with a satisfied grin, but did not have time to make a step. A huge she-wolf appeared in the doorway. It was Viun’s mother who had come to avenge her child. The bandit froze with horror. In an instant, he was defeated by the desperate throw of the enraged beast. The others tried to flee, but the she-wolf blocked their path.
The old man, jumping out of the hut, rushed to the wolf cub. In front of him on the snow wounded friend. The wolf cub was dying. Stepan continued to sit near the bloody body of the wolf. Grief and tears covered his eyes. He knew the wolf cub as a tiny boy. He had once saved him from hunger and cold, but now he could only mourn his faithful friend. The wolf cub had repaid him for his kindness with his life.
Days passed, months flew by. Stepan Romanovich, for some reason known to him, still takes a bowl of food outside and leaves it near the forest, as if hoping that his little wolf cub will one day reappear. He has to live with this pain caused by humans.